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The Twice Stolen Anchor at Brockville, Ontario

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The tale of the twice-stolen anchor.

A quick response from Brockville City Staff and members of Save Ontario Shipwrecks today prevented the theft of a marine artifact from the waters around Blockhouse Island.

The Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport granted Save Ontario Shipwrecks a permit in 2011 to survey, excavate, and recover the two anchors found in the waters off Blockhouse Island. Contrary to the Ontario Marine Heritage Act, both of these anchors were removed from the channel and brought into the shallows of Blockhouse Island.

SOS members and the Provincial Police stopped the original perpetrators from removing the anchors. One of these anchors was removed by SOS in 2012 and properly cleaned and preserved; it is now on display at the Aquatarium. SOS’s intention has always been to relocate or recover and preserve the second anchor in accordance with our permit.

Someone was removing the anchor from the waters off Blockhouse Island, according to a city worker who reported it to the Parks Supervisor. The worker was told not to do any more work and not to let anyone leave the scene.

The original culprits were prevented from removing theses anchors by SOS members and the Provincial Police. In 2012 one of these anchors was removed by SOS and properly cleaned and preserved and is currently on display at the Aquatarium. It was always the intent of SOS to relocate or recover and preserve the second anchor as per our permit.

A city worker reported to Parks Supervisor that someone was removing the anchor from the waters at Blockhouse Island. The worker was Instructed to prevent any further work and to prevent anyone from leaving the scene.

Brockville Anchor
Stephen Hatch, Dave Sheridan and Stephan Senecal – Photo Credit: CHSD Davis Parks Supervisor

The Parks Supervisor contacted SOS to see if we were aware of this situation. We all gathered at the site and decided that the police should be called. Following an investigation, the anchor was safely relocated to the city works garage.

The Ontario Heritage Act prohibits anyone from altering or removing artifacts or other physical evidence of past human use from a known marine archaeological site unless they have a marine archaeological licence issued by the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism, and Culture Industries.

Ontario Marine Heritage Act, Bill 13, 1999

With thanks for notes credit, original article from Stephen Hatch,

Admin of SOS – Thousand Islands since March 2, 2013


Blue Horizon

About Author

Kathy is the owner of Kirk Scuba Gear, a passionate Scuba Diver, Ocean Advocate and Managing Editor of The Scuba News Canada

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