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The 5 Best Scuba Diving Locations in Canada

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Canada is home to some of the best dive sites in the world for scuba divers. Learn about some of the best diving locations in Canada here.

Canada may not be the first country that comes to mind when you think of scuba diving. However, this vast country offers a wide range of incredible dive sites suitable for divers of all levels. Below, we examine the bestscuba diving locations in Canada for you to add to your dive bucket list.

Tobermory, Ontario

Tobermory is on the Bruce Peninsula and offers an amazing freshwater diving experience in the crystal-clear waters of Georgian Bay. Tobermory is home to over 20 shipwrecks and is part of two national marine parks: Fathom Five National Marine Park and the Bruce Peninsula National Park. Among the most famous wrecks are the Sweepstakes and the Arabia, perfect for divers of all skill levels.

Vancouver Island, British Columbia

Considered one of the world’s premier cold-water diving destinations, Vancouver Island offers scuba divers a host of unique adventures in marine-rich waters. The island boasts an abundance of sea life, including sea lions, seals, wolf eels, and various species of marine invertebrates. Dive sites like the popular Ogden Point Breakwater in Victoria, Hornby Island, and the Browning Pass near Port Hardy are just a few of the stunning locations for you to explore on Vancouver Island. Plus, there are plenty of other things to do in Vancouver Island between dives, making this spot ideal for vacations and getaways.

Saint Lawrence River, Quebec

Diving in the Saint Lawrence River offers a unique and challenging adventure for experienced divers. This vast waterway, which flows between the Canadian provinces of Ontario, Quebec, and the United States, is home to numerous shipwrecks, underwater archaeological sites, and a wealth of marine life. Here, you can see beluga whales, Atlantic sturgeon, and countless fish species. Popular dive sites in the region include Brockville, the Empress of Ireland wreck, and Pointe-au-Père.

Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick

The Bay of Fundy boasts the world’s highest tides and more than 12 species of whales, making it one of the best diving locations in Canada. The nutrient-rich waters attract a wide variety of marine life, including seals, dolphins, and various seabirds. Herring Cove Beach and the St. Croix River offer some of the best diving opportunities in the region.

Churchill, Manitoba

Diving in Churchill, Manitoba, may not be for the faint of heart, but it offers the unique and awe-inspiring experience of snorkeling or diving with beluga whales. Thousands of beluga whales gather in the cold Arctic waters near Churchill every summer, and adventurous divers can join guided tours to swim alongside these gentle creatures.


Canada’s diverse marine landscapes and unique diving opportunities make it an unforgettable destination for scuba divers. Add these destinations to your adventure list, and explore the wonders of Canada’s underwater world.


Blue Horizon

About Author

Dan Coconate is a local Chicagoland freelance writer who has been in the industry since graduating from college in 2019. He currently lives in the Chicagoland area where he is pursuing his multiple interests in journalism.

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