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Guest from the Carlton Queen Liveaboard Launches GoFundMe Campaign To Pay Medical Bills and Begin Legal Action Against Liveaboard Owner

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A new chapter in the Carlton Queen liveaboard sinking began to today as Dominic Schmitt, a guest onboard the Carlton Queen, launched a passioned GoFundMe campaign to replace most needed items for those who are “in dire need of financial assistance”, “to fund medical treatment not covered by insurance” and to “get the legal support we need to hold the organizers accountable and to make sure nobody ever has to experience what we went through and what in hindsight could have been avoided”.

Red Sea Liveaboard Capsize
Screenshot from locally shot video of the capsized Carlton Queen via Facebook

In our previous coverage of the incident, we did highlight that one of the group claimed that the captain was the first depart the sinking vessel, which is terrible in itself but the GoFundMe Campaign by Dominic shows just how traumatic the incident was for the group.

Unfortuntely, our nightmare didn’t end with our rescue. In the days that followed, we were left alone with the situation and had to take care of new passports, documents, clothing and transfers on our own. With the exception of two divers hospitalized by the Egyptian Navy, we have not seen a doctor to date. We were threatened, lied to and pressured into giving false information to the authorities, especially by representatives of the company that had organized the trip – which of course we didn’t do.
Instead of sending doctors, they sent lawyers. Instead of providing help, they tried to spread fear. And instead of taking responsibility for what happened, you treated us with indifference and arrogance. After all, no one turned up for a meeting in which an offer of compensation was to be made to us.

GoFundMe, translated from German
Carlton Queen Sinking
Image showing a heavily listing Carlton Queen. Taken hours before the fateful sinking.

On a positive note, Dominic said that they met a lot of nice people in Egypt and extended his thanks and appreciation to the crew of VIP Shrouk which collected them from the sinking vessel and returned them to port.

Help Dominic and other members of this incident at: https://www.gofundme.com/f/3180vhrtko


Blue Horizon

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The Scuba News Press Team are constantly on the hunt for great news articles from the world of scuba diving!

1 Comment

  1. The transport of the shipwreckt crew and guests was not done by the VIP Shrouk, but by a Egyptian Navy Speedboat.

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