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GenClimateAction: How youth-led litigation is making Canadian legal history

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After a historic legal victory last month, the young people leading a landmark climate lawsuit are preparing to fend off another attempt to shut down their case.

Last week, we learned the Ontario government is trying to appeal the Ontario Superior Court’s rejection of its motion to strike the youth-led case. If the court grants the province leave to appeal, it will almost certainly delay this urgent litigation – and jeopardize these young people’s chances of ever getting their day in court.

At this pivotal moment in this case and climate action worldwide, Ecojustice invites you to a special webinar on Dec. 16 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. PST / 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. EST.

Hosted by youth climate activist Emma Lim, this live conversation will feature Shaelyn Wabegijig and Zoe Keary-Matzner, two of the youth applicants in Mathur et. al. v. Her Majesty in Right of Ontario. They will be joined by Danielle Gallant (Ecojustice) and Spencer Bass (Stockwoods LLP), two key players on the legal team backing this case. And of course, there will be time for your questions.

This case truly is making history and paving the way for future court efforts to protect our rights and our climate. Last month’s victory in the Ontario Superior Court was the first time a Canadian court has ever allowed climate Charter litigation like this to proceed.

This historic victory – and our ongoing fight to protect it – would not have been possible without the support of Ecojustice’s community. Thank you for standing with us and with the courageous young people leading this lawsuit.

In a year of immense ups and downs, witnessing Shaelyn, Zoe, and their fellow applicants’ tenacity and commitment to fighting the climate crisis has given me hope. That’s why I am so excited about this opportunity to hear directly from both of them, their lawyers, and from Emma – another remarkable young climate leader.

EcoJustice We’re building the case for a better earth. From coast to coast to coast, we go to court and use the full force of the law to protect what we value most — the air we breathe, the water we drink, a safe climate.


Hosted by Ecojustice

December 16, 2020 from 4 pm to 5 pm (EST)

Register now at: https://register.gotowebinar.com/ or make a donation at: https://www.support.ecojustice.ca


Blue Horizon

About Author

Ecojustice is leading the legal fight for a brighter environmental future. We are Canada’s only national environmental law charity. We are 100% donor-funded and have a 25-year track record of winning legal victories for people and the planet.

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