Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps

Sign the petition to end shark fin soup

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Sign the shark fin petitionIf you are like me and feel that the idea of shark fin soup is repulsive and needs to be banned, please take a minute to sign the petition using the link below.

I have no idea what the impact of any petition is in all honesty but I do think that every little helps towards saving such a majestic species.

Sign The Petition at: http://dive.im/ZFdlKB


Blue Horizon

About Author

Lee has been in the marketing industry for the last 15 years and now specializes in teaching marketing techniques to people in the scuba diving industry. He is founder of Dive Media Solutions which, in addition to providing complete marketing, media, communications and IT solutions exclusively for the scuba diving industry, also produces The Scuba News. You can connect with Lee via Twitter by following @DiveMedia

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Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps
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