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Bob Chaulk Presents: The Dangerous Harbour

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The Dangerous Harbour
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The narrative of the ships, which is a crucial aspect of the Halifax Explosion, is largely missing from the many excellent books that have been written about it. That day, there were far more than 150 boats in the harbour. We have very little knowledge of them. The enormous task of identifying and narrating the histories of the ships and the sailors who manned them is taken on by The Dangerous Harbour: Revealing the Unknown Ships and Wrecks of the Halifax Explosion.

Read The Scuba News Canada article on Atlantic’s Last Stop Courage, Folly, and Lies in the White Star Line’s Worst Disaster Before Titanic

This is Bob Chaulk’s sixth book about the seas and sailors of Eastern Canada, drawing from more than 1,200 dives in Halifax Harbour. The author of Atlantic’s Last Stop: Courage, Folly, and Lies in the White Star Line’s Worst Disaster Before the Titanic, Bob is a well-known writer and speaker on nautical history. He recently came back from Liverpool, United Kingdom, where he told the tale of Nova Scotia’s worst shipwreck in the port where the Atlantic sailed.

About the Author Robert B Chaulk

Robert G. Chaulk is the SS Atlantic Heritage Park’s historian and a recognized expert on the SS Atlantic accident. He is the author of five volumes about the maritime history of Atlantic Canada. He co-authored SS Atlantic: The White Star Line’s First Disaster at Sea, which received three literary honours, with Greg Cochkanoff. Bob is an ardent scuba diver who has done over fifty dives on the Atlantic wreck, giving him a unique viewpoint on this significant piece of Canadian history.


Maritime Museum of the Atlantic

Tuesday, November 21, 2023 at 6:30 pm


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