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New Wisconsin Shipwreck Discovery Reveal

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Wisconsin Wreck
Photo via Facebook

On July 15th, Bob Jaeck and Brendon Baillod located an historic Wisconsin shipwreck in deep water. They have now completed their work with the Wisconsin Historical Society’s Maritime Archeology program to survey and document the site and are ready to reveal its identity.

Join them for a one hour live program during which Bob Jaeck and Brendon Baillos will discuss the fascinating history of this ship as well as how it was located and documented. Be the first to see the stunning photogrammetry model of the vessel as well as underwater video.

Bob and Brendon will take your questions live.

The press release announcing the find to the media will go out immediately after the program.


Event by Brendon Baillod and Great Lakes Shipwreck Research Group.

Tuesday August 29, 2023, at 8pm, live on Facebook.

All welcome; on or off Facebook.

Learn more at: https://www.facebook.com/events/1659979704469671/


Blue Horizon

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The Scuba News Press Team are constantly on the hunt for great news articles from the world of scuba diving!

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