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Aggressor Red Sea Fleet To Install Solar Panels

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Aggressor Adventures, the leading provider of unforgettable travel experiences, is making waves in the Red Sea with its innovative approach to sustainable tourism. In a groundbreaking move aimed at reducing carbon emissions and preserving the pristine marine environment, the company has announced plans to install 10,000kw solar systems on it’s leading Red Sea Liveaboards including Red Sea Aggressor IV and Aggressor Floating Resort.

This follows the eco-conscious initiative of installing solar panels on the 20-passenger Nile Queen II® Dahabayia-style yacht, where solar panels have been seamlessly integrated to harness the power of the sun’s rays. This groundbreaking technology enables the yacht to generate an impressive 3,000kw of clean energy, eliminating the need for carbon-emitting diesel engine generators.

The installation of solar panels on the Nile Queen II® marks a significant step towards achieving Aggressor Adventures’ environmental goals. By relying on solar power, the company aims to make a substantial positive impact on the delicate ecosystem of the Red Sea while providing guests with unforgettable experiences.

The solar panels, mounted above the yacht’s covered, open-air lounge, serve a dual purpose. Not only do they ensure self-sufficiency while the yacht is docked, but they also replace up to three gallons of diesel consumption per hour. Over the course of a year, this translates into a significant reduction of thousands of gallons of diesel, thereby helping to preserve the Nile River’s water quality and Egypt’s air quality.

Aggressor Adventures’ commitment to sustainability doesn’t stop there. The dedicated staff of the Nile Queen II® is already working on upgrading the solar and battery systems to generate an even more impressive 5,000kw of power.

Wayne Brown, Chairman & CEO of Aggressor Adventures, emphasized the company’s dedication to preserving the environment: “Preserving our environment lies at the very heart of our mission, and the integration of these cutting-edge solar panels represents just one aspect of our comprehensive Green the Fleet® sustainability initiatives program. We eagerly embrace the multitude of innovations available to us, as we strive to minimize our ecological footprint while reveling in the wonders of nature.”

Learn more about the Aggressor Fleet at: https://www.aggressor.com


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