Deep Blue Dive Center, Aqaba, Jordan All the latest news from the world of Scuba Diving! Fri, 07 Jul 2023 07:31:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 54124523 Deep Blue is the First PADI Eco Center in Jordan! Fri, 07 Jul 2023 07:31:05 +0000 Divers around the globe care about the environment and protecting marine life. They are looking for centers that are environmentally friendly, are actively part of the solution to marine pollution [...]]]>

Divers around the globe care about the environment and protecting marine life. They are looking for centers that are environmentally friendly, are actively part of the solution to marine pollution and protecting coral reefs and marine life. We focus on doing all we can to preserve the 27 km or coastline we have in the Gulf of Aqaba, a beautiful part of the Red Sea.

We are proud to announce that we have met the three criteria as a PADI Operator to quality as a PADI Eco Center:

• Participation in the PADI AWARE Adopt the Blue™ program
• Be an active Green Fins Member
• Demonstrate an exemplary level of environmental performance, through the above programs

Deep Blue Dive Center has been actively involved in PADI Aware for several years. We have adopted Yellowstone Reef as part of the PADI Adopt the Blue program and have reporting the debris since September 1, 2020. During the pandemic we accelerated our efforts to reduce marine debris and removed 1230 kilos in 6 months. And we continue to be involved in dive cleanups and our staff make every effort to make every dive a survey dive.

Last year DBDC became a Green Fins digital member. All our staff were trained in the Green Fins Code of Conduct, and we began educating our guests about the initiative during boat briefings. Green Fins helped us improve our business by reducing single use plastics and finding practical ways to be more eco-minded.

We began working hard to meet all the thresholds of environmental performance when we learned about PADI starting the Eco Dive Center credential. Because we were already involved in Green Fins, PADI Aware, and we were already committed to leading the way in protecting our marine environment, we are honored to be awarded this prestigious credential. When you dive or snorkel with us, you can be assured we are committed to running an environmentally sustainable business. If you’re looking for an eco-conscious dive center, then contact us to book a day on the boat or a dive course.

Learn more about Deep Blue at:

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Aqaba IS a Scuba Destination – Not just an Add On Wed, 30 Mar 2022 11:17:30 +0000 Aqaba is one of the few places on earth where many people would consider diving. It’s possible you may have never considered it before. The city of Aqaba has an amazing [...]]]>

Aqaba is one of the few places on earth where many people would consider diving. It’s possible you may have never considered it before. The city of Aqaba has an amazing coastline on the Red Sea, where there is a wide diversity of coral and marine life that is not found on many of the world’s beaches. 

Scuba diving is a major source of tourism in Jordan, and tourists mainly come for scuba adventures, and thus there are many diving centers. Following are some of the top reasons you should consider visiting Aqaba for scuba diving and staying for several days to enjoy it all.

Great weather for diving year-round!

Summers in Aqaba are lengthy, hot, arid, and clear, while winters are chilly, dry, and mainly clear. The temperature normally ranges from 50°F to 103°F throughout the year, with temperatures rarely falling below 45°F or rising over 108°F. The best periods to visit Aqaba for warm weather activities are late April to mid-June and mid-September to early November. But many people, especially those from Europe, enjoy the winter diving as well as the water temperature usually doesn’t drop below 68°F. The maximum water temperature is 80-85°F in the summer months. 

Marine Life at Its Best

Aqaba is home to more than 500 different coral species almost 1000 different fish species, including clownfish, butterflyfish, angelfish, and over 900 different shellfish and crabs. Hundreds of small, beautifully colored fish navigate through a maze of coral layers. There is a huge variety of hard corals such as cabbage and staghorn coral. And interspersed among all the hard coral are brightly colored soft corals that sway in the current.

Amazing Artificial Reefs

Aqaba has an extensive array of artificial reefs. King Abdullah started these to take the burden off the highly visited dive sites and attract divers who enjoy wreck diving. The first reef to be developed was the Cedar Pride Shipwreck, which was scuttled in 1985. It is a favorite among divers as this 80 meter ship is covered in hard and soft corals and inhabited by much marine life. 

