Truk Lagoon - The Scuba News All the latest news from the world of Scuba Diving! Sun, 05 Nov 2023 15:04:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 54124523 Military Policeman to Dive Professional Thu, 05 Oct 2023 09:18:56 +0000 I have always been an outdoors person. From playing football when I was younger, to going on adventurous activity weeks and taking my first try dive back in 2003. This [...]]]>

I have always been an outdoors person. From playing football when I was younger, to going on adventurous activity weeks and taking my first try dive back in 2003. This was my first step to exploring a whole new world. 

James Soos

I joined the Royal Military Police in March 2010 and upon completing training I was sent to Bulford, Wiltshire where I honed my skills in both police work and soldering field skills. Perhaps one of the most memorable experiences was going to Kenya on a training exercise for 7 weeks, during which we got the chance to do adventurous training including a walk around a nature reserve with a Maasi Warrior!

James Soos

A few years later, whilst serving in Cyprus, I found a passion for scuba diving. What better place to learn. Here I completed my BSAC Ocean Diver and Sports Diver courses and spent many dives on the Zenobia wreck. During my second posting to Cyprus I completed my Dive Leader, Advanced Diver and Open Water Instructor courses.

In 2020, having been promoted to Sergeant, a milestone for me and my career, I decided that a new challenge was what I was looking for and in 2022 I left the British Army and moved to Greece with my wife. This is where I discovered the great diving opportunities Greece has to offer us wreck lovers.

James Soos

In January 2023 I was offered the chance of a lifetime, working in Truk Lagoon and Bikini Atoll – a scuba divers dream. With both being destinations on my bucket list, it was very hard to say no, so I jumped on a plane and made the two and a half day journey into the Pacific Ocean. This was an incredible experience and I feel very privileged to have dived in those remote and fascinating places, and to have completed almost 100 dives in each location.

James Soos

Upon returning home from Bikini Atoll, crossing the international date line and having the chance to redo a day, feeling like groundhog day but in Hawaii, I eventually made it back to Europe, where I embarked on the next leg of my dive professional journey. I completed an instructor crossover with Scuba Schools International to become an Advanced Open Water Instructor.

Now I am back in Greece briefly before embarking on my CCR MOD 3 course, BSAC Technical Instructor course and back to Malta to complete the SSI XR crossover and join their technical instructor programme. 

It has been a long and arduous journey, and this is just the beginning, but if it was easy it wouldn’t be fun.

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Truk Lagoon – A Trip of Myths, Legends, and Fables Tue, 15 Aug 2023 13:51:58 +0000 At The Scuba Place we love designing those bucket list trips.  Truk Lagoon is one of those destinations and here are some of the things we hear when we mention Truk [...]]]>

At The Scuba Place we love designing those bucket list trips.  Truk Lagoon is one of those destinations and here are some of the things we hear when we mention Truk Lagoon : It’s deep, dark and squeezy… Only for technical divers… Only for seriously experienced divers… Only for wreck divers… It’s a long way…. And it’s expensive. 

Well… they are TRUE and FALSE. It’s all relative! Trust me – I have been there several times, so let me share my insights on Truk Lagoon.

First, let me share some facts straight away – Truk Lagoon (or Chuuk to be accurate) is the resting place for a large number of Japanese cargo ships and a smaller number of Japanese Imperial Navy ships that were sunk on the 17th and 18th February 1944 during the US Navy airstrike known as Operation Hailstone. Often referred to as the ‘Revenge for Pearl Harbour’, Operation Hailstone is incredibly well-documented, and the dive guides and crew are experts in the story.

Truk Lagoon - The Scuba Place

If you are interested at all in history, especially the World War history, then Truk is a perfect destination for you. The whole island and the lagoon are a real-life museum. The Japanese Fleet lost two light cruisers, three auxiliary cruisers, four destroyers, six auxiliary ships, 32 merchant ships and over 250 aircraft. Nine further vessels were damaged, and over 4500 Japanese lives were lost in these two days. The US Forces, conversely, lost 25 aircraft and 40 lives with damage to two ships. 

Yes, it is a long way…. Truk Lagoon is situated in Micronesia, a federation of islands in the North Pacific Ocean, northeast of Papua New Guinea, southeast of the Philippines and basically, a long way from anywhere! Getting there can be complicated, but there are numerous options, all of which end up in the US Territory of Guam before the flight to Chuuk.

Truk Lagoon - The Scuba Place

Getting to Guam isn’t as difficult as it is often perceived – there are numerous options that make a trip to Truk perfect for adding in a second destination such as Australia, Philippines, Palau, or Yap. For our most recent trip in April 2023, we flew from London to Manila via Dubai with Emirates Airlines. A seven hour layover in Manila was followed by our flight to Guam and then Chuuk with United Airlines. Total travel time with four flights is around 32 hours. 

So, it’s fair to say it is a long way, but the layover in Manila and overnight stay in a hotel in Truk before boarding the amazing liveaboard Odyssey make it a nicely paced trip. And using two mainstream airlines that understand long haul travel make it far easier than expected. We recommend the overnight stay as you don’t want a delayed or cancelled flight to mean missing boarding the liveaboard!

Truk Lagoon - The Scuba Place

This year our arrival into Chuck was around 9am, and we were greeted by a tropical rainstorm, but getting off the plane, going through Immigration and collecting baggage was simple. The terminal is not much bigger than your local Co-op! Transport was waiting outside for us all, and it was a 10-minute jaunt through the rain and traffic to get us to the Truk Blue Lagoon Resort where we chose to stay overnight before the liveaboard. The hotel is well versed with the flight schedule, and 16 of us were checked in super-efficiently to our rooms within 10 minutes. 

Truk Lagoon - The Scuba Place

Truk Blue Lagoon Resort is one of our two choices when it comes to quality hotels in Chuuk. Board basis is room only, and meals are served in the main dining room. The food is decent and there is plenty of choice, but you can be waiting a while for your meal to arrive, especially if in a group. Rooms are comfortable, air-conditioned and there is wi-fi in and around the accommodation blocks. It almost resembles a former military installation, but being situated right on the lagoon, it is the perfect base for 24 hours. Odyssey moors just 20 metres off the jetty at Truk Blue Lagoon, so you’ll see the liveaboard when you arrive. Truk Stop is the other hotel we recommend and is a great option.

After our arrival it was lunch, sleep, dinner, more sleep and by the next morning we were fully refreshed and ready to go. Boarding Odyssey takes place at around 5pm, so we had a day at leisure. The Operation Hailstone Museum is right next to the hotel, and well worth a visit for the history buff. Others visited the local dive shops and stocked up on shiny stuff and tourist gifts, took a swim or snorkel in the lagoon and two even went for a dive with the on-site operator. Others read, snoozed, and ate, and by late afternoon we were ready to jump on board Odyssey. A simple skiff ride took us and our baggage out to the liveaboard. At last, we were about to start our dive trip!

Truk Lagoon - The Scuba Place

The Odyssey is a top quality liveaboard, and in our opinion, by far the best in Truk Lagoon. Sleeping 16 guests in and seven double or twin cabins and two single cabins she has plenty of space to chill out and relax. Each cabin has a flat screen television complete with an extensive built-in movie library, an ensuite bathroom and air-conditioning, together with plenty of storage space. 

