Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps

Octopuses and Other Sea Creatures

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As part of the We Shine festival in Portsmouth this stunner of a light show ran for 4 nights. An interactive light show exploring the mystery and wonder of the sea.

This coastal town has a deep relationship with the water, it’s residents living on its cusp and many locals working in nautical industries. The concept of a symbiotic relationship between the city and the ocean is deeply rooted in its history and is treasured by the people who live there.

We Shine Festival

The beautiful cathedral hosted the event, moments away from Old Portsmouth, an area soaked in watery history. The arches and corridors lit up with a blue and green glow to give a sense of submersion and adventure.

A fully kitted diver strolling around in the church, investigating the under sea space and inviting you to become a part of his dive experience with dramatic bubble, ocean creature noises and sounds was delightful. Watching him glide towards you and then glimpsing up to see a giant coral, school of fish or octopus tentacle illuminate the cathedral walls and ceiling was magical.

We Shine Festival

As a diver myself I related to how it feels to be underwater, to hear your own breath and explore the unknown. To never know what will swim past you or what you might find. The sea is just like space, a totally alien environment in which we rely on our equipment to keep us alive. A space that at times can be daunting and nerve wracking and a World that must always be respected.

The audio and visuals combined created a feeling of belonging. It was lovely to be in this stunning church and it was even more lovely to be reminded of a place I love so much and spend so much time.

We Shine Festival

The collection of people that came together to make this exhibition and sensory experience possible captured the essence of the sea. They got people excited about the water and thinking about threats against it. The community participated in exhibits inside the church, wading through sea kelp and investigating the tiniest of rock and coral formations. It was beautiful. 

We Shine Festival

Learn more at: https://www.weshineportsmouth.co.uk


Blue Horizon

About Author

Chantelle is a PADI Master Instructor and Managing Editor of The Scuba News UK. Her passions lay in travel and conservation. she has been all over the world and worked on some exciting projects and dived some spectacular sites. Her thirst to explore and drive to meet and work with new and interesting people has motivated her to keep moving. She works in some extremely remote areas and has a strong media presence. She has worked with various magazines and media and is keen to promote the good work that she comes across and the individuals who really invoke change in their fields. She has dived for over 20 years and is always seeking out the next thrill and dive experience. She can be found at UK dive shows and online easily and is always keen to hear your stories and say hello.

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Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps
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