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Live Coral Fragments Replanted During Restoration Project Being Prepared for Annual Spawning Event

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Heavy work completed for Magic Reef Restoration Project; Maintenance Continues to give coral best chance to thrive

Dive volunteers in Grand Cayman are carefully combing a section of restored coral reef in George Town Harbour, scrub brushes in hand, trying to keep reattached coral fragments free of threatening algae to make them more attractive when local corals spawn next month.

Two coral trees with hundreds of growing fragments are still at the restoration site. These fragments must be out-planted in surrounding reef. Photo courtesy Lois Hatcher

Two coral trees with hundreds of growing fragments are still at the restoration site. These fragments must be out-planted in surrounding reef. Photo courtesy Lois Hatcher

“85% of the corals have survived the first year, and they look good,” said Lois Hatcher, co-coordinator of the Magic Reef Restoration Project which began work in September 2014. “But we need to get in there and keep scrubbing the algae away so that during the spawning event, floating gametes can attach themselves to these small corals and grow new coral colonies, fortifying this whole area.”

An experienced coral restoration specialist, Hatcher and a core group of local volunteers, supported by dive operators and the local community, have spent hundreds of hours on the project over the past two years. A fundraiser brought in $28,000 for the project and Carnival Cruise Lines also donated US $100,000 without admitting fault.

Coral fragments reattached to the sea floor are growing and doing well according to Lois Hatcher. Maintenance work includes removing algae growing on them to make sure they remain healthy and able to reproduce during the upcoming coral spawning event.

Coral fragments reattached to the sea floor are growing and doing well according to Lois Hatcher. Maintenance work includes removing algae growing on them to make sure they remain healthy and able to reproduce during the upcoming coral spawning event.

“The heavy work is done, and now we need to focus on maintenance,” said Hatcher. “Because of warmer water and other things, algae is growing rapidly and covering the coral fragments. We need to clean the algae off before the coral spawning mid-September.”

During coral spawning, corals simultaneously release eggs and sperm to make new life in the water. These fertilized eggs, or gametes, ride the currents until they find a spot to descend and start new coral colonies. The annual event, which happens in the middle of the night, is more predictable these days, so Hatcher says timing is everything during spawning and too much algae can interfere with this reproductive cycle.

Volunteer Divers inspect the Reef Restoration Project in George Town Harbour. The heavy work is done, now maintenance must be kept up. Photo courtesy Lois Hatcher.

Volunteer Divers inspect the Reef Restoration Project in George Town Harbour. The heavy work is done, now maintenance must be kept up. Photo courtesy Lois Hatcher.

“A reef’s ecosystem is well connected and balanced, and when something throws the balance off, its delicate work to restore it,” she said. “Sorting good algae from bad algae to give these corals a better chance for long-term survival is part of that work.”

The world’s coral reefs are under attack by global warming, massive bleaching events, pollution, invasive lionfish and other factors. Hatcher and her small team of volunteers continue to do what they can to restore the balance in this particular ecosystem in the Cayman Islands. For her work with this coral restoration project and the new Cayman Coral Nursery Program, Lois Hatcher, a photo pro with Ocean Frontiers, has received a Stingray Award for Watersports Employee of the Year from the Cayman Islands Tourism Association. Joey Avery who spent many hours working side by side with her underwater at the restoration site says it is well deserved.

“She walks the walk in a world where so many just talk the talk,” said Avery.

The Magic Reef Restoration Project continues to give local divers a chance to get involved with maintenance work at the site, and Lois Hatcher says there are still two coral trees with 100 coral colonies that need to be out-planted. Volunteers are still needed and dive industry leaders say personal involvement is key to conservation.

Lois Hatcher receives her Stingray Award for Watersports Employee of the Year from co-coordinator of the Magic Reef Restoration Project Keith Sahm, Operations Manager at Sunset House. Photo courtesy Cayman Islands Tourism Association.

Lois Hatcher receives her Stingray Award for Watersports Employee of the Year from co-coordinator of the Magic Reef Restoration Project Keith Sahm, Operations Manager at Sunset House. Photo courtesy Cayman Islands Tourism Association.

“It’s great that volunteers, both guests, and locals can go out and help clean the site, it’s a way for them to become invested in Cayman’s marine environment,” said Rod McDowall, Operations Manager for Red Sail Sports. “People who care about something always try to protect it.”


Blue Horizon

About Author

The Cayman Bottom Times is news collaboration by five leading dive operators to promote the superb diving of the Cayman Islands, and keep the diving public informed of important developments and events. Divetech, Ocean Frontiers, Red Sail Sports and Sunset house in Grand Cayman, and the Southern Cross Club in Little Cayman, all members of the Cayman Islands Tourism Association, represent more than 100 years of solid experience in a destination that is recognized as the birthplace of recreational diving. With a unique combination of deep wall and shallow reef diving, several wrecks, and world-famous Stingray City, the Cayman Islands has cemented its place as the top diving destination in the Caribbean. Offering diverse and wide-ranging dive programs on both Grand Cayman and Little Cayman, the members of this dive group represent the best Cayman has to offer; Divetech (www.divetech.com), Ocean Frontiers (www.oceanfrontiers.com), Red Sail Sports Grand Cayman (www.redsailcayman.com), Sunset House (www.sunsethouse.com) and the Southern Cross Club (www.southerncrossclub.com). For more information on The Cayman Bottom Times contact Adela Gonzales White at Adela.G.White@comcast.net or call (941) 350-8735.

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