Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps

Corey Phillips Presents an Underwater Photography Class 

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Corey Phillips taught an underwater photography class last fall via Google Meet. He has had a few people ask if he could do it again. Corey thought it would be a good time, as everyone was dusting off their dive gear and see who was interested in improving their dive photography skills.

Background of the class

  • From my meager beginnings using a home made housing with a Sony Digital 8, to using dual GoPro cameras I will walk you through some basics of photography to what has worked for me to improve from less than a megapixel video to 5K and 23 Mega Pixel photographs.
  • I go through the photography basics and outline some of the challenges with the point and shoot cameras underwater.
  • What I have learned using GoPro or action cameras and housings for video camcorder cameras.
  • I go through the why I run my rig the way it is setup and different configs I have had.
  • If you have thought of photogrammetry I can answer questions regarding how to get results there as well.
  • If you are a photographer this course might not be for you although you might pick up a thing or two along the way

Questions I have had:

  1. How much does it cost?
    Nothing although if you want to donate a new camera system or scooter or stage bottle, I wouldn’t turn it down.
  2. Why did you develop the class?
    To be honest I have struggled to get the shots or video that I hoped for. Looking online I see the struggles in others work as well and am hoping to pass on some of what I have learned in the school of photography hard knocks. Plus I want to see better product being produced so I can see more from your dives through video and photographs.
  3. How long is the class?
    It is about 1 1/2 – 2 hours. To be honest I cover a large amount of ideas during that time. It really is meant for you to use it as an idea board that you can investigate in more detail on your own time. You will need to formulate a plan on how to try some of what I present.
  4. I can’t make it on the night that you picked, I wish you ran it::
    My schedule is dictated by both work and volunteering that I do in the community. Well you are in luck though. I happen to be in a profession that I have July and August off and I take a break from my evening commitments. Almost any day or evening (with a little notice) could work in July and August.

With the weather getting nicer (at a later date) we could setup a workshop to practice our skills above and below the water.

Dive safe. Take lots of pictures. Share your photos.

According to a poll Corey took, Monday night seemed to be the preferred night.

Contact Corey @ Facebook for the proposed date.


Blue Horizon

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