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Take Action: Stand up for your right to breathe clean air

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For close to a decade, the Ecojustice team has worked with Aamjiwnaang community members to convince the Ontario government to introduce a cumulative effects policy to address the air pollution crisis in Chemical Valley. After countless meetings, dozens of letters, and two lawsuits, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change finally released a draft policy in November 2017.

Related Article: https://ca.thescubanews.com/2017/07/07/defending-the-rights-of-chemical-valley-residents-charter-challenge/

Unfortunately, it is a huge disappointment. In its current form, it will not result in any on-the-ground change in Aamjiwnaang. This is partly because the current draft only applies to a few contaminants, and ignores important pollutants like sulphur dioxide.

Ontario needs to get this one right. For too long, it has turned its back on the people of Aamjiwnaang and ignored obvious threats to the health of Ontarians living near multiple major industrial polluters.

An effective cumulative effects framework will ensure all Ontarians receive equitable protection from industrial air pollution under the law, improve transparency, and promote respect for the human right to a healthy environment. To achieve these goals, the government must update its air quality standards so they are science-based. It must also strengthen its draft policy to:

  • establish clear and binding timelines for the addition of other pollutants;
  • ensure the policy is expanded to include all Ontario communities, with priority being placed upon other communities with significant levels of industrial air pollution; and
  • mandate a proactive approach to ensure air quality improves, rather than worsens

We’ll be submitting our feedback to government officials. But they need to hear from you too.

You have until Feb. 7 to demand Ontario respect all Ontarian’ s right to clean air and improve its draft cumulative effects policy. Please send your message to government today.

Learn more at: https://www.ecojustice.ca/take-action-stand-right-breathe-clean-air/



Blue Horizon

About Author

Ecojustice is leading the legal fight for a brighter environmental future. We are Canada’s only national environmental law charity. We are 100% donor-funded and have a 25-year track record of winning legal victories for people and the planet.

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