Deep Blue Dive Center

Next, the Hercules C130 plane was scuttled in 2017. This plane quickly became a well-visited site because divers and snorkelers could reach it from shore or boat. It isn’t deep so both divers and snorkelers enjoy this site.

Not far from the C130 is the American M42 Duster tank, commonly known as “The Tank” in Aqaba. The tank was sunk in 1999 on a shallow sandy reef not far from the shore at a depth of 6 meters. Divers and snorkelers love this site. Colorful hard corals cover the tank, which attracts a lot of fish.

The newest scuttles include the world’s only Underwater Military Museum and the Lockheed Martin Tristar passenger plane. Both these sites were developed in 2019 and are widely gaining interest among divers worldwide. The museum is especially a favorite site among military buffs and underwater photographers. They enjoy the 21 pieces of equipment arranged in “battle formation.” 

The huge Tristar plane seats 400 passengers. The widebody passenger plane is a sight to behold underwater. Its white body shines up from the bottom as you descend. It’s a massive plane, and divers enjoy diving inside, looking at the cockpit, and ascending through the air intake adjacent to the motors inside.

Deep Blue Dive Center

Reefs That Delight

Following are some of the most popular natural reefs in Aqaba.

Japanese Garden

The Japanese Garden, which is famed for its gorgeous coral, is located near the Cedar Pride Wreck. There are amazing hard corals on this site that are inhabited by many different fish species and eels. And occasionally turtles are spotted here as well.

Yellowstone Reef

Divers and snorkelers can find a diverse range of marine species on this reef in front of the Tala Bay Resort. This reef has a lot of coral growth and a wide variety of marine life. You’ll notice a lot of seagrass at first, but as you dive deeper, the water will reveal its mysteries to you. Here you’ll find stingrays, octopuses, turtles. You may also see large fishes such as Napoleon wrasse, parrotfish, scorpionfish, and roving coral groupers. And everyone’s favorite fish, the clown anemonefish, is everywhere, along with bright orange anthias.

Deep Blue Dive Center

Blue Coral, All Floral

Blue Coral dive site has many blue corals and a good mix of seagrass meadows and sandy sections on the property. With delicate coral growth, the aquatic life has settled around coral heads, but there are also many fishes hiding in the seagrass. This location also has a diverse array of marine life and is fantastic for underwater photography.

Deep Blue Dive Center

Of course, after spending a good number of days diving the amazing Red Sea in Aqaba, it’s worth spending a day exploring Petra and then a night in Wadi Rum. Both these sites are a short distance from Aqaba. They are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and not to be missed!

Deep Blue Dive Center

If you want to go scuba diving in Aqaba, Deep Blue Dive Center is your guide. We’ve been delivering outstanding and professional services to divers from all over the world since 2008. PADI courses are available at all levels, from Discover Scuba Diving to PADI Instructor. We are one of Aqaba’s largest and most well-known dive centers, with a long history of providing excellent client service.

Deep Blue Dive Center

Learn more about Deep Blue Dive Center at:

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The Freak Storm that Left the Hercules C130 a Real Wreck Wed, 29 Dec 2021 09:11:45 +0000 On November 16, 2017, Aqaba created a new dive site and sunk an old Hercules C130 transport aircraft. It took a lot of preparation to prepare the plane for sinking [...]]]>

On November 16, 2017, Aqaba created a new dive site and sunk an old Hercules C130 transport aircraft. It took a lot of preparation to prepare the plane for sinking and much coordination between the Royal Jordanian Navy, the Aqaba Port Corporation, and ASESA, the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority. They placed it 300m/984ft off the shore at a maximum depth of about 16 meters. King Abdullah II spearheaded this project to promote tourism and create an artificial reef for fish to inhabit. 

