Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps

Diving? Scary? Never!

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Being a diver there is always something you hear about it being scary, dangerous or harmful. During our diving module at university we were of course learning about the effects diving has on your body and they aren’t all that great … and during my DM you’re doing stress and rescue training, learning about the dangers and how to avoid them and of course when you’re doing a try dive with clients you have to prepare them properly.

Cassidy Bartholomew

But what people don’t talk about enough is how thrilling and how peaceful diving is. Diving is an escape from the real world , you’re in a space big enough to make all your worries seem tiny, you feel the weightlessness like you’re flying through the water and it has worked wonders for my mental health in the most positive way just by being able to hear my thoughts and my own breath, it gives you 45 minutes of pure bliss. And of course being greeted by tiny seahorse, cuttlefish, octopus or if you’re lucky seeing a ray or a friendly shark on your dives is just an amazing experience (especially when with clients and seeing their faces the first time they ever see the sea life).

Cassidy Bartholomew

Diving is a space to feel yourself, communicating with others even if there is a language barrier on the surface by Speaking with your hands, questions followed by answers just by moving a couple of fingers and having full conversations with your friends without saying a word.

Of course a diver can’t ignore all of the possible dangers when on a dive and especially when they are guiding clients. But there is also not enough time in your lifetime to constantly be worrying about what “could” go wrong and not thinking about all of the things that are going right!

So go dive!! Enjoy the sea life in its natural habitat, enjoy flying and being able to escape for a little while And trust me…it’s not as scary as it may seem!


Blue Horizon

About Author

Hey I’m Cas , I’m currently studying outdoor adventure education at uni and am pretty new to scuba. Completing both my open water and my dive masters since Jan 22 I’ve fallen utterly in love with diving and can’t wait to add to my journey and experience different sea life around the world. So far only travelling to Lanzarote for my diving I am exited to finish uni and jump straight into new experiences and of course be underwater for the majority of those!

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Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps
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