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Ban the Pesticide Chlorpyrifos in Canada

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Ecojustice has just filed a lawsuit to ban the selling and use of the dangerous pesticide chlorpyrifos in Canada.

Chlorpyrifos is a pesticide that is sprayed on staple food crops like wheat and potatoes. It has been proven to be harmful to human health and is notorious for its potential to cause brain damage in children.

In spite of these risks, Health Canada plans to allow chlorpyrifos to be used in Canada for three more years. This so-called “phase-out” period is excessive, given the known threat this pesticide poses to human health.

That’s why Ecojustice lawyers are going to court: We want chlorpyrifos off our crops and dinner plates as soon possible.

Stand with Ecojustice in defending the health and wellbeing of Canadians from dangerous pesticides like chlorpyrifos. If it is within your means, please consider making a donation in support of this lawsuit today. 

Chlorpyrifos has already been banned by the European Union, is set to be phased out this summer in the US and should also be banned in Canada immediately.

A successful outcome, in this case, would see the Federal Court agreed that Health Canada’s three-year phase-out period for chlorpyrifos is excessive and unlawful, paving the way for an immediate ban.

Donate today and help Ecojustice keep Canadians safe from dangerous pesticides like chlorpyrifos.

Ecojustice goes to court to defend nature, combat climate change and fight for your right to a healthy environment. From coast to coast to coast, we go to court and use the full force of the law to protect what we value most — the air we breathe, the water we drink and a safe climate.

Learn more about Ecojustice at: https://www.ecojustice.ca/


Blue Horizon

About Author

Ecojustice is leading the legal fight for a brighter environmental future. We are Canada’s only national environmental law charity. We are 100% donor-funded and have a 25-year track record of winning legal victories for people and the planet.

1 Comment

  1. Alex Salie on

    Dear Sirs,

    Why would Canada take 3 years to phase-out a known hazardous ( to humans) chemical (Chlorpyrifos), which is already banned in many developed countries?
    Canada has “Universal” health care. All Canadians pay dearly for chemical damage done to its inhabitants.
    Our government should prioritize, above all, the well being of its people.
    Please take action.

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