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Ecojustice Lawyers are in Court to Protect the Ocean Waters off the Coast of Newfoundland/Labrador from Offshore Oil Drilling

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We’re challenging what we say is a flawed Regional Assessment for proposed drilling in this area. This assessment was conducted unfairly and failed to fully account for the environmental risks of offshore exploratory drilling and the effect this activity would have on the ecology of the area and on our ability to meet vital GHG reduction targets.

The federal government plans to use the Regional Assessment to create a dangerous exemption regulation and plans to use it to waive individual assessments for a slew of exploratory drilling projects.

We take the position that the government cannot rely on this single flawed assessment to exempt all future drilling in the region from much-needed scrutiny under the Impact Assessment Act (IAA). Doing so would also set a dangerous precedent for what kind of industrial activities will or will not be properly assessed in the future.

Protecting the integrity of the IAA is an important objective of our lawsuit. Letters and phone calls from Ecojustice supporters like you played a vital role in persuading lawmakers to pass the strongest possible version of this law – and now we’re working hard on your behalf to ensure it is implemented properly.

Canadians should be able to count on the federal government to properly implement laws like the IAA and protect nature – already under threat on so many fronts.

The Atlantic waters off the east coast of Newfoundland and Labrador are one of the most important marine environments in the world and home to a large amount of ocean life from the endangered cod to humpback whales, corals and sponges.

But oil spills are already uncomfortably commonplace here. For example, in November 2018, the White Rose field offshore production facility spilled 250,000 litres into the ocean and no oil was ever recovered.

These waters have sustained local communities for years and are an important part of local and Indigenous traditions. Livelihoods and the vibrancy of local communities depend on clean, healthy ocean conditions. We must do everything we can to defend them.

Please consider supporting this case, and all of Ecojustice’s efforts to give voice to nature and defend ocean ecosystems, with a special gift today.

And thanks, as always, for standing with us. When we’re going up against governments and oil companies in court, your support truly makes a world of difference.

Devon Page,
Executive Director, Ecojustice

Ecojustice is Canada’s largest environmental law charity. Help us build the case for a better earth.

Donate to Ecojustice at: https://www.support.ecojustice.ca/page/31853/donate/1


Blue Horizon

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Ecojustice is leading the legal fight for a brighter environmental future. We are Canada’s only national environmental law charity. We are 100% donor-funded and have a 25-year track record of winning legal victories for people and the planet.

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