Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps

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A crazy turbulent but what I can only call impressive transfer from Gili Air to Lembonghan brought us to the island. The waves were huge, the captain was amazing and yes I did almost throw up numerous times but alas to get to these places you have to take the rough route sometimes.

Blue Corner bound we arrived at the beach and launched our bags off a tiny boat and into a still cafe for a quick orange water and some grounding before figuring out our route to the dive centre.

This particular dive shop had been recommended to me so many times over the past few years especially from divers I had met in Indonesia travelling. An impressive reputation and lots of hype made me want to get there as quickly as possible. 

We took the 22 minute stroll from the ferry to the centre, passing incredible smelling street side restaurants and being followed by at least 2 very friendly dogs leading us along the main road. A straight line and a left turn and we were there. The very cool looking beach front shop with an infinity pool and beach side dorms was a lovely find.

Blue Corner Diving

Our names were already on the board for dives the next day and our room ready. Psyched to check out some new dive sites we got our bearings and headed to bed for an early night.

The centre was busy in the morning, courses underway, boats being loaded and our super nice guides preparing us for what looked like choppy weather and some potential dive site adjusting to avoid the rough surge. Manta point bound we set off and what we found were, well mantas, everywhere. The boat sped alongside the cliff edge into various bays looking to spot these beautiful beings at the surface, a stop here and one more there and we found them gliding along the surface, splashing as they went.

Blue Corner Diving

Nothing really prepares you for seeing Mantas, they are incredibly gracious and inquisitive. We got into our dive kit as soon as possible with them popping up around the boat. I was so eager to get in and the guides helped us get ready as fast as possibly, safely. 

Again, nothing prepares you for meeting these creatures. They are so huge and calm and they swim past without a care in the World. My reg almost fell out just in shock at seeing them. You almost can’t catch your breath in their presence. It was emotional and I was grateful to be there.

This dive was choppy and the surge by the cliff edge drags you in and out as you swim. The end of the dive and a move to Crystal Bay was a bumpy ride. It was nothing short of a pleasure and relief to back roll into the bay and feel still. We dropped in just above the coral restoration spot, domes and frames covered in corals, we investigated.

Blue Corner Diving

Flounders snuck along side us as we cruised along the sand bar. 2 or more free swimming octopus popped up from behind corals and disappeared into the deep. Flamboyant cuttlefish whizzed by us out of no where, glowing as they pulsed past. There was so much to see and the topography was beautiful.

The guides were incredibly cute underwater, looking so excited to show you everything, grabbing your arm to point out a stone fish or making love heart signs when they saw a garden eel. It was a nice site to spend an hour. Met by fresh watermelon, tea and cake on the boat we slowly made our way back to base.

A beautiful thing to watch happen at the spot, directly in front of the dive shops pool is the seaweed farming. As the afternoon draws to a close, people come out with baskets and torches collecting the seaweed and taking it to the beach to dry. It’s very pretty to watch at night with head torches glowing in the soft rippling waves. Kids slashing about in the water while their parents are working. It’s just a nice addition to get to see. A real part of Indonesian culture on the doorstep on the shop.

Blue Corner Diving

We checked out the coral restoration sites on the second day. This was so impressive. The coral growth on the laid structures was spectacular, soft and hard corals spanning over the entirety of some of the domes. I have to say that the sites in general here were just stunning. We were on drift dives and just glided over huge corals, past swarms of fish and around busy bombies. The drift made it tricky to stop and watch a particular fish or to investigate under a rock but my gosh flying over such beauty and just hovering still without kicking or moving was quite a wonder.

The boat crew really couldn’t do more either, helping de kit on surface intervals, armed with tea, fresh fruit and banana bread. Just a really marvellous bunch of experienced crew who executed the whole morning with ease. We felt looked after, cared for, inspired to dive more and most importantly safe.

Learn more at: https://www.bluecornerdive.com/

Photography by Radoslaw Krol http://www.picagaphoto.co.uk/


Blue Horizon

About Author

Chantelle is a PADI Master Instructor and Managing Editor of The Scuba News UK. Her passions lay in travel and conservation. she has been all over the world and worked on some exciting projects and dived some spectacular sites. Her thirst to explore and drive to meet and work with new and interesting people has motivated her to keep moving. She works in some extremely remote areas and has a strong media presence. She has worked with various magazines and media and is keen to promote the good work that she comes across and the individuals who really invoke change in their fields. She has dived for over 20 years and is always seeking out the next thrill and dive experience. She can be found at UK dive shows and online easily and is always keen to hear your stories and say hello.

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Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps
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