A large lounge with camera table and charging station and a huge saloon where meals are provided also offers space to chill out and relax – after all, this is where the bar is! Talking of the bar… board basis is all-inclusive, and the bar is very well stocked. Food is exceptional – full cooked and continental breakfast, mid-morning baked goods, a buffet lunch, mid-afternoon snacks and gourmet themed dinners – BBQ night, steak night, burger night, seafood night…. this is not the trip to try and diet!!!

Truk Lagoon - The Scuba Place

All in all, the boat is super comfortable, and the food is exceptional – and this is exactly the way it was on previous trips. This is why we use the Odyssey, there is nothing worse than the disappointment of a second class offering when you finally get to your destination.

True – it is wreck diving. The wrecks are, pretty much without exception, in fantastic condition, and this is testament to not only the sea conditions, but to the preservation and conservation efforts of the local governing bodies and the dive operators. Some wrecks more than others, are immense, and as they have been on the seabed for almost 80 years, are adorned with every species of coral you can think of. They have become in the best sense, artificial reefs, complete with critters galore, and schooling marine life populating every deck, hold, stay and davit. Expect every reef fish you can think of, plus turtles, sharks and much more – we even encountered a Leopard Shark!

Truk Lagoon - The Scuba Place

False – it is not only for technical and super experienced divers. The vast majority, and I mean all bar but one of the wrecks, are well within recreational limits with Deep Diver Certification. Throughout the week, most of the wrecks are at a maximum of 40 metres – there are one or two deeper and planned deco dives on the San Francisco at a depth of 50 metres at the deck, and 62 metres to the seabed are made later in the week. And we managed to stay away from deco by using the well-blended Nitrox mixes, giving us good bottom time for each individual wreck. 

The diving isn’t for the novice, but you don’t have to be a tech guru either. It is consistently deep, but not excessively deep, and care must be taken – knowing how to use your computer is imperative, and understanding NDCLs, the effective use of Nitrox, and possessing really good buoyancy skills are imperative – but you can have fins of any colour, don’t need to carry 4 cylinders, and don’t need a camouflage wetsuit – recreational divers are very well catered for, and are very welcome!

Truk Lagoon - The Scuba Place

There are some wrecks here with deck space that you cannot cover in one dive they are that big, let alone penetrate, so diving with a guide is a great thing to do. They are truly expert and know the best places inside and outside of the wrecks to visit. Mini museums litter the decks, with cutlery, crockery, wine, beer and sake bottles, even gas masks laid out to see. Cargo holds full of ammunition, trucks, aeroplane parts, hospital equipment… like the Thistlegorm, but on steroids and wearing big-boy pants!

It can be deep dark and squeezy, but only if you want. Penetration of many of the wrecks is easy – cavernous open cargo holds with easy entry and exit are common. The accommodation blocks, helm and signal rooms are easily accessed on some of the wrecks as well. Deeper penetration into the below deck holds and spaces, engine rooms and workshops are also available on pretty much every dive, so those lusting after squeezy gaps and dark places are incredibly well-catered for too!

Truk Lagoon - The Scuba Place

The diving operation on Odyssey is second to none. Recreational, technical, trimix, CCR, side-mount, twinset, stages and pony bottles – all and more are available. Deco diving is commonplace for those who want to and are qualified to do so. 

There are four to five dives available daily, including night dives. There is very little current to consider, and visibility can be excellent – it can be pretty grotty too, especially inside the wrecks when diver buoyancy might not be as good as it should be and bits of rust and sand are stirred up. Bring your best skills and choose your buddy well! An misplaced fin kick can ruin a dive for you and everyone else, and the exceptionally talented guides will normally take such an individual aside and educate them – gently!

Truk Lagoon - The Scuba Place

Our skipper for the week was Captain Michael Gerken. Not only a phenomenal skipper, but an exceptional underwater photographer and documentary film maker. And it just so happens that he wrote and produced a documentary for the History Channel on Operation Hailstone. You can watch an excerpt of his film here.

He uses his expertise, schematics, sketches, and actual video footage of the air raid in the dive briefings, and I for one would travel across the globe again just to sit in one of those! Dive site routes are planned, options offered, instructions given, and the pool is opened. It really is an exceptionally well-oiled machine.

This is meant to be a trip report, and not a history lesson, but there is plenty of information available online to find out more about the actual airstrike and the events leading up to and following Operation Hailstone. It is a fascinating story, and we suggest starting with Naval History and Heritage Command website here

Truk Lagoon - The Scuba Place

Our week came to an end far too soon, and it was time to leave the Odyssey. Some flew home with an overnight stay in Manila to provide enough time to collect baggage from United and check in with Emirates, and part of the group stopped off for a week of more diving in the Philippines. This is a phenomenal trip and lends itself well to adding in a second week, either prior to or after due to the flight routes.

So, in summary, Truk is a long way and can be deep, dark, and technical, but it is so much more! The marine life and corals are spectacular. The wrecks are so huge they are bigger than some of the reefs you may have dived. The journey there and back can be broken up into manageable chunks. Recreational divers will find themselves doing pretty much every dive except one, and price? You pay for what you get with this destination. This is THE best place on the planet in my opinion to experience not only amazing wrecks, but incredible history, surrounded by true experts, and to be looked after exceptionally. 

Truk Lagoon - The Scuba Place

It is a real privilege to dive these wrecks, to experience the story of Operation Hailstone in person, and to understand how it impacted the people of Chuuk – and it is also a great opportunity to learn more or use existing skills consistently throughout a whole week. There are few places in the world where this can be achieved.

Will we go again? Yes! On Odyssey – of course! Want to join us? Come Dive with Us March 2025!

Check out our brochure with full itinerary including an option to add on a week in the Philippines here

Truk Lagoon - The Scuba Place

Key Facts:

  • Getting there:  We selected to fly from London to Manila via Dubai on Emirates Airlines.  After our layover in Manila and checking in with United Airlines we took our overnight to Chuuk via Guam.  We checked into Truk Blue Lagoon Resort for one night before boarding the Odyssey liveaboard.  Return flights first to Manila with an overnight stay near the airport followed by an early morning flight to London via Dubai arriving the same day.  We had 30kg of checked baggage on Emirates and 2 x 23kg on United.  
  • Air temperature:  Chuuk averages 24°C in the winter and 29° in the summer.  We have travelled to Truk Lagoon in March and April and have enjoyed very tropical weather.  The rainy season is May to September.  
  • Water temperature:  Expect an average of 28°C year round.
  • Visa requirements: A U.S. ESTA is needed to transit through Guam easily.  An ESTA is a two-year electronic travel authorization that should be applied for no later than 72 hours before departure and costs $21USD.  More information can be found here.  A Micronesia tourist visa is issued on arrival and authorised for the number of days requested but shall not exceed 90 days.
  • Health protocols: When we travelled in April 2023 there were no health or COVID requirements in place.
  • Currency: The U.S. dollar is the official currency. Most major credit cards are welcomed at Truk Blue Lagoon and on-board Odyssey.
  • Electricity: U.S. type outlets with 110 volts standard
  • Internet and Wifi:  Wifi was readily available at Truk Blue Lagoon and on Odyssey when we were closer to shore.

