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Ontario Set to Make Lifejackets Mandatory for Kids 12 and Younger While on a Boat

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A bill is currently before the province of Ontario legislature that will require children 12 and younger to wear a life jacket while onboard on a boat.

When taking their kids on vacation near water, especially when boating, the majority of parents put “safety first” into practice by making sure that their kids are wearing life jackets. Many people, including The Scuba News Canada, were under the mistaken impression that this was a law that applied specifically to children. (in Ontario/Canada) Currently, every person on board a watercraft while boating, must have a life jacket available (even if it isn’t being worn), per Canadian law.

Read The Scuba News Canada’s Article on: Myths and Facts about Secondary and Dry Drowning

The legislation, which is known as “Joshua’s Law” in honour of 11-year-old Joshua Steinberg who perished in a boating accident on the St. Lawrence River in 2018, was introduced by Progressive Conservative MPP Goldie Ghamari in April of 2023. This new law has received support from all parties and is anticipated to be adopted into law during the upcoming fall session of the Ontario legislature.

According to OPP data, 114 paddlers or boaters died in maritime mishaps between 2018 and 2022 while not wearing PFDs.

“Safety First”!


Blue Horizon

About Author

Kathy is the owner of Kirk Scuba Gear, a passionate Scuba Diver, Ocean Advocate and Managing Editor of The Scuba News Canada

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