Some people are naturally skeptical about artificial reefs and wonder why people would want to put things like planes underwater. Because artificial reefs soon become a habitat for new marine life, they create popular destinations for divers. They also divert pressure away from heavily visited coral reefs. Too many divers in certain spots can eventually cause damage. So many believe that artificial reefs can create a win-win situation for the environment and the economy. And it was with this intent that Aqaba decided to sink the Hercules.

They placed the plane in a location near the M42 Duster tank that was easily accessible from shore  or boat by divers and snorkelers. At that time, the plane was fully intact and quite a sight to behold underwater. 

Underwater enthusiasts thoroughly enjoyed exploring the plane and seeing the plastic skeleton in the cockpit. They dressed this skeleton in a flight suit and helmet which was a bit eery. The helmet remains, but the flight suit is now missing. Because the plane was sterilized in preparation for scuttle, it looked quite a bit different from what it did shortly thereafter. The plane soon became filled with many fish and soft corals. The shiny exterior and interior soon became covered with algae and other marine life. But one freak act of nature changed with this amazing site from a scuttled artificial reef to a real wreck.

Inside C130 2021 photo by Catherine Hoelzer
Inside C130 2021 photo by Catherine Hoelzer

On March 17, 2020, a strong storm hit Aqaba with gale-force winds. Unfortunately, the aluminum fuselage could not withstand the tumbling of the huge waves and the plane broke into several pieces. The plane doesn’t look anything like it did when it was first sunk. The wings sank to the bottom and the body was torn in two. And the nose of the plane was torn off and is now sitting on another location of the site. However, much of the plane is still filled with life! There are fish making it a refuge and soft corals continue to grow on the wings. The tail has remained intact and is still a sight to behold by both snorkelers and divers.

The plane wreckage remains a special artificial reef in Aqaba. Although the site lost some of its original charms, it is still regularly visited by divers and snorkelers. And thankfully, there are many photos and videos of the original site to help us remember what an amazing underwater attraction it was for a few years.

If you will soon be visiting Aqaba and want to visit this special site, please contact us at Deep Blue Dive Center to book and our guides will happily show you around. You can also visit the M42 Duster, commonly known at “the Tank” at the same time. Or enjoy Seven Sisters near the Tank, which is beautiful reef that is filled with tall pinnacles inhabited with glassfish and anthias. Unfortunately, some of the pinnacles were also broken by the storm but they are still covered with much life. If you’ll be staying for several days, be sure to check out the dive sites here and start making plans.

The Tank photo by Brett Hoelzer
The Tank photo by Brett Hoelzer

Learn more about diving in Aqaba at:

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Why Aqaba Should Be Your Next Dive Destination Sun, 17 Oct 2021 06:45:30 +0000 Let’s face it. Divers love nothing better than being underwater. We love warm, clear waters, healthy corals, and a good variety of marine life or wrecks to enjoy. One of [...]]]>

Let’s face it. Divers love nothing better than being underwater. We love warm, clear waters, healthy corals, and a good variety of marine life or wrecks to enjoy. One of the top destinations for scuba divers has always been the Red Sea. And more often than not, they head towards Egypt. But The Red Sea coastline touches Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Israel, and Jordan. Aqaba, Jordan is not as well-known as Egypt, but it has some of the best dive sites in the Red Sea. Aqaba is a hidden gem full of healthy corals, diverse marine life, wrecks, artificial reefs, and warm sunny days. And it is located in the Golden Triangle of Southern Jordan where Petra, the 7th New Wonder of the World, and Wadi Rum desert are located.

Deep Blue Dive Center, Aqaba Jordan

Whether one is just beginning to dive or advanced, the calm waters make it easy for divers to do both shore and boat dives. The 23 dive sites offer a variety of diving experiences. And snorkelers can enjoy some of the sites due to their proximity from shore and shallow depth. Beginner divers enjoy the Hercules C130 plane because it is a beautiful wreck filled with juvenile fishes, lionfish, trunkfish, and soft corals. Just nearby is the M42 Duster tank that sits on a sandy bottom in just 5 – 7 meters of water. The tank is encrusted with corals and also filled with marine life. Close to the tank are also large pinnacles covered with anthias and other smaller fishes. Another favorite is Japanese Gardens. It is a colorful site full of corals, bannerfish, anthias, clownfish, sergeant majors, an occasional turtle and octopus, eels, and macro life. 

