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Why Shark Conservation is Crucial

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Alarmingly, 71% of the world’s shark population has declined over the years. What’s more is that out of the 520 shark species in the world, a quarter of them are endangered!

These figures are shocking, considering how crucial sharks are to our ecosystem and our economy.
When visiting the deep blue waters, keep in mind that you may be entering the sharks’ territory and hence, cause minimal disruption to the natural environment. 

Unprovoked shark attacks are quite rare. An estimated 100 such attacks occur every year while only around 10 people die from shark attacks annually. The majority are not scuba divers;swimmers and surfers are attacked more often. The fear of shark attacks must not deter you from the sea but rather make you dive responsibly and cautiously. In the diving community, this a skill that’s taught. PADI advanced open water divers are trained to fare the seas prudently.

If you’re interested in scuba diving in Aqaba, sign up for our PADI dive courses to be certified. Alongside our beginner and advanced courses, PADI also offers an e-learning course for you to start at home and finish abroad!

At Deep Blue Dive Center, we believe that shark conservation must be a global goal. Here’s why they’re crucial:

Sharks and the Ecosystem

Sharks are apex predators that stand at the top of the food chain. Scientists recognize that removing even one player in the ecosystem leads the next to flourish disproportionately, wreaking havoc in the sea.

The removal of sharks will lead to a decline in coral reefs and seagrass beds and eventually collapse the business of fisheries. As a result, an abundance of algae will ensue, destroying the coral reefs and thereby destroying several other species.

Sharks and the Economy

Coastal economies are largely dependent on the proper functioning of the marine ecosystem. Any disruption can destroy the commercial fisheries.

Research suggests that the global economic value of shark tourism amounts to USD 314 million per year and sustains around 10,000 jobs. As the world faces an already existing crisis during COVID-19, the world can’t afford to see another.

In addition, shark diving is a popular sport among PADI-certified divers. Given that recreational scuba diving and snorkeling contribute around $11 million to the GDP of the United States, and around $20 to $20 billion world-wide. it’s vital to the economy.

What You Can Do

Here’s a checklist to follow so that you can positively contribute to the conservation of sharks:

• While scuba diving, choose a shark-friendly and responsible dive center like ours at Deep Blue Dive Center in Aqaba
• Steer clear of the waters during shark hunting times at dawn and dusk
• Stay near the reef wall and sea bed and try to blend in
• Stay alert and aware of all times
• Never disturb a shark on purpose.
• Get an advanced diver certification.

Learn more about Deep Blue Dive Center at:


Blue Horizon

About Author

Deep Blue is a full-service Aqaba Scuba Diving Center conveniently located at Tala Bay Resort in South Beach. We started as the Gulf Company for Water Sports back in 2008. As the company continued to grow we became the Deep Blue Dive Center. We now offer high-quality services, including daily dive trips for certified divers, and professional training for scuba divers of all levels.

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