Dive Curacao

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blue o two launch new itinerary; ‘TrukTec with Ahmed Fadel’…

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Award-winning diving tour operator, blue o two, are delighted to present the launch of the brand new Micronesia itinerary, ‘TrukTec with Ahmed Fadel’.

Hosted by blue o two’s expert dive guide, Ahmed Fadel, this exclusive technical 10 night package will be held on board M/V Truk Master in 2017.  Guests are offered the opportunity to dive a multitude of fantastic wrecks and reefs along with the chance to share knowledge and learn more about technical diving with practical based workshops and talks led by Ahmed.

Diving amongst an expansive collection of wrecks closely packed into a coral lagoon, Truk Lagoon was previously one of the largest naval bases in Japan and the launch site of the Pearl Harbour attack in 1941. The 1944 US retaliation ‘Operation Hailstorm’ resulted in the loss of 61 ships which had been left anchored in the lagoon, thus Truk Lagoon becoming the dream wreck diving destination.

Highlights of the trip include a signature dive of Truk Lagoon where a variety of engine parts, propeller blades and fuel cells will be found, as well as a bow gun encrusted with corals and outer wreckage immersed in sea fans, soft corals and anemones. Divers can explore the 80ft Betty Bomber, surrounded by schooling fish and witness one of the most famous reef dives in Truk, Shark Island, a fantastic cleaning station for reef sharks.

Whether you are a recreational diver looking to begin your technical training or a technical diver wanting to progress, Ahmed will be on hand and is able to teach a huge range of courses (courses must be pre-booked as there are a limited number of places available). You do not however need to be a technical diver to enjoy this trip – many of Truk’s wrecks are within recreational dive limits!

This trip offers the perfect opportunity to progress your training and share knowledge with fellow divers, while enjoying some of the best diving that Micronesia has to offer.

For more information about this fantastic NEW itinerary, or to book your place today, please visit the blue o two website – www.blueotwo.com or contact the expert blue o two travel team on +44 (0)1752 480808


Blue Horizon

About Author

Specialising in luxury liveaboards, we manage our own award winning fleet in the Egyptian Red Sea, as well as offering a wide variety of liveaboards and resort diving holidays across the globe.

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