But Aqaba offers something more than just corals and fish, is quickly becoming well known for a vast array of artificial reefs. Besides the Hercules C130 and Tank mentioned above, there is the renowned Cedar Pride Shipwreck. They sunk the ship in 1985 to make an artificial reef for divers. It is accessible from shore and boat. This wreck is a favorite to explore because it is covered with colorful corals, and a myriad of marine life makes this ship their home. It is also a favorite among underwater photographers because of its massive size. It is 74 meters long and lies on its side at a maximum depth of 28 meters. The crow’s nest is a highlight on this ship, and divers often spot large fish resting there.

Deep Blue Dive Center, Aqaba Jordan

Aqaba boasts the first and only Underwater Military Museum. In 2019 the dive site was set up with 19 battle vehicles placed in battle formation in an area where there wasn’t already a reef. The plan was to draw divers away from some of the heavily dived areas and attract new marine life. It worked! Images from the Underwater Military Museum are frequently published in dive magazines, blogs, and social media. Divers enjoy seeing Cobra helicopters, Howitzers, armored personnel carriers, ambulances, tanks, and jeeps. Juvenile fishes now inhabit many of these vehicles. Divers also see crocodilefish, giant frogfish, pufferfishes, lionfish, snake eels, jacks, tunas, bannerfish, turtles, trunkfish, and clownfish. Soft and hard corals are populating the vehicles as well.

Deep Blue Dive Center, Aqaba Jordan

And if this wasn’t enough, Aqaba recently scuttled a Lockheed Tristar passenger plane. It is the northernmost dive site and is reachable by boat only. Much work was put into making this artificial reef happen. The plane had to be completely dismantled and removed from the Aqaba Airport and brought to the old phosphate port, reassembled, and then carefully lowered onto the reef at a depth of 15-28 meters. This passenger plane is a sight to see as it is about 50 meters long. Divers enjoy swimming inside the plane and finding the skeleton of a stewardess inside the lavatory.

Deep Blue Dive Center, Aqaba Jordan

Petra and Wadi Rum

Tourists have been flocking to Petra and Wadi Rum for years because of their ancient history and beauty. The red dunes of Wadi Rum and the structures cut out of sandstone in Petra offer a stark contrast to the blue waters of Aqaba. Wadi Rum is only one hour away. It is a massive desert wilderness covering 278 square miles. Bedouins have called Wadi Rum their home for millennia. Favorite activities include 4×4 rides, camel rides, trekking, and mountain climbing. Besides the stunning desert landscape, Wadi Rum has 25,000 petroglyphs, 20,000 inscriptions, and 154 archaeological sites. After spending a day romping around the desert, visitors enjoy spending the night in a Bedouin camp (there are basic to luxury camps available), enjoying the sunset, a traditional Bedouin meal, the star-studded skies, and a night of peaceful sleep in the cool desert.

Deep Blue Dive Center, Aqaba Jordan

One cannot visit Jordan without touring Petra. This ancient city was made famous by the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Petra is a UNESCO World Heritage site and only a 2-hour drive from Aqaba. This ancient city was first established by the Nabateans in the 4th century BC, but some historians believe it may have been around since 9000 BC.  Photographers and historians enjoy the breathtaking sandstone structures that line the mountain walls. It can take days to see all of Petra, but tourists who are short on time can see a large portion of it in a day. Budget to luxury hotels are available outside of the park in the city of Wadi Musa.

Deep Blue Dive Center, Aqaba Jordan

Deep Blue Dive Center in Aqaba is a PADI 5 Star Dive Center. We offer daily boat and shore dives and dive packages. And until February 2022 we are offering a special package rate for dive groups of 5-7 divers. This package includes boat dives and a tour to Wadi Rum and Petra. Contact Deep Blue Dive Center for details.

