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Big Changes Ahead for IANTD UK

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In a surprise announcement via social media, the team behind IANTD UK have advised that they have made the decision to not continue as IANTD licensees for the UK.

The full announcement from Facebook can be seen below:

After much discussion over the Summer, the decision to not renew as IANTD UK licensee has been jointly taken by Martin, Amy, Phil and Tim. There are a number of reasons, which intertwine to remove the viability of IANTD UK.

Firstly, it’s no secret that we have not given IANTD as much time since COVID as it deserves. There has always been an ambition to drive instructor recruitment, support new materials and make sure existing instructors have the support they need. We haven’t managed that as well as we would like. Vobster has supported IANTD for several declining years, but the combination of current factors has made that too difficult. It’s time for someone else to bring a new vision and determination.

Secondly, the number of IANTD UK instructors is at an all time low, following the retirement of many stalwart instructors. It is currently hard to justify re presenting the opportunities for tech training in the UK as worth the investment to new candidates. That may change with a new licensee, more time, energy and a new vision.

Third, the opportunities for deep water training and price of helium are a sector wide problem, but has effectively drastically diminshed technical OC certs in the UK.

We have taken the decision to announce this now, to maximise the chances of finding a successor and supporting them in the transition. We all remain committed to supporting IANTD as instructors and IT, but cannot sustain the effort required for licensee activities. We will happily discuss our experience and the remaining opportunities with anyone interested in taking over as licensee. We certainly hope that they can enjoy the responsibility of running a licensee region that we had, until just a couple of years ago.

On the flip-side, it has been a privilege to steer IANTD from the dangerously liable state we found it in in 2010. Missing certs, dubious accounting, standards oddness, some rogue practice and no communication from licensee. We are happy that we are leaving it in a better state, albeit one facing very different external challenges, instead of internal disorganisation. We have deep thanks for all of you who have been with us on that journey to restore the reputation of IANTD as a training provider – it would not have been possible without you. Phil and Tim will retain their instructor and IT status to support the next licensee as part of a team committed to safe, high quality training.

With best wishes for safe diving,

Amy, Martin, Phil and Tim – IANTD UK


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