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Coming In 2023: Nathalie Lasselin – Pushing the Knowledge Boundary at the Manicouagan Reservoir

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Nathalie is delighted to inform you that the Royal Canadian Geographical Society has agreed to support her next (second) underwater expedition into the Manicouagan reservoir. Her 2023 diving team and her will push the boundaries of our understanding of the flood forest in Innu territory.

She and her exhibition will be investigating what was once a living territory for an entire community and will honour the memory while learning about the inner aquatic world’s resilience.

Would you like to support her in her underwater explorations and become a proud partner? Please contact us privately.

Read The Scuba News Canada Article on Natalie’s First Dive at Manicouagan Reservoir

Manicouagan Reservoir 

Manicouagan Reservoir (also known as Lake Manicouagan) is a 1,942 km2 annular lake in central Quebec, Canada (750 sq mi). René-Levasseur Island is located in the center of the lake, and Mount Babel is its highest point. The structure was formed 214 (1) million years ago, in the Late Triassic, by the impact of a 5 km (3 mi) in diameter meteorite. The lake and island can be seen from space and are sometimes referred to as the “eye of Quebec.” The lake’s volume is 137.9 km3 (33.1 cu mi).

The current Manicouagan Reservoir was formed in the 1960s by flooding the earlier Lake Mushalagan (Mouchalagan) to the west of the central plateau and the then-smaller Manicouagan to the east with the Daniel-Johnson dam. The reservoir serves as a massive headpond for the Manicouagan River, feeding the Jean-Lesage (Manic-2) and René-Lévesque (Manic-3) generating stations, as well as the Daniel-Johnson Dam (Manic-5) generating stations downstream.

Nathalie Lasselin

Nathalie is a scuba diver and explorer, and lives in Montreal Quebec. She is a member of The Women’s Divers Hall of Fame and has produced six underwater documentary films. In 2018 Nathalie did a 44 mile dive in the St Lawrence River which took 30 to 40 hours.  Along her underwater voyage, Nathalie documented the underwater world of the river by taking samples of water and sediments.


Blue Horizon

About Author

Kathy is the owner of Kirk Scuba Gear, a passionate Scuba Diver, Ocean Advocate and Managing Editor of The Scuba News Canada

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