Please visit our website at for more information about all we offer.

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Deep Blue Dive Center Wins 2021 Tripadvisor Travelers’ Choice Award Sat, 16 Oct 2021 13:55:59 +0000 Top 10% of Attractions Worldwide! Deep Blue’s Great Traveler Reviews Earn it a Place Among Travelers’ Favorites in Aqaba, Jordan Mohammed Leddawi today announced it has been recognized as a [...]]]>

Top 10% of Attractions Worldwide!

Deep Blue’s Great Traveler Reviews Earn it a Place Among Travelers’ Favorites in Aqaba, Jordan

Deep Blue Trip Advisor

Mohammed Leddawi today announced it has been recognized as a 2021 Travelers’ Choice award winner for Tope 10% of Attractions Worldwide.  This achievement celebrates businesses that consistently deliver fantastic experiences to travelers around the globe, having earned great traveler reviews on Tripadvisor over the last 12 months. As challenging as the past year was, Deep Blue Dive Center stood out by continuously delighting travelers.

“We are honored to have received this award during such a challenging time. We thank our guests for their kind reviews and for choosing to scuba dive with us here in Aqaba, Jordan.” Mohammed Leddawi

“Congratulations to all the winners of the 2021 Travelers’ Choice Awards,” said Kanika Soni, Chief Commercial Officer at Tripadvisor. “I know the past year has been extremely challenging for tourism businesses. What has impressed me is how businesses adapted to these challenges, implementing new cleanliness measures, adding social distancing guidelines, and utilizing technology to prioritize guest safety. The Travelers’ Choice Awards highlight the places that are consistently excellent – delivering quality experiences time and time again even while navigating changing customer expectations and new ways of working. Based on a full year of reviews from customers, this award speaks to the great service and experience you provided guests in the midst of a pandemic.”

To see traveler reviews and popular activities of Deep Blue Dive Center visit or learn more about Deep Blue Dive Center at:

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Venomous Creatures in the Red Sea Mon, 20 Sep 2021 09:33:09 +0000 The Red Sea is visited by many divers every year because it offers some of the best diving in the world. Gentle currents and temperate waters are a perfect environment [...]]]>

The Red Sea is visited by many divers every year because it offers some of the best diving in the world. Gentle currents and temperate waters are a perfect environment for a large diversity of marine life. However, several marine creatures may be harmful and maybe even deadly for humans who come in direct contact with them. These include stonefish, lionfish, and scorpionfish. They live in tropical and temperate waters such as the Red Sea, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. 

These creatures are not normally aggressive, but if they feel threatened their defense mechanisms might make them respond in such a manner. It is usually people’s lack of awareness that are the main cause of injuries by these animals. Therefore, it is best to be aware and avoid physical contact.


This is one fish that everyone should avoid as it is the world’s most venomous fish. The stonefish can inject venom through its dorsal fin spines. That venom can kill an adult in less than an hour. They often hide under the sand or in coral. Most stonefish injuries when an unsuspecting swimmer steps on one or touches one accidentally since they sit perfectly still, and they often blend in perfectly with their surroundings. It is very easy to swim right over these masters of disguise. 



These fish are also very venomous. Like the stonefish, their dorsal fin injects dangerous venom. The venom is extremely painful to humans but potentially fatal to other animals. Scorpionfishes can be quite colorful and can easily blend into the corals or seagrass they may be resting on. They are expert predators as they can patiently sit perfectly still until unsuspecting prey cross their path. They use their large mouth to vacuum in and swallow their prey in an instant. They can swallow fish that are over half the size of their own body!



The lionfish is an extremely beautiful fish. It has zebra-like pattern on its spines and body. The fins are long and almost look like feathers. Their dorsal spines can inject venom that is quite painful. They don’t use their spines to hunt but they will use them in self-defense. Because they are extremely territorial, they will not hesitate to approach divers or snorkelers who get close. However, they will not attack.