Accommodation:  We spent one night at Truk Blue Lagoon, room only, before boarding the liveaboard. Seven nights on board the premium all-inclusive Odyssey.  Nine staterooms with a maximum of 16 divers.  All staterooms have private ensuite, air-conditioning and television with a full library of movies!  The dive deck offers loads of space with personal dive lockers, rinse tanks and freshwater shower with warm towels and the ever-popular dive lift to lower you into the water or help you out at the end of a dive.  30% NITROX is available to qualified divers along with other technical mixes.

Diving: The water is warm, clear, and current free in the lagoon.  Up to 5 dives a day are offered depending on location.  A typical a day begins at 7am with a hot breakfast followed by the first dive briefing of the day.  Two dives before lunch, then onto a new site.  After lunch you can do another dive or relax.  A late afternoon dive is offered with dinner served around 6:30pm.  Choose to do a night dive or enjoy some entertainment in the lounge. 

Price Guide: For our trip in April 2023 which we booked in 2020 pre-Covid, we paid £5600 per person based on double occupancy for this bucket list 9-night itinerary.  The ATOL-protected itinerary included flights from London to Chuuk with one night at Truk Blue Lagoon, seven nights on board Odyssey and one night in Manila on the trip home.  All transfers are included.


  • US ESTA:  Purchased online prior to departure for $21USD
  • Food and drink: While staying at Blue Lagoon and overnight in Manila.
  • Tips: This crew works hard!  We suggest $200USD as a minimum.

Our Advice:  This is an amazing destination that takes some time to get to, so we suggest adding a week in Yap, Palau or the Philippines on your way home.  Let us help you design your dream diving holiday!

Learn more at:

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Special Liveaboard Deals this Week – Explore Exotic Waters with Unbeatable Offers! Mon, 05 Jun 2023 09:35:11 +0000 Are you ready for an unforgettable underwater adventure? We’ve scoured the globe to bring you this week’s hottest liveaboard deals. Whether you dream of diving in the crystal-clear waters of [...]]]>

Are you ready for an unforgettable underwater adventure? We’ve scoured the globe to bring you this week’s hottest liveaboard deals. Whether you dream of diving in the crystal-clear waters of the Bahamas, exploring the vibrant coral reefs of the Maldives, or uncovering the mysteries of Egypt’s Red Sea, we have the perfect offers for you. Get ready to dive into these amazing destinations with exclusive discounts and freebies. Don’t miss out on these limited-time offers!


  • Blue Force One – 05 Aug 2023 – from €1,663.00
  • Central Atolls Classical Route (Male – Male)
  • $300 OFF! Rates include discount. 💸💥
  • EcoPro Moonima – 13 Sep 2023 – from €2,267.00
  • North incl. Hanifaru Bay (Male – Male)
  • Plus Free Nitrox. (20% OFF) 🆓🌬
  • Felicity – 02 Sep 2023 – from €1,635.00
  • Best of Maldives (Male – Male)
  • Valid for new bookings fully paid by June 15, 2023. (50% OFF) 🎉
  • Horizon 3 – 03 Sep 2023 – from €1,301.00
  • Best of the Central Atolls (Male – Ari – Vaavu – Male)
  • Summer Special Discount! Available for Full Charter. (50% OFF) ☀🔖
  • Maldives Blue Force 3 – 05 Aug 2023 – from €1,291.00
  • Central Atolls Classical Route (Male – Male)
  • $300 OFF! Rates include discount. 💸💥


  • Dolce Vita – 15 Jul 2023 – from €1,187.00
  • St John’s (Port Ghalib – Port Ghalib)
  • Up to €309 OFF! Rates include discounts. 💰
  • Emperor Echo – 27 Jul 2023 – from €942.00
  • Simply the Best (Marsa Ghalib departure)
  • Special Deals! Valid for new bookings only. (30% OFF) 🎁
  • Emperor Elite – 03 Aug 2023 – from €1,012.00
  • Simply the Best (Marsa Ghalib departure)
  • Special Price Offer! Valid for new bookings only. (30% OFF) 💲
  • MY Odyssey Liveaboard – 15 Jul 2023 – from €2,475.00
  • Marine Park – Simply the best (Hurghada – Port Ghalib)
  • Up to €346 OFF! Rates include discounts. 💰
  • Red Sea Aggressor II – 24 Jun 2023 – from €1,439.00
  • Northern Red Sea, Ras Mohamed, Straits of Tiran (Hurghada – Hurghada)
  • $1306 OFF – Rates include discounts! 💸


  • Indo Aggressor – 01 Oct 2023 – from €2,787.00
  • Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo – Labuan Bajo)
  • (20% OFF) 💰
  • Jelajahi Laut – 23 Jun 2023 – from €791.00
  • Best of Komodo (Labuan Bajo-Labuan Bajo)
  • Last Minute Special! (20% OFF) ⏳💥


  • Pacific Master – 15 Nov 2023 – from €2,048.00
  • Truk Lagoon 7 Nights (Weno – Weno)
  • Early Bird Deal (10% OFF) 💰

Don’t let these incredible deals slip away! Dive into the depths of adventure and discover the wonders of these extraordinary destinations. Book your liveaboard experience today and make memories that will last a lifetime.

See all of the latest liveaboard travel deals at:

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Unveiling the Hidden Treasures of Truk Lagoon Tue, 23 May 2023 12:00:26 +0000 Calling all adventurers and underwater explorers! Get ready to discover the hidden gems of Micronesia, a diver’s paradise like no other. We have curated exclusive liveaboard deals that will take [...]]]>

Calling all adventurers and underwater explorers! Get ready to discover the hidden gems of Micronesia, a diver’s paradise like no other. We have curated exclusive liveaboard deals that will take you on an extraordinary journey through the pristine waters of Micronesia, where breathtaking dive sites and untouched marine ecosystems await. Don’t miss out on these limited-time offers and embark on an unforgettable diving adventure!

Pacific Master

Pacific Master

Truk Lagoon 10 Nights (Weno – Weno)

  • Departure: 03 Jan 2024
  • Price: Starting from €3,048.00
  • Early Bird Deal: 10% OFF!

Immerse yourself in the history and beauty of Truk Lagoon, known as the “Ghost Fleet of Micronesia.” Explore the sunken wrecks of World War II ships, encrusted with vibrant corals and teeming with marine life. Dive into the depths and witness this living museum of history, where every wreck tells a story.

Micronesia offers an abundance of diverse dive sites, from stunning coral gardens to thrilling drift dives. Encounter manta rays gliding gracefully through the currents, explore vibrant reef ecosystems, and come face-to-face with a mesmerizing array of marine species.

Book your Micronesian diving expedition today and dive into the wonders of this remote paradise. These exclusive liveaboard deals are selling fast, so secure your spot now and prepare for an adventure that will leave you breathless!

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Unbeatable Liveaboard Deals: Dive into Adventure with Incredible Discounts! Sun, 21 May 2023 10:15:02 +0000 Are you ready for the diving adventure of a lifetime? We have gathered exclusive liveaboard deals from around the world that will make your heart skip a beat! From the [...]]]>

Are you ready for the diving adventure of a lifetime? We have gathered exclusive liveaboard deals from around the world that will make your heart skip a beat! From the stunning Indonesian archipelago to the captivating waters of Egypt and the pristine Maldives, there’s a dive destination for everyone. Get your fins ready and dive into these limited-time offers before they’re gone!


