Dive Curacao

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Fundraiser: The Search for a Missing Piece of History – The P51D Mustang and Pilot, Officer Barry Newman

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Barry Newman P51
Photo via Facebook

Join us for a special fundraising yard sale on May 20, 2023 at 243 Brock Street in Thamesford, Ontario. Our mission is to raise funds to aid in the search for a long-lost piece of history: the P51D Mustang and its daring pilot, Flying Officer Barry Newman. His plane crashed into Lake Ontario on June 10, 1952, and he has yet to be found, despite extensive efforts. Throughout the event, our team will be available to share insights, provide updates, and answer any questions you may have about this critical project. We invite everyone to come learn more about the extensive efforts being made to locate the aircraft and put this historical mystery to rest. We can all work together to make a difference and preserve the legacy of of those who have gone before us.


  • Fundraising Yard Sale
  • May 20, 2023
  • 243 Brock Street in Thamesford, Ontario

Read The Scuba News Canada’s Article on Canadian Harvard Aircraft Recovery Team (CHAA) Survey and Dive Search For Barry Newmans P-51 Mustang

Article submitted by Walther Irie

Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association


Blue Horizon

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The Scuba News Press Team are constantly on the hunt for great news articles from the world of scuba diving!

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