Lionfish naturally inhabit the Gulf of Aqaba. But unfortunately, they have invaded the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean waters wreaking havoc on the ecosystem. They have extremely voracious appetites and no known predators. Lionfish are now found in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea. A female lionfish can lay up to 2 million eggs a year, making them difficult to contain. 

Look, beware, don’t touch!

Most scuba divers got into this sport to enjoy marine life. It is important to be aware of the creatures that are potentially venomous or fatal in any of the waters they may be diving in. Choose a professional and knowledgeable dive center to dive with and ask the guides questions about venomous creatures they may encounter.

If you’re looking for a professional scuba diving center in Aqaba, Jordan, located on the northeaster tip of the Red Sea, then Deep Blue Dive Center is a great choice! Deep Blue staff ensures that their clients have a safe and exciting scuba diving experience and truly love showing their visitors the beauty of the Gulf of Aqaba.

Learn more about Deep Blue Dive Center at:

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All You Need To Know About Scuba Diving In Aqaba Sat, 21 Aug 2021 10:28:12 +0000 Picture this; you’re surrounded by the deep blue sea, looking at the marine life you had only ever seen on television; and for a moment, you truly feel one with [...]]]>

Picture this; you’re surrounded by the deep blue sea, looking at the marine life you had only ever seen on television; and for a moment, you truly feel one with nature.

That’s the kind of experience you’re promised when you go scuba diving in Aqaba!

Known as a city that prides itself on hospitality and sunny days, Aqaba has a side to it that many find incredibly intriguing. Travel enthusiasts from around the world visit the Jordanian city in hopes of enjoying the amazing dive sites in the Red Sea.

Here’s some fascinating information to get you excited!

Why Scuba Diving in Aqaba?

There are scuba diving locations all around the world, so what makes Aqaba such a highly sought-after space? Well, to begin with, it’s the ideal place for anyone who wants a summer getaway. With warm weather nearly all year ‘round, Aqaba is great for anyone who can’t wait for the water to warm up before they can go for a dive. With consistently great weather for dives, you no longer have to worry about finding the right time to visit!

Jordan is also home to some of the most stunning and the largest marine and coral lives. Hosting over 500 species of fish and other marine life, Aqaba is ideal for marine enthusiasts who would like to swim with a view. The corals are also incredibly diverse and colorful, making exploring all the more fascinating.

Where To Go For Scuba Diving

The Aqaba coastline is divided into three bays; the North Bay, the South Bay, and the Visitors’ Bay. There are multiple dive sites located in each of these locations, which tourists and locals visit regularly.

Here are the top 5 most popular scuba diving spots:

  • Cedar Pride Wreck
  • Kiwi Reef
  • Yellowstone Reef
  • Japanese Garden
  • Seven Sisters

Another great thing about the scuba diving locations in Aqaba is the ease of accessibility. You can get to the scuba diving spots by car, and all of them are easily located near hotels and resorts, so you won’t have to travel too far.

Whether you’re a scuba diving amateur, or simply want to learn about it from professionals, get in touch with us at Deep Blue Dive Center. We are a PADI 5 star center and offer certified dive courses that will equip you with all the information you need before going for a dive. We also provide boat trips and dive packages in Aqaba. Contact us today for more information on our services.

Learn more about Deep Blue Dive Center at:

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5 Top Scuba Diving Movies and Documentaries That Will Make You Love The Ocean Fri, 20 Aug 2021 10:23:33 +0000 Diving movies have the power to transport you into a whole new world. Well-made diving documentaries explore, investigate, and unravel the mysteries of the world’s oceans.We have rounded up five [...]]]>

Diving movies have the power to transport you into a whole new world. Well-made diving documentaries explore, investigate, and unravel the mysteries of the world’s oceans.
We have rounded up five diving movies and documentaries that’ll make you fall in love with the ocean all over again!