Aliikai Voyage

Raja Ampat – North & Central Raja Ampat (Sorong – Sorong)

  • Departure: 23 Jan 2024
  • Price: Starting from €4,610.00
  • Special Deal: 20% OFF for new bookings only!
Amaya Explorer, Indonesia

Amaya Explorer

Raja Ampat (Misool) (Sorong – Sorong)

  • Departure: 01 Mar 2024
  • Price: Starting from €2,130.00
  • Special Deal: 15% OFF with Early Bird Specials!




Sataya, Fury Shoals Family and Friends (Port Ghalib – Port Ghalib)

  • Departure: 03 Jun 2023
  • Price: Starting from €994.00
  • Special Offer: 20% OFF for new bookings only!
Snefro Spirit

Snefro Spirit

Sinai Classic (Sharm El Sheikh – Sharm El Sheikh)

  • Departure: 11 Jun 2023
  • Price: Starting from €799.00
  • Special Offer: €200 OFF on Twin Berth Cabins! Rates include discounts.


Carpe Diem Maldives

Carpe Diem

North Male – Baa – Raa – Baa – Rasdhoo – Ari – Vaavu – South Male (Male-Male)

  • Departure: 19 Sep 2023
  • Price: Starting from €2,288.00
  • Early Bird Deal: 10% OFF for an unforgettable diving experience!
Carpe Novo, Maldives

Carpe Novo

Baa – Raa – Baa – Rasdhoo – Ari – Vaavu – South Male (Dharavandhoo-Male)

  • Departure: 06 Sep 2023
  • Price: Starting from €2,881.00
  • Early Bird Deal: 10% OFF for an amazing underwater adventure!
Carpe Vita, Maldives

Carpe Vita

North Male – Rasdhoo – Ari – South Male (Male – Male)

  • Departure: 08 Jul 2023
  • Price: Starting from €1,397.00
  • Special Offer: 30% OFF, valid until July 15, 2023!
Moonima Maldives

EcoPro Moonima

Central Atolls (Male – Male)

  • Departure: 20 Aug 2023
  • Price: Starting from €1,460.00
  • Special Offer: 20% OFF + Free Nitrox for an eco-friendly diving experience!
Felicity, Maldives


Best of Maldives (Male – Male)

  • Departure: 01 Jul 2023
  • Price: Starting from €1,633.00
  • Last Minute Special Offer: 50% OFF, don’t miss out on this incredible deal!
Horizon 3

Horizon 3

Best of Maldives (Male-Ari-Vaavu-Male)

  • Departure: 07 Jan 2024
  • Price: Starting from €2,970.00
  • Special Offer: 20% OFF for an unforgettable dive safari!


Galapagos Aggressor II

Galapagos Aggressor III

Galapagos Islands with Wolf & Darwin (Baltra – Baltra)

    • Departure: 14 Dec 2023
    • Price: Starting from €4,868.00
    • Travel the World Special: 25% OFF for an extraordinary diving expedition!
    Galaxy Diver, Galapagos

    Galaxy Diver

    Diving Itinerary (Baltra – Santa Cruz)

    • Departure: 04 Oct 2023
    • Price: Starting from €4,362.00
    • Special Offer: 20% OFF to explore the wonders of Galapagos!


    Pacific Master

    Pacific Master

    Truk Lagoon 10 Nights (Weno – Weno)

    • Departure: 03 Jan 2024
    • Price: Starting from €3,048.00
    • Early Bird Deal: 10% OFF for an unforgettable dive adventure!

    Book your dream liveaboard trip today and dive into an ocean of savings! These exclusive offers won’t last long, so make sure to secure your spot and experience the underwater wonders that await you.

    See all worldwide liveaboards at and all the latest liveaboard deals at:

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    Travel The World With Indigo Safaris Tue, 27 Sep 2022 07:52:03 +0000 Explore the world with Indigo Safaris – Check out these great worldwide dive destinations including French Polynesia, Papua New Guinea, Palau and Truk.  Fakarava and the Tuamotus, French Polynesia, 9th to 19th November 2022 10 nights on [...]]]>

    Explore the world with Indigo Safaris – Check out these great worldwide dive destinations including French PolynesiaPapua New GuineaPalau and Truk

    Fakarava and the Tuamotus, French Polynesia, 9th to 19th November 2022

    Indigo Safaris - French Polynesia

    10 nights on board Aquatiki II, diving passes filled with hundreds of sharks, mantas, groupers, and maybe a humpback whale or two in some the remotest, picture perfect scenery in the world. Add on some kayaking, snorkelling, water-skiing, wakeboarding, game fishing, tours of ancient villages, of the oldest church in the Paumotu, and of coconut plantations, providing many opportunities to meet the particularly welcoming locals and experience life as it was a century ago. You will also discover the techniques for extracting copra, the secrets of the black pearl graft, and the skills to achieve tasty coconut-based recipes. Tetamanu, Kauehi, Toau, Tahanea, Aratika are some of the destinations we visit. Only 7 clients on board.

    Indigo Safaris - French Polynesia

    Original price $5500, now $3100 USD  – Learn more at:

    Palau Spawning Special – 1st to 14th May 2023

    Indigo Safaris - Palau

    Palau Spawning Special 1-14 May 2023. Snapper spawning trip, see thousands of Twinspot snapper and tens of thousands of Sailfin snapper grouping together before the full moon, plus lots of reef sharks, mantas, hard and soft coral, abundant reef fish, and macro. 6 nights resort, 7 nights Aggressor liveaboard

    Normal Price $5050, Special deal $4410 – Learn more at:

    Papua New Guinea – 4th to 13th September 2023

    Indigo Safaris - PNG

    Papua New Guinea 4-13 September 2023. Febrina Liveaboard. Truly the best reef diving you will ever do. Amazing diversity, incredible abundance, and no other dive boats on these pristine, remote sites. 75% of the reef-building coral species of the planet are found here, providing a home to a veritable smorgasbord of critters, schooling fish, sharks, and turtles. Diving the inimitable Witu Islands, Fathers Reefs, and Kimbe Bay, on this 12-berth vessel with legendary guides. Christopher has been diving Papua New Guinea since 2010, and this will be his fifth trip on the legendary Febrina..Diving the inimitable Witu Islands, Fathers Reefs, and Kimbe Bay, on this 12-berth vessel

    Indigo Safaris - PNG
    • Domestic flights $390 USD
    • Safety and Environment Fees $81
    • Nitrox $270 USD
    • Can be combined with the Goroka Festival after

    $4590 instead of $4990 – Learn more at:

    Truk – 29th October to 7th November 2023

    Truk 29 October to 7 November 2023 Pacific Master. 9 nights, only 15 clients on board the excellent Pacific Master, diving the sunken Japanese WW2 fleet, now covered in beautiful corals and surrounded by prolific fish life. Truk is best known for its world-class wreck diving and with over 60 wrecks, from supply vessels (Maru) to planes and a submarine, tightly packed into a coral reef lagoon. It is easy to appreciate why divers travel to this area time and time again..Tech divers catered for. Get a group of 6 together and get one spot free! 

