Dive Curacao

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Wrecks of the Pacific Northwest – Virtual Meet with Guy Shockey

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Join us for this free event with Midwest Underwater Explorers (MWUE)

Join us on November 20th at 5pm (Pacific Time) via Zoom for a virtual presentation by Guy Shockey on wrecks of the Pacific Northwest, and exploration that has been ongoing in the area. Learn about different ways you can join in these expeditions and contribute to our understanding of our local submerged history.

About Guy

Guy is a former military officer who learned to dive in 1982 in the cold mountain lakes of Alberta, Canada and has been involved with Global Underwater Explorers for the past 14 years. He is currently a full time Instructor Evaluator for GUE and spends a good deal of his time travelling the globe and teaching both OC and CCR for GUE. He is also actively involved with GUE instructor training and has trained approximately 75% of all the GUE instructors in North America. Guy is the founder of Thermocline Diving on Vancouver Island and runs dive training and exploration from his 47’ dive vessel, MV Thermocline. The Thermocline has been likened to a “floating classroom” and was designed for exploration and training on the inside coastal waters of Vancouver Island.


Monday November 20, 2023 @ 8pm (EST)

Event by Thermocline Diving

Public: Anyone on or off Facebook

Register Here: https://www.thermoclinediving.com/MUE-PNW-Wrecks

Facebook Online Event


Blue Horizon

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The Scuba News Press Team are constantly on the hunt for great news articles from the world of scuba diving!

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