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Body Recovered from Suez Canal Tugboat Following Collision

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Rescue divers in Egypt have successfully recovered the remains of a crew member from a tugboat that tragically sank in the Suez Canal. The officials responsible for overseeing the vital waterway confirmed this development.

According to a statement by Osama Rabie, the head of the Suez Canal Authority, the divers located the crew member’s body within the submerged tugboat’s cabin.

The crew member, identified as Mechanic El-Sayed Moussa, was the sole individual among the seven-person crew who had been unaccounted for following the collision between the tugboat and a Hong Kong-flagged tanker transporting liquefied petroleum gas on the previous Saturday.

As of the latest report, five members of the crew have been released from the hospital, as stated in Sunday’s official communication. One crew member remains under medical supervision for further observation.

Source: GMA News


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