    10% off, from $2835 – Learn more at:

    Learn more about Indigo Safaris at:

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    Join Becky Kagan Schott for Some of the Best Wreck Diving on the Planet at Truk Lagoon Sun, 18 Apr 2021 13:22:58 +0000 Join Liquid Productions in partnership with Lust4Rust Diving Excursions in one of the most exciting wreck diving destinations on the Planet. Truk (Chuuk) Lagoon is located in the Federated States [...]]]>
    Truk Lagoon
    Photo Credit: Becky Schott

    Join Liquid Productions in partnership with Lust4Rust Diving Excursions in one of the most exciting wreck diving destinations on the Planet. Truk (Chuuk) Lagoon is located in the Federated States of Micronesia in the South Pacific. During WWII it was Japan’s most formidable stronghold and their main base in the South Pacific theatre. It served as an anchorage for Japan’s Imperial fleet. In February 1944 American forces attacked Truk “Operation Hailstone” which lasted for 2 days sinking 12 warships, 32 merchant ships and destroying 275 aircraft. Truk is now considered the largest underwater shipwreck graveyard in the world. Not only are the wrecks intact with cargo holds of planes, trucks, bullets, bombs, bones, machinery, gas masks, torpedos and more!  On the decks there are battle tanks, guns, pom-poms, bridges with intact telegraphs, and inside engine rooms will blow your mind! The exterior of the wrecks are an explosion of color and stunning soft corals and marine life. This is a must for any wreck enthusiast or underwater photographer.

    We will be staying at Blue Lagoon Resort  and doing all of our diving with them. Each boat will only hold 4-6 divers. This ensures that there aren’t that many divers on each wreck at one time. This also gives us flexibility as to dive sites during the trip. This also means if you are a hard core CCR diver or a recreational OC diver we can cater to everyone’s experience and runtimes. You are able to choose your own runtime and plan on each dive giving you the ability to get the most out of your trip!

    Truk Lagoon
    Photo Credit: Becky Schott

    Truk is a remote place and with doing so much decompression diving, long travel days, and doing longer run times after multiple days that most may not be used to there will be a Hyperbaric Physician along for any diving or medical emergencies. There is a chamber and Hospital in Truk. You are required to carry dive insurance / DAN.

    We will typically do 2 long dives a day (single tank OC divers may do more). The first leaves around 8:30am to dive a deeper wreck then head back out again around 2pm after lunch and a break. Remember we will be diving for 12 days! If you spend the effort to get there it’s nice to really see Truk and get a lot of diving in.

    This trip is open to all certification levels from advanced/nitrox single tank divers to trimix OC and Trimix CCR. We will sort you out by certification/experience level on each boat. Many of the wrecks are just 40-130 ft deep.

    Truk Lagoon
    Photo Credit: Becky Schott

    Trip includes

    • 12 days of diving!
    • 13 nights accommodation rooms based on double occupancy – all rooms are Ocean View, fridge, and en suite.
    • 2- AL 80’s  (with stage rigging already on them)
    • 2 air fills/diluent fills per day (if you are diving twin tanks it is an additonal $7)
    • Weights
    • Underwater Photography / video seminars & work with Becky on wreck imaging techniques and photoshop techniques to enhance your images! We’ll do these seminars at night and critique shots to help you for the following day!

    Additional Costs 

    • Flight
    • Food (meals average $8-12 each)
    • Rebreather cylinder rental $20 additional per day or $240 for the entire trip.  (Payable to Rust4Lust) Free to returning CCR Divers who rented before!
    • Oxygen $0.06 cents a liter/  Helium  is $0.20 cents a liter)
    • Scrubber (about $300 per keg)
    • Exit fee $30
    • With ever-fluctuating rates, slight changes in price could occur referring to the 2021 trip. (unfortunately unavoidable but I want to be open with you)

    $4250  (now accepting credit cards) Subject to a $100+ price increase for 2022

    About Becky Kagan Schott

    Becky has been actively diving for 23 years, 19 of which have been technical diving starting in caves when she was 16 years old living in Florida. She began diving closed circuit rebreathers in 2007 and currently is a technical diving instructor through TDI for the Megalodon Rebreather teaching through trimix. Becky is a sought after presenter at dive conferences and has presented in England, Poland, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Slovenia and all over the USA on her work and adventures.  She is a Fellow in the Explorers Club and in 2013 she was inducted into the Women Divers Hall of Fame.

    Learn more about this Truk Diving Experience at:

    Follow Becky Kagan Schott on Facebook and at Liquid Productions

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    25% Discount on Diving Books until 30th April 2021 Tue, 23 Mar 2021 11:00:48 +0000 Dive book authors include Rod Macdonald, Duncan Price, Mike Clark, Vic Verlinden, Stefan Panis and Bob Baird. Our books feature naval shipwrecks around the world, reefs and cave diving nearer [...]]]>

    Dive book authors include Rod Macdonald, Duncan Price, Mike Clark, Vic Verlinden, Stefan Panis and Bob Baird.

    Diving Books

    Our books feature naval shipwrecks around the world, reefs and cave diving nearer home and the very different diving involved in potholing. We are always looking for new titles and a book about wrecks in the Dover Straits is in the pipeline.

    We have Rod Macdonald’s acclaimed diving trilogy, plus his dive guides which all provide the fascinating history behind the events in addition to the full dive and wreck details.

    Diving Books

    If you’ve ever thought of daring to visit the notorious Corryvreckan Whirlpool, dreamed of visiting Palau, hoped to dive in Scapa Flow or imagined going to Truk Lagoon, then the easiest way is to go with Rod and share his experiences!

    ****With every order of a book by Rod Macdonald we will enclose a personal message from him****

    To get the special discount of 25%, order on our website and enter DIVING21 at checkout.

    Learn more and order at:

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    Fancy a Brew? Podcast (Series 2 Episode 6) – Talking to “Scuba Tuber”, Brian Davies Mon, 08 Mar 2021 06:50:41 +0000 Talking to Brian Davies, he’s been diving for over 40 years, and most recently he coined the phrase “Scuba Tuber” with his live chats and videos on YouTube.  Brian is [...]]]>

    Talking to Brian Davies, he’s been diving for over 40 years, and most recently he coined the phrase “Scuba Tuber” with his live chats and videos on YouTube. 

    Brian is a Dubai/UK/Philippines based Scuba Tuber and is referred to by many as the Father of Scuba Diving in the UAE having set up the first full-service dive centre in Dubai in 1988 and had dive operations in Abu Dhabi, Ajman and Sharjah.

    Before this, he was one of the founders of Scuba Tech in Lancaster UK which he helped establish in 1985. He was also responsible for finding several of the UAE wrecks including the Energy Determination, the Nasteran and the Jassim. At 62 he is still an active diver trying to dive at least 4 times a week. 

    He learnt to dive with the BSAC in 1982 and qualified as a BSAC Advanced Instructor (No 969) in 1986. He qualified as a PADI Open Water Instructor in 1989 becoming an IDC Staff Instructor. He was heavily involved with TDI Middle East when it began becoming a Nitrox Instructor Trainer, an SCR Rebreather and an Advanced Nitrox/Gas Blender Instructor. He was one of the first TDI Instructors to qualify to dive with the original Inspiration Rebreathers. 

