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A 5-day Search and Rescue Training Course is Being Held near St. Thomas, Ontario

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The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) has announced a search and rescue exercise from Monday, May 9 to Friday, May 13.

It will also feature Canadian Coast Guard and Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary vessels, as well as a Civil Air Search and Rescue Association civilian aircraft. The RCAF has stated that it will make every effort to minimize community disruption.

St. Thomas is a city in Ontario, Canada. At the time of the 2021 Census, the city’s population was 42,918 people. 30 kilometers (18 miles) separate London, Ontario and St Thomas, Ontario (18 miles)

About Search and Rescue In Canada

Search and rescue (SAR) is a shared responsibility in Canada. Because of the country’s vast size, variety of terrain, and weather, many partners are involved. The list of partners includes government, military, volunteer, and business organizations. They all collaborate to provide SAR services across the country. The National Search and Rescue Program is in charge of this.

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are in charge of providing SAR from the air. It also coordinates the national air and maritime SAR response. Every year, CAF assets are tasked with responding to approximately 1000 SAR missions.

Provincial and territorial governments are in charge of searching for missing people, including those who are lost or missing on land or in inland waters – a practice known as Ground Search and Rescue (GSAR). They delegate authority for ground SAR response to the local police services. Parks Canada is in charge of ground search and rescue in federal parks and preserves. The CAF may also assist with ground SAR operations, medical evacuations, and other incidents involving people in distress.

Many factors influence the success of SAR operations. These include having the proper equipment and highly skilled crews on hand to respond quickly. Another consideration is having SAR resources in the right places and following the correct procedures.

CAF SAR assets are meticulously managed and strategically located throughout the country. CAF assets are stationed in areas where they can effectively respond to SAR incidents throughout the country. This takes into account where the majority of SAR incidents occur, how weather affects those areas, and whether or not supporting infrastructure is available.

CAF SAR crews are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The primary SAR crews respond quickly and with the professional dexterity that Search and Rescue personnel are known for. The SAR system remains adaptable, allowing SAR Region Commanders to align response postures with peak SAR activity periods, such as the summer months and the opening of fisheries. SAR crews must be airborne in less than 30 minutes after receiving a task for 40 hours per week. In all other cases, SAR crews must be airborne within two hours of receiving a task.

The CAF employs approximately 140 SAR Technicians (SAR Techs). SAR Techs are highly trained men and women. They aid in the rescue of people in distress in remote or difficult-to-reach areas. They also provide advanced pre-hospital medical care. SAR Techs are trained to the national standard for primary care paramedics.

They also have advanced skills. SAR Technicians are experts in both land and sea survival. They specialize in rescue techniques. This includes Arctic rescue, parachuting, diving, mountain climbing, and helicopter rescue.

SAR Techs are present on every CAF primary SAR aircraft that is dispatched on a SAR mission. They have saved thousands of lives.


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