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Help Us Save Our Main Dive Site in Manitoba

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Save Cats Ass Dive Site in Manitoba

Manitoba Underwater Council Needs your Help.

As part of the AGM Meeting announcement, we informed the membership that we no longer have liability insurance and would not be able to hold events until this was resolved.

Well it appears that it’s not just BBQs and Porker Derbies that are impacted.

We had arranged for DiverCity (our only corporate member) to use their Liability Insurance Policy to satisfy the Cats Ass Site Permit application requirements. Parks has refused to issue the permit until a special rider on their insurance policy is issued to cover this installation.

DiverCity’s insurance is the same, if not better, than the insurance provided by Sport Manitoba, which was acceptable to them in previous years.

We need you, Manitoba SCUBA Divers, to petition the following ministers to get involved in this issue so that we can put the floats out and use the site this summer.

Read The Scuba News Canada article on Cats Ass Dive Site

Below is an email template you could use:

Dear Minister,

We have been informed by the Manitoba Underwater Council that the “Keep Out Buoys” at the protected dive site at Westhawk Lake may not be installed this year due to difficulties obtaining the permit from the Department of Natural Resources and Northern Development – Parks Branch. This dive site is very important to me and the people I dive with. Not having the buoys in place would endanger the people who Swim, Snorkel and SCUBA Dive there due to the proximity of the Westhawk Marina.

The West Hawk Lake dive area is no different than other swimming areas in the lake and the swimmers and divers need boats and watercraft kept out of the area for their safety and enjoyment of their sport in the provincial park. Cats Ass is the premier dive area in Manitoba and thousands of dives are conducted there annually by Manitobans and visitors to the province.

I would appreciate it if you could review this issue with the Parks Branch and facilitate issuing the permit.

Thank you

Your Name

Please email or phone:

Honourable Obby Khan

Minister of Sport, Culture and Heritage

Phone: 204-945-3729

Email minsch@leg.gov.mb.ca

Honourable Greg Nesbitt

Minister of Natural Resources and Northern Development

Phone: 204-945-4760

Email minnrnd@leg.gov.mb.ca

Honourable Kevin Klein

Minister of Environment and Climate

Phone: 204-945-3730

Email minecp@leg.gov.mb.ca

Article submitted by Blayne Lemke

Follow Blayne on Facebook


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