    He retired from the diving industry in the mid-90s to concentrate on his day job. A move he has regretted and the driver for him to establish his own YouTube Channel documenting the UAE and Musandam dive sites in addition to gear reviews and live stream interviews. Once the pandemic is under control he will be travelling and diving overseas again, A keen traveller to date he has dived in the UK. UAE, USA. Saudi Arabia, Comoros, Kenya, Galapagos, Cyprus, Truk Lagoon, Maldives. The Philippines. Borneo, India, Egypt, Mauritius and Oman 

    Are You a Scuba Diver – Fancy a Brew? is available at: or your favourite Podcast platform, including Apple Podcasts

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    DIVETALKS THURSDAYS – Live Interview with Action-Adventure Diver, Aron Arngrímsson Mon, 20 Apr 2020 12:35:03 +0000 This week’s guest on the popular Facebook Livestream DIVETALKS, orchestrated by Divesoft, is the founder of Dirty Dozen Expeditions, Aron Arngrímsson. Come join the action online on Thursday, April 23rd [...]]]>

    This week’s guest on the popular Facebook Livestream DIVETALKS, orchestrated by Divesoft, is the founder of Dirty Dozen Expeditions, Aron Arngrímsson. Come join the action online on Thursday, April 23rd at 1 p.m. EDT. And make sure to bring your questions…DIVETALKS has the answers!

    Divesoft DIVETALKS - Aron Arngrímsson

    DIVETALKS fans: you’ve really got something to look forward to this week! Aron Arngrímsson is an especially renowned diver, well-known for organizing out-of-the-box dive trips and his explorations of remote destinations. He’s extremely passionate about wreck diving, particularly “in” Truk Lagoon and Bikini Atoll. 

    Divesoft DIVETALKS - Aron Arngrímsson
    Image credit: Derek Covington

    Aron began diving in 2005 and much of his career has been focused on seeking out some of the most remote, untouched parts of the world. He’s active within the diving community, making frequent appearances at dive shows, and is an Explorers Club member. Aron’s passion for diving also includes his experience as a technical dive instructor, underwater still photography, and videography. Aron is the true embodiment of an ‘adventure diver’.

    Divesoft DIVETALKS - Aron Arngrímsson

    Click here to watch DIVETALKS this Thursday at 1 p.m. EDT and have your questions ready for the comments section. Aron will speak on a range of topics, perhaps digging into the details of his more extreme dive-related travels. Make sure to be there!

    Join DIVETALKS at:

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    Scarborough Underwater Club Presents, an evening of Technical Diving and diving the wrecks of Truk Lagoon Thu, 27 Feb 2020 13:05:20 +0000 A fascinating view of "Operation Hailstone" including overlays of "yesterday & today" pictures, as well as a video of the great air-sea battle that led to the large number of sunken ships and aircraft that are now on the bottom in Micronesia.]]>

    Scarborough Underwater Club (SUCI) is presenting an evening of technical diving and diving of the Truk Lagoon’s wrecks at its next meeting on 4 March 2020.

    This informative evening will be presented by Brian Pallock & Dan Suke of Dive Source from their recent dive trip to Truk Lagoon, where they witnessed a part of World War II history, underwater. A fascinating view of “Operation Hailstone” including overlays of “yesterday & today” pictures, as well as a video of the great air-sea battle that led to the large number of sunken ships and aircraft that are now on the bottom in Micronesia.

    Admission is free and we invite all non SUCI members. The presentation will be followed by question and answer period.

    Learn more in our Event Calendar at:

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    4 Top Tech Diving Destinations to Explore in 2019 Sat, 02 Mar 2019 09:04:15 +0000 Tech diving allows you to explore areas other divers simply can’t reach; enjoying untouched dive sites and the peaceful depths of the ocean. It is hugely rewarding and becoming popular [...]]]>

    Tech diving allows you to explore areas other divers simply can’t reach; enjoying untouched dive sites and the peaceful depths of the ocean. It is hugely rewarding and becoming popular at liveaboard destinations around the world.

    Where can you go liveaboard tech diving?

    Whilst the Red Sea, and especially Dahab, is an iconic tech diving destination, there are other great tech diving places to experience. A liveaboard safari is often the best way to reach the remote destinations, and plenty of vessels now offer tech diving support.


    Scuba diving at Truk Lagoon is a colourful experience, with numerous opportunities for you to tech diving amongst coral-encrusted World War II wrecks, whilst surrounded by marine life. The sheltered lagoon makes it good for new tech divers and there are around 15 wrecks at 40 to 60 meters deep:

    • The San Francisco Maru (60+ meters deep) has four cargo holds containing aircraft bombs, artillery shells, tanker trucks, a flatbed truck, and torpedo warheads. There is so much to explore you’ll find one dive just isn’t enough.
    • The Fujikawa Maru (36 meters deep approx.) is another great wreck. This Japanese Navy passenger and cargo ship has three aircraft and numerous World War II artefacts for you to find.

    The SS Thorfinn liveaboard is geared up for tech divers and has two special diving packages: The Rebreather Plan and Truk Tek Unlimited.


    Honduras is gaining a reputation as a tech diving destination thanks to the variety of dives around Utila and Roatan:

    • Utila’s north side has walls and caves at 45 to 80 meters deep. Some of the caves have stalactites and you can see plenty of pelagics, including barracuda and marlin.
    • Utila’s eastern and southern sides have seamounts and pinnacles at 40 to 80 meters deep, plus challenging current dives. Dive at Whale Rock and you can ascend up the ‘whale’s head’, swim through its ‘eye’ at 45 meters and up through its ‘blowhole’.
    • Roatan’s Cayman Trench has walls and crevices up to 60 meters deep where you can find black corals. This area is also known for whale shark encounters.

    The Philippines

    Suitable for new and experienced divers, there are a variety of dive sites for you to explore at Puerto Galera in the Philippines. It’s a great destination to combine tech dives with searching for tiny critters in the deep. 

    The Verde Island passage has deep wrecks, walls and drop-offs. Be aware the currents in the passage can be strong but are ideal for drift diving. The east of the island has two great tech dives to try:

    • The Pinnacle dive site (60 meters deep) is a coral dive with large pelagic life.
    • The Wall dive site disappears into the depths at over 70 meters and offers gorgonians, corals and schools of reef fish.  

    The budget-friendly M/V Dolphin liveaboard offers Puerto Galera safaris and has tech diving support.

    The Soloman Islands

    Solomon Islands scuba diving offers a chance to explore paradise islands and get well off the beaten path. The dive sites are numerous, the locals are very friendly, and life remains much as it has been for centuries.

    Florida Islands liveaboard is one of the best ways to go tech diving there. With at least 200 varieties of watercraft and over 600 aircraft from World War II, the islands are rightly known as the ‘Iron Bottomed Sound’. Some of the wrecks are still intact and the volcanic activity in the area has resulted in dramatic landscapes such as lava tubes and caves.

    • The USS Aaron Ward is considered one of the world’s top wreck dives and lies at 60 to 70 meters.

    In addition to the array of wrecks to explore, some divers have even reported seeing pilot whales in the area whilst sailing.

    The Solomons PNG Masterliveaboard offers Solomon Islands dive safaris and has technical diver support. 