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 

This one tops our list of diving movies! A classic science fiction adventure film, 20,000 leagues under the Sea, became an instant hit with the audience. To this day, this movie has a massive fan base all over the globe. Ned Land, Professor Arronnax, and Conseil are on a mission to investigate the horrors of a sea monster. But upon reaching the terrorized waters, they find something unexpected. This movie will woo you with an advanced submarine, an anti-hero, and a spectacular fight with a giant squid!

Jago; A Life Underwater

Jago captures the life story of a sea nomad, Rohani. He is an 80-year-old sea nomad who has spent his life around the Togian Islands in Indonesia. Rohani is a born diver and could plunge into the Ocean’s depth within just a few minutes. The Netflix documentary doesn’t just offer cinematic views of the Oceans, but it also explores the human element of Rohani’s life journey.

My Octopus Teacher

A deep-sea friend can treat you to lifelong lessons! A Netflix documentary, My Octopus Teacher, follows the friendship between an octopus and the filmmaker Craig Foster! Foster develops an intimate bonding with an octopus in the South African Kelp forest. Their friendship is different, deep, and full of unusual adventures. My Octopus Teacher will tug at your heart’s strings make you yearn for a friendship as deep as between these two protagonists.

Planet Ocean

Planet Ocean is a 2012 documentary that unravels the Ocean’s mysteries. It delves deep (literally!) to explore the history of sea organisms and the bonds they share amongst themselves. This 90-min long documentary explores the relationship that humans share with the Ocean and its millions of inhabitants.
If you want to treat your eyes to the wonders of the deep sea, then Planet Ocean is a must-watch for you!

Chasing Coral

If you’re a reef person, then this one’s just for you! Vibrantly colored coral reefs add a pop of color to the otherwise dark Ocean. However, coral reefs have been dying and disappearing from our ocean floors. Join a team of divers, scientists, and photographers to investigate what’s causing the coral reefs to disappear. This 90 min long documentary features breathtakingly beautiful views of the coral reefs. The expert scientists try to resolve the mystery behind their disappearance and what can be done to prevent it.

Did this blog urge you to grab your diving gear and jump headfirst into the ocean water? If yes, Deep Blue Dive Center is here to assist you!

At Deep Blue Dive Center, we equip our divers with top-quality diving gear and PADI-certified diving instructors. Moreover, our luxury diving boats are all about making your Red Sea diving experience extraordinary.

Get in touch with us and schedule a Red Sea scuba diving or snorkeling session in Aqaba today!

Learn more about Deep Blue Dive Center at:

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Why Shark Conservation is Crucial Thu, 19 Aug 2021 10:43:48 +0000 Alarmingly, 71% of the world’s shark population has declined over the years. What’s more is that out of the 520 shark species in the world, a quarter of them are endangered! These figures are [...]]]>

Alarmingly, 71% of the world’s shark population has declined over the years. What’s more is that out of the 520 shark species in the world, a quarter of them are endangered!

These figures are shocking, considering how crucial sharks are to our ecosystem and our economy.
When visiting the deep blue waters, keep in mind that you may be entering the sharks’ territory and hence, cause minimal disruption to the natural environment. 

Unprovoked shark attacks are quite rare. An estimated 100 such attacks occur every year while only around 10 people die from shark attacks annually. The majority are not scuba divers;swimmers and surfers are attacked more often. The fear of shark attacks must not deter you from the sea but rather make you dive responsibly and cautiously. In the diving community, this a skill that’s taught. PADI advanced open water divers are trained to fare the seas prudently.

If you’re interested in scuba diving in Aqaba, sign up for our PADI dive courses to be certified. Alongside our beginner and advanced courses, PADI also offers an e-learning course for you to start at home and finish abroad!

At Deep Blue Dive Center, we believe that shark conservation must be a global goal. Here’s why they’re crucial:

Sharks and the Ecosystem

Sharks are apex predators that stand at the top of the food chain. Scientists recognize that removing even one player in the ecosystem leads the next to flourish disproportionately, wreaking havoc in the sea.

