Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps

Confessions of a Divemaster

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Confessions of a Divemaster

Strap in for the global escapades of a scuba diving fanatic who swapped the streets of Wales for some of the most exotic locations on the planet. The diving bug took hold while backpacking through Australia and South East Asia. The journey continued into South and Central America, ending on a small island off Honduras. While there joined a tribe of scuba professionals, who survived on rum and baledas while earning $10 a day. Over the next ten years the world then opened up, working in resorts and liveaboards in The Maldives, Palau and the Philippines. Enjoy breathtaking marine encounters with killer whales, whale sharks, manta rays and bull sharks. From lion fish stings, grouper attacks and diving through earthquakes, this book will make you want to quit your job tomorrow and become a dive professional.

Available in Paperback, Kindle and Audiobook Formats


Blue Horizon

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The Scuba News Press Team are constantly on the hunt for great news articles from the world of scuba diving!

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Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps
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