    This article was written by divers and writers at

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    Epic Last-Minute Deals with blue o two! Mon, 10 Sep 2018 09:32:42 +0000 Summer might be over but blue o two are offering up to 50% off on some of their premier worldwide destinations.]]>

    Summer might be over but blue o two are offering up to 50% off on some of their premier worldwide destinations.

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    Epic Last-Minute Deals with blue o two! Mon, 10 Sep 2018 09:30:52 +0000 Summer might be over but blue o two are offering up to 50% off on some of their premier worldwide destinations.

    With a wide selection of trips available from now until the end of 2018, there has never been a better time to tick one off your bucket list. These fantastic last-minute deals start from the 6thSeptemberand must be booked by 30thSeptember.

    If you want to share your diving with your friends, partner or dive buddies then we also have a selection of group offers availablewhich can be combined with the deals.

    Explore the coral-fringed islands of the Philippines or the WW2 history of Truk Lagoon and the Solomon Islands. Unforgettable diving with large pelagics could also be waiting for you in French Polynesia.

    blue o two Last Minute Deals


    The blue o two epic last-minute deals are as follows:

    French Polynesia – Buy 3, 1 goes free also available

    12th– 19thSept 2018 – Was £3484, NOW £2439– 30% off
    27thOct – 3rdNov 2018 – Was £3484, NOW £2439– 30% off
    14th– 21stNov 2018 – Was £3484, NOW £2439– 30% off
    8th– 15thDec 2018 – Was £3484, NOW £2265– 35% off

    Solomon Islands– Buy 2, 1 goes free also available

    30thOct – 6thNov 2018 – Was £2522, NOW £1261– 50% off
    17th– 27thNov 2018 – Was £3604, NOW £1802– 50% off
    29thDec 2018 – 8thJan 2019 – Was £3604, NOW £1802 – 50% off

    Palau– Buy 3, 1 goes free also available

    22nd– 29thOct 2018 – Was £3042, NOW £2433– 20% off
    10th– 17thNov 2018 – Was £3042, NOW £2433– 20% off 
    29thDec 2018 – 8thJan 2019 – Was £4166, NOW £3333– 20% off


    21st– 25thOct 2018 – Was £755, NOW £679– 10% off 
    12th– 16thNov 2018 – Was £755, NOW £679– 10% off
    8th– 14thDec 2018 – Was £1001, NOW £901– 10% off

    blue o two Last Minute Deals

    Philippines– Buy 3, 1 goes free also available

    12th– 22ndOct 2018 – Was £3234, NOW £2911– 10% off

    Truk Lagoon– Buy 3, 1 goes free also available

    7th– 14thOct 2018 – Was £2383, NOW £1787– 25% off 
    21stNov – 1stDec 2018 – Was £3346, NOW £3011 – 10% off 

    blue o two’s epic last-minute deals are on a first come, first served basis so make sure you act fast and don’t miss out!

    *Terms and Conditions: Group deals available on boat spaces only. Valid on new bookings only. No other discounts or offers can be combined with this deal, including Loyalty Club Discount, BSAC Discount or BSAC Kickback Scheme. Offers are subject to availability, are first come, first served and may be removed at any time. Deals must be booked by 30th September 2018. Package prices are subject to change and final package price will be confirmed at time of booking. Packages are subject to standard booking terms and conditions. Please refer to our website for more details. 

    For more information on this amazing offer, then please visit their website at or call 01752 480808.

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    Best Destinations for Wreck Diving Thu, 14 Jun 2018 13:42:48 +0000 Wreck diving is fascinating and provides unique opportunities to delve into human history whilst enjoying exceptional marine life. There are shipwrecks in shallow and deep waters for all divers to [...]]]>

    Wreck diving is fascinating and provides unique opportunities to delve into human history whilst enjoying exceptional marine life. There are shipwrecks in shallow and deep waters for all divers to enjoy at top shipwreck destinations around the globe.

    One of the great things about wrecks is the high biodiversity they support. As wrecks settle in the water, they are taken over by nature and act as a refuge for all sorts of marine life; from macro through to shoals of reef fish and giant pelagics. This diversity of life provides great photographic opportunities for divers and plenty to explore alongside the wreck itself.

    Another benefit of wreck diving is experiencing human history first hand. There is nothing quite like diving wrecks from military campaigns, such as World War II, and learning about what occurred at that time from museums and history resources.

    To truly experience the adventure of wreck diving, it is worth visiting one or more of the top wreck diving destinations.

    Egypt has world-class wrecks and fantastic water visibility. Wrecks such as the SS Thistlegorm, Dunraven, and the four famous wrecks of Abu Nuhas, are popular choices. Liveaboard operators such as the Emperor Superior and Emperor Elite even offer Egypt liveaboard diving wreck itineraries.

    Micronesia is a wreck diver’s paradise and is known for numerous World War II wrecks, the Iro Maru freighter wreck, and of course Chuuk (Truk) Lagoon. Chuuk has great options for Tec diving and also for less experienced divers. Liveaboards visiting Chuuk, such as the SS Thorfinn liveaboard, offer the chance to dive amidst aeroplane fuselages and engines, trucks, ammunition, and other wreck debris.

    The Cayman Islands, Philippines and Solomon Islands are also top wreck diving destinations with their own unique highlights. From sunken submarines to the scene of one of World War II’s heaviest sea battles, there is plenty to choose from. More information about these wreck destination highlights can be found in Best Places for Wreck Diving.

    This article was written by divers and writers at

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    Regaldive’s Amazing April Savings on Siren and Master Liveaboards Wed, 11 Apr 2018 09:15:31 +0000 Regaldive are offering £1,000s worth of savings on selected 2018 trips with the Siren and Master liveaboard fleets. This stunning offer ends on the 30th April and features a number of dream diving destinations, including the Bahamas, French Polynesia, Galapagos, Indonesia, Palau, the Philippines and Truk.

    Bahamas Master: 7 nights. Save up to £433pp

    The world’s third largest barrier reef, featuring wrecks, caves, blue holes, coral gardens and plenty sharks. Caribbean reef sharks, lemon sharks, nurse sharks, bull sharks, great hammerheads, tiger sharks and even oceanic white-tips can all be found in the Bahamas.

    French Polynesia Master:  7, 10 or 11 nights. Save up to £1,704pp

    Expect to see a number of shark species cruising the reef and hunting on schools of snapper and fusiliers. Whilst drift diving through the channels, you may experience incredible shark action, see huge Napoleon wrasse and witness marbled groupers spawning.

    Galapagos Master: 7 nights. Save up to £408pp

    One of the jewels in the scuba diving crown, many divers are drawn to the Galapagos by the huge schools of pelagics. Various species of turtle breed on the islands, marine iguanas feed off the sea algae, whilst inquisitive seals and penguins provide thrilling underwater shows.

    Indo Siren: Komodo 10 Nights. Save up to £548pp

    The Komodo National Park is one of the world’s largest protected zones and richest marine environments. It is also home to many rare and endemic land species, including the famous Komodo Dragons. Most trips will include an island visit to see these fascinating reptiles.

    Palau Siren: 7 or 10 nights. Save up to £807pp

    Ranked as one of the world’s most spectacular dive destinations, Palau boasts amazing underwater features such as vertical drop-offs, hidden caves, tunnels and wartime wrecks as well as the world famous Rock Islands.

