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PADI Awards Jo Armitage Platinum Course Director Status For 10th Consecutive Year

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PADI has awarded Jo Armitage, Course Director at The Go Pro Family in Mexico, Platinum status for her contributions to professional training and educational excellence during 2022.  This year marks the tenth consecutive year she has achieved this status.

This milestone comes just a year after The Go Pro Family’s other Course Director, Angel Navarro, received his 15th consecutive Platinum award. 

Jo, originally from the UK, says “Time really does fly when you’re having fun.  I can’t believe it’s been ten years since my first Platinum Course Director award.  Training future PADI dive instructors is such a fulfilling job and every IDC brings something new.”

Jo Armitage

Jo adds “Currently only around 15% of PADI Course Directors are female, so I am stoked to receive this award and I hope to encourage other women divers to become PADI Pros and to be Course Directors themselves one day.”

Jo currently conducts IDC in three locations in Mexico, which she says helps her to keep her training fresh and relevant.  “It’s great to be able to experience new dive locations and work with some great teams at our affiliate dive centers.” said Jo

Jo Armitage

The Go Pro Family is Course Directors Angel Navarro (from Spain) and Jo Armitage (from the UK), and their team of pros.  Together, they have personally trained over 900 PADI Instructors, and have issued over 4000 professional-level certifications.  Based in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, The Go Pro Family offers professional-level scuba training as well as technical, cave diving and freediving.  They also conduct PADI Instructor Development Courses in Mahahual and Huatulco.

For more information about their IDCs or other training options, visit https://thegoprofamily.com/en/


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