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Paul Toomer Takes on New Role at RAID

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Paul Toomer announced today that he has stepped aside as president of Dive RAID International to take up new duties as V-P Product Development and Member Relations. In this new role, Paul will assist PJ Prinsloo in the Training Department developing new courses, and updating the more than 120 programs the agency currently offers. 

Paul will also head up the new Training Advisory Group (TAG) at RAID. This group has been setup to give professional advice to RAID’s executive while helping to keep standards current, and new courses relevant in the recreational scuba, freediving, technical scuba, and rebreather markets.

The popular and well-known diving personality, one of the original founders of RAID and a current partner in Dive RAID International (DRI), said: “Prior to taking on the president’s job, under the previous company ownership, I thrived as Director Diver Training. It was a job I loved, and I am very happy to think that I’ll be involved once more in Training Department business. As the agency has expanded its reach during the past 12 months, keeping up with the daily demands of our membership worldwide has more than doubled because our network of dive centres and professionals has grown. And so, I’m excited that this new position means I’ll be able to share some of that workload, and keep the level of customer service among the highest in the industry.”

Paul, a well-respected technical diver, and explorer explained that in his new role he will have time once again to participate in more diving expeditions, and to focus on market pressure he has felt to run various training programs including instructor and instructor-trainer level courses.

He added: “Under the new management team, RAID is more stable now than it’s ever been. And on a personal note, as the company moves forward in 2023, I will be able to spend more time with my family, and on personal projects without negatively affecting its continued growth. This. is a perfect balance for me and for RAID.”

In his new role for the company, Toomer will also work closely with the sales and marketing departments to increase RAID’s market share in recreational scuba and freediving as well as to solidify its leadership position in the technical and rebreather market segments.

Toomer begins his new job effective immediately. 

Learn more about RAID at: https://www.diveraid.com


Blue Horizon

About Author

RAID is the world's fastest growing diver training agency with both full service and satellite regional offices, dive stores and instructors waiting to provide diver services to you across the globe. RAID is also the first diver training agency to offer a complete range of online diver academic programs from beginner to instructor examiner levels in snorkeling, scuba and freediving.

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