The removal of sharks will lead to a decline in coral reefs and seagrass beds and eventually collapse the business of fisheries. As a result, an abundance of algae will ensue, destroying the coral reefs and thereby destroying several other species.

Sharks and the Economy

Coastal economies are largely dependent on the proper functioning of the marine ecosystem. Any disruption can destroy the commercial fisheries.

Research suggests that the global economic value of shark tourism amounts to USD 314 million per year and sustains around 10,000 jobs. As the world faces an already existing crisis during COVID-19, the world can’t afford to see another.

In addition, shark diving is a popular sport among PADI-certified divers. Given that recreational scuba diving and snorkeling contribute around $11 million to the GDP of the United States, and around $20 to $20 billion world-wide. it’s vital to the economy.

What You Can Do

Here’s a checklist to follow so that you can positively contribute to the conservation of sharks:

• While scuba diving, choose a shark-friendly and responsible dive center like ours at Deep Blue Dive Center in Aqaba
• Steer clear of the waters during shark hunting times at dawn and dusk
• Stay near the reef wall and sea bed and try to blend in
• Stay alert and aware of all times
• Never disturb a shark on purpose.
• Get an advanced diver certification.

Learn more about Deep Blue Dive Center at:

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Using The Pandemic Wisely – Dive Center Makes A Difference To The Environment in Jordan Wed, 18 Aug 2021 14:22:52 +0000 Like all dive centers around the globe, Deep Blue Dive Center in Aqaba, Jordan, was hit hard by the pandemic. Jordan closed its doors to tourists and required all tourism [...]]]>

Like all dive centers around the globe, Deep Blue Dive Center in Aqaba, Jordan, was hit hard by the pandemic. Jordan closed its doors to tourists and required all tourism related businesses, including dive shops, to be shuttered as well for several months. 

Once employees could return to work, they did so. Tourists were still not allowed in Jordan, but there were a few guests coming from Amman and other parts of the country. Because the staff were not very busy, they began to focus their efforts on dive cleanups and started the Deep Blue Cleanup Team.

Deep Blue Dive Center Clean Up

They made a concerted effort to rid a nearby dive site of years and years of fishing line, cleaning the newly opened Underwater Military Museum of the single use plastic and aluminum cans that blow in off the shore of the public beach, and their house reef.

From December 15th – June 29th they cleaned 1230 kilos of debris. Anywhere from 2 to 5 volunteer divers joined the staffs in these cleanups. The dive center did not charge any of the volunteers for dives and if they wanted to do a fun dive afterward, they did so at 20% discount.  

Deep Blue Dive Center Clean Up

Every one of those kilos of debris were sorted, counted, and weighed according to PADI Project Aware and then the data was uploaded on the Project AWARE website.

Deep Blue partnered with their next door neighbor, H&S Watersports, in these cleanup campaigns. The staff of H&S did several shore cleanups and gathered loads of plastic bottles, cigarette butts, plastic bags, and other items. In addition, two volunteers at the dive shop did a Go Fund Me campaign to help pay staff salaries for cleanups. They successfully raised $2835, exceeding their goal of $2800. And Deep Blue management was able to find other creative ways of funding salaries for the cleanups as well. All of this helped keep staff on board during the challenge of the pandemic.

Deep Blue Dive Center Clean Up

When business started picking up after Jordan’s reopening to tourists, the cleanup campaign was slowed, but the effect of the work they did was apparent. 

Mohammed Leddawi, the Operation Manager, and owner of Deep Blue also used the down time to give the business a face lift, ensure that all equipment was in top shape, ensure Covid measures were put in place, and work on improving the dive boats through remodels and refurbishing. All of this to improve customer experiences.

Slowly the dive center is rising from the pandemic. The pandemic was tough, and still is, on tourism related businesses, but Deep Blue staffs kept up good spirits through continuing to work hard and showing their love and concern for healthy reefs through regular cleanups. 

Learn more about Deep Blue Dive Center at:

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