Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps

Connecting to the Ocean when pregnant

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I recently went along to a local screening of The Ocean Film Festival. An event I attend every year that always leaves me inspired and motivated about my next dive trip.

As I sat there watching this arrangement of incredible short films, a stone’s throw away from my third trimester, I thought about my own connections to the big blue and how much I was missing it. Keeping a strong connection with the ocean has been my biggest challenge whilst being unable to dive.

So, how can we, as pregnant women, keep our beloved ocean close now that diving is off the table?

Stay engaged with the ocean without getting wet.

  • Stay current and keep up with associations and organisations that engage with it.
  • Follow ocean related charities to keep in the loop about conservation efforts.
  • Attend local beach cleans or organise your own one.
  • Write a blog about interesting ocean related events you have been along to or films/documentaries you have seen.
  • Get involved with Dive Against Debris, Surfers Against Sewage or Project Aware.

Engage with other ocean lovers.

Ocean folk talk non- stop about relationships with water, in whatever sphere it may be; surfing, diving, sailing, swimming etc. People’s tales often describe a salty blend of adventure, adrenaline, exploration, inspiration and love. By connecting with other ocean users, whether in person or on online, sharing and learning about other people’s experiences can make you feel inspired to return to diving. Social media is a fantastic tool for this so join some online groups and discussions and keep talking. You will have a lot to offer other women in your same situation. PADI have some great chats that you can participate in to share your love and inspiration.

Continue to visit the Ocean.

For me, snorkelling has been a great alternative to diving and something that I often overlook as a diver. As a pregnant woman it enables me to exercise lightly and relax in a watery environment. It’s wise to check with a medical professional as every pregnancy is different, but there are plenty of water based activities such as swimming that you still partake in. I also visit the coast as much as possible. Nothing really beats the fresh sea air and it enables you to reconnect with it.

As a recreational diver there are still PADI courses you can take. Check out some dry courses such as the Project AWARE SpecialistEnriched Air Diver or Emergency First Response to keep yourself up-to-date and inspired to return to diving. It is a fantastic opportunity to get some more training under your belt.

I left the theatre and the ocean film festival totally motivated to get through my pregnancy safely and to have a healthy baby for my friends. It’s a big year and it has put lots of things into perspective but by keeping my connection to the ocean I have more drive than ever to get myself back to being scuba ready and teaching in water as soon as possible.


Blue Horizon

About Author

Chantelle is a PADI Master Instructor and Managing Editor of The Scuba News UK. Her passions lay in travel and conservation. she has been all over the world and worked on some exciting projects and dived some spectacular sites. Her thirst to explore and drive to meet and work with new and interesting people has motivated her to keep moving. She works in some extremely remote areas and has a strong media presence. She has worked with various magazines and media and is keen to promote the good work that she comes across and the individuals who really invoke change in their fields. She has dived for over 20 years and is always seeking out the next thrill and dive experience. She can be found at UK dive shows and online easily and is always keen to hear your stories and say hello.

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Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps
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