Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps

Join Madagascar Whale Shark Project in the field

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This trip is for nature lovers who want to support local conservation in action, while swimming with the world’s largest fish, the whale shark, in a stunning location.

You will join us as we head out to sea on a dedicated research boat to collect data on whale sharks and other megafauna. Picnic lunches will be served onboard in order to remain flexible with encounters.

During this week you will benefit from unique expertise from Stella Diamant, the lead whale shark researcher in Madagascar, and the rest of the field team.

Your participation will help fund our work, and contribute to whale shark research and conservation in Madagascar as part of our mission.

Whale Shark Trips
Photo credit: Stella Diamant, Madagascar Whale Shark Project Foundation


  • Be comfortable snorkelling in deep water
  • Ability to swim 200 meters with fins Ability to spend several hours on a boat in the open sea
  • 18 years old minimum
  • Medical certificate confirming ability to travel to a remote location*
  • Full repatriation insurance*
  • Interest in scientific research and whale shark conservation
  • Willingness to socialise with other guests and the team
  • Adaptability, patience, enthusiasm and humour are strongly required

*Freedivers must be covered for
freediving by their insurance (ie. DAN) and show a medical certificate

Whale Shark Trips
Photo credit: Stella Diamant, Madagascar Whale Shark Project Foundation

Citizen Science

The objective of this unique week is to combine science and tourism, providing a once in a lifetime experience for our guests. As a trip participant you will be able to contribute to scientific research and collect data both from the boat and underwater (only on specific tasks; when possible and depending on each participant’s skillset).

During this trip, the team will undertake some of the following activities:

  • Acoustic tag deployment Photo-identification Biopsies
  • Plankton tows Drone flights

This trip is designed as an introduction to an active scientific program, where you learn more about our research through a presentation and a data processing session.

Whale Shark Trips
Photo credit: Stella Diamant, Madagascar Whale Shark Project Foundation


A gorgeous 4-room private villa in Madirokely beach is booked for this trip. Depending of the group composition, a single supplement may be applied for participants travelling alone wishing to book a double room.

A simple continental breakfast is included every morning at the villa. On boat trips we cover lunches, water and snacks. Afternoons are kept free on purpose after busy mornings at sea. Places to eat dinner are easily accessible by foot on the beach. On your free day you can chill at the villa, or go on an organised excursion.

The price of this trip is 1700 euros per person.

This trip has been designed to match flights from Ethiopian Airlines flying to all global destinations.

A deposit, waiver contract and proof of insurance will be required to confirm your reservation.

Learn more and see full details at: https://www.madawhalesharks.org/get-involved/trips/


Blue Horizon

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Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps
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