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High-Stakes Trial Begins for Captain in 2019 Conception Dive Boat Tragedy in Which 34 People Died

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Federal prosecutors are pursuing justice for 34 individuals who tragically lost their lives in a devastating fire aboard the Conception, a scuba dive boat, back in 2019. The trial for Captain Jerry Boylan is set to commence this Tuesday, kicking off with the critical process of jury selection. Boylan has firmly maintained his innocence, contesting a single charge of misconduct or neglect of ship officer under a pre-Civil War statute, often referred to as “seaman’s manslaughter.” Despite public interest in the case, Boylan’s defense team has refrained from offering any public comments.

Image credit: Truth Aquatics

This heart-wrenching incident prompted significant reforms in maritime regulations, fueled congressional initiatives for change, and led to numerous civil lawsuits. Despite these extensive efforts, the precise cause of the pre-dawn fire that tragically engulfed the Conception off the Southern California coast in 2019 continues to elude investigators.


Blue Horizon

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