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Watersheds Canada Presents: Can Ontario’s Brook Trout Cope with Climate Change?

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Can Ontario’s Brook Trout Cope with Climate Change?

Ontario Trout

Climate change is having profound effects on aquatic ecosystems and the fish within them. The loss of coldwater stream and lake habitat puts brook trout, a native coldwater specialist, at risk. Brook trout are more resilient than we think when it comes to surviving in warming waters, but there is a threshold over which they cannot survive in the long term. Because climate change is happening faster than organisms can adapt, understanding thermal tolerance thresholds is a critical step towards effective, evidence-based conservation of our coldwater ecosystems and native fish species. – Register now!

This webinar will be recorded and sent after the event to everyone who registers. This webinar is a part of Watersheds Canada’s Freshwater Stewardship Community. By providing your email, you agree to receive electronic communications from Watersheds Canada. You can unsubscribe at any time via a link provided in each communication. For more information, you may contact us at info@watersheds.ca


Presented by Watersheds Canada

Monday, October 30th at 7pm ET/ 4pm PT

Erin Stewart, PhD Candidate, Integrative Fish Ecology Lab, Trent University

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What is Watersheds Canada?

Watersheds Canada is a federally incorporated non-profit organization and registered Canadian charity (863555223 RR 0001). We are committed to providing programs to communities across the country that work to engage and help shoreline owners enhance and protect the health of lakes and rivers.


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