Dive Curacao

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rEvo Rebreathers Launch Brand New International Website

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The team at rEvo Rebreathers are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website.

The website went live this week and is just the starting point of what will be an enhanced and growing online presence for rEvo Rebreathers.

The website has been developed to provide you with all of the information you need to know about rEvo Rebreathers, together with keeping you updated with all of the latest news, updates and rEvo Rebreather pictures from around the world, through our successful #meandmyrEvo platform.

Over the coming weeks, months and beyond will be regularly updating our website content with new information, new blog posts, #meandmyrEvo photographs, photos of the rEvo Rebreathers Team at various Dive Shows and Events around the world and much more.

We have also made it even easier to share your #meandmyrEvo pictures by launching a brand new Mini-Site at: http://www.meandmyrEvo.com

In addition, our website will be working in tandem with the rEvo Rebreathers Social Media channels which can be seen using the links at the top of the website or below.

See the new website at: http://www.revo-rebreathers.com

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Blue Horizon

About Author

Simon is a highly experienced technical diver and rebreather instructor, teaching everything from entry level rebreather diving to 100m mixed gas CCR diving. He has been both diver and owner of many rebreather units including: AP Inspiration, AP Evolution, KISS, Sentinel, Megladon and he his now responsible for all UK rEvo Supply and Training having found what he considers to be the perfect rebreather in the rEvo. You can follow Simon on Facebook, on Twitter or by visiting the Tekdeep website.

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