Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps

Military Policeman to Dive Professional

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I have always been an outdoors person. From playing football when I was younger, to going on adventurous activity weeks and taking my first try dive back in 2003. This was my first step to exploring a whole new world. 

James Soos

I joined the Royal Military Police in March 2010 and upon completing training I was sent to Bulford, Wiltshire where I honed my skills in both police work and soldering field skills. Perhaps one of the most memorable experiences was going to Kenya on a training exercise for 7 weeks, during which we got the chance to do adventurous training including a walk around a nature reserve with a Maasi Warrior!

James Soos

A few years later, whilst serving in Cyprus, I found a passion for scuba diving. What better place to learn. Here I completed my BSAC Ocean Diver and Sports Diver courses and spent many dives on the Zenobia wreck. During my second posting to Cyprus I completed my Dive Leader, Advanced Diver and Open Water Instructor courses.

In 2020, having been promoted to Sergeant, a milestone for me and my career, I decided that a new challenge was what I was looking for and in 2022 I left the British Army and moved to Greece with my wife. This is where I discovered the great diving opportunities Greece has to offer us wreck lovers.

James Soos

In January 2023 I was offered the chance of a lifetime, working in Truk Lagoon and Bikini Atoll – a scuba divers dream. With both being destinations on my bucket list, it was very hard to say no, so I jumped on a plane and made the two and a half day journey into the Pacific Ocean. This was an incredible experience and I feel very privileged to have dived in those remote and fascinating places, and to have completed almost 100 dives in each location.

James Soos

Upon returning home from Bikini Atoll, crossing the international date line and having the chance to redo a day, feeling like groundhog day but in Hawaii, I eventually made it back to Europe, where I embarked on the next leg of my dive professional journey. I completed an instructor crossover with Scuba Schools International to become an Advanced Open Water Instructor.

Now I am back in Greece briefly before embarking on my CCR MOD 3 course, BSAC Technical Instructor course and back to Malta to complete the SSI XR crossover and join their technical instructor programme. 

It has been a long and arduous journey, and this is just the beginning, but if it was easy it wouldn’t be fun.


Blue Horizon

About Author

After serving almost 13 years in the Royal Military Police, I decided to change my career path in 2022 and enter the world of Scuba Diving. I learnt to dive while posted to Cyprus in 2015 and continued to grow my skills and experience from that point. My first job in scuba diving was working in Truk Lagoon and Bikini Atoll in 2023 and having now moved to Greece, I am continuing my hunt for adventure in the Aegean waters.

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Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps
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