    Philippines Siren: 6 or 10 nights. Save up to £446pp

    The Visayas region is home to some of the best diving in the Philippines, with its wide diversity of marine life. Divers will encounter coral covered walls, gentle sloping reefs and muck diving hotspots, as well as the possibility of some larger pelagics too.

    Truk Master: 7 or 10 nights. Save up to £486pp

    One of the most famous wreck-diving destinations in the world, Truk is home to an entire Japanese fleet. The area includes ships, aeroplanes, trucks, tanks and other ordnance. If you are a lover of wrecks or history, a visit to Truk Lagoon is essential.

    For further information please visit or call 01353 659999.

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    Regaldive’s Amazing April Savings on Siren and Master Liveaboards Wed, 11 Apr 2018 09:14:38 +0000 Regaldive are offering £1,000s worth of savings on selected 2018 trips with the Siren and Master liveaboard fleets. This stunning offer ends on the 30th April and features a number of dream diving destinations, including the Bahamas, French Polynesia, Galapagos, Indonesia, Palau, the Philippines and Truk.]]>

    Regaldive are offering £1,000s worth of savings on selected 2018 trips with the Siren and Master liveaboard fleets. This stunning offer ends on the 30th April and features a number of dream diving destinations, including the Bahamas, French Polynesia, Galapagos, Indonesia, Palau, the Philippines and Truk.

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    The Ultimate Micronesian Experience Sun, 18 Mar 2018 08:59:37 +0000 Combine your dive liveaboard cruise in Philippines, Palau or Truk with diving in Yap and receive 10% off both! Siren Fleet and Master Liveaboards are excited to announce new diving [...]]]>

    Combine your dive liveaboard cruise in Philippines, Palau or Truk with diving in Yap and receive 10% off both!

    Siren Fleet and Master Liveaboards are excited to announce new diving combination packages with Manta Ray Bay Resort in Yap. This tiny island in the Pacific is a tropical jewel, well hidden from the rest of the world. Resident mantas and a huge reef shark population give Yap its diving fame. It is a pristine paradise surrounded by clear blue water, exquisite coral gardens, channels, and reef walls that will awe even the most seasoned diver. Seize this opportunity while you are in the region to visit this exclusive diving treasure away from the crowds. Macro lovers will be duly impressed by the variety of critters on display. Diving in Yap is fantastic all year round; the average air temperature is 27°C (80°F) whilst the water is a very comfortable 28°C (82°F). Visibility is generally very good and can get up to a stunning 50 metres (164ft)!

    Our partner in Yap, Manta Ray Bay Resort, was built for divers by divers and offers 35 comfortable, well-appointed a/c rooms, each with a unique marine design. You can choose between three different room types: Standard, Ocean View, and Deluxe Ocean View. The in-house 5* PADI & SSI Platinum dive centre is fully equipped to meet all divers’ needs; nitrox, lockable camera bays, modern boats, and personal storage bays. Courses are on offer as well.

    Read more about the packages available here:

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    New Cruise Director Internship Programme available! Thu, 08 Feb 2018 07:51:15 +0000 Are you passionate about diving and dreaming about making it your professional career? Here is your chance!]]>

    Are you passionate about diving and dreaming about making it your professional career? Here is your chance!

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    New Cruise Director Internship Programme available! Thu, 08 Feb 2018 07:49:29 +0000 Are you passionate about diving and dreaming about making it your professional career? Here is your chance!

    Join blue o two for their brand-new Cruise Director Internship Programme (CDIP) and receive first-hand training in the high-end dive liveaboard industry from their experienced, professional Cruise Directors. CDIP is available in one or more of the following destinations: Indonesia, Maldives, Papua New Guinea, Palau, the Philippines, Red Sea, Solomon Islands or Truk Lagoon.

    The world-spanning fleet of blue o two, Master Liveaboards and Siren Fleet offer qualified dive professionals a unique opportunity to gain invaluable experience as a Cruise Director. The programme is for a period of 90 days and will allow you to dive daily in some of the most amazing diving destinations around the world!

    Who is this programme for?

    • Enthusiastic and eager divers, min. qualified DM or equivalent, with great interpersonal and communication skills
    • Service and customer-minded, team spirit, willingness to take charge
    • Dedicated to making every single cruise the best possible experience for their guests

    What do we offer?

    • Period of 90 days on board one or two of our vessels, incl. full board
    • Complete training schedule from our Cruise Directors, as well as: ’learning by doing’

    The Cruise Director Internship Programme costs $3000 and includes 24-hour training from some of the best dive crews in the business.

    For full terms and conditions and further details on the programme then please visit or please contact a member of their travel team on 01752 480808.

    ]]> 0 15682
    blue o two Winter Sale now on! Sun, 07 Jan 2018 18:30:57 +0000 Award-winning scuba diving tour operator, blue o two, have launched their Winter Sale! There are fantastic savings to be enjoyed across a wide range of liveaboard holidays including the Red Sea, Maldives, Palau, Philippines, Indonesia, Truk Lagoon, French Polynesia, Galapagos, The Bahamas, Thailand and The Solomon Islands & Papua New Guinea.]]>

    Award-winning scuba diving tour operator, blue o two, have launched their Winter Sale! There are fantastic savings to be enjoyed across a wide range of liveaboard holidays including the Red Sea, Maldives, Palau, Philippines, Indonesia, Truk Lagoon, French Polynesia, Galapagos, The Bahamas, Thailand and The Solomon Islands & Papua New Guinea.

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    blue o two Winter Sale now on! Sun, 07 Jan 2018 18:29:24 +0000 Save up to 30% on your luxury liveaboard holiday!

    Award-winning scuba diving tour operator, blue o two, have launched their Winter Sale! There are fantastic savings to be enjoyed across a wide range of liveaboard holidays including the Red Sea, Maldives, Palau, Philippines, Indonesia, Truk Lagoon, French Polynesia, Galapagos, The Bahamas, Thailand and The Solomon Islands & Papua New Guinea.

    Divers can save up to £300 exploring the crystal blue seas of the Red Sea on board any of their award-winning vessels. With various itineraries departing between February 2018 and August 2018, now is the time to take advantage of these incredible offers. The rich and diverse ecosystem in the warm tropical Red Sea waters offers the perfect getaway.

    There are also a wide range of worldwide Winter Sale deals including 20% off the Solomon Islands & Papua New Guinea on board M/V Solomons PNG Master. Boasting an abundance of WW2 history and with fishing being banned over 20 years ago, The Solomon Islands has gained an enviable worldwide diving reputation.


    Image credit: Simon Lorenz

    Packages available in the Winter Sale include:

    Red Sea – savings of up to £300 per person

    Maldives – savings of up to £300 per person

    Palau – savings of up to £1236 per person (up to 30% off)

    Philippines – savings of up to £960 per person (up to 30% off)

    Indonesia – savings of up to £560 per person (up to 15% off)

    Truk Lagoon – savings of up to £993 per person (up to 30% off)

    French Polynesia – savings of up to £998 per person (up to 20% off)

    Galapagos – savings of up to £1078 per person (up to 20% off)

    Bahamas – savings of up to £442 per person (up to 20% off)

    Thailand – savings of up to £187 per person (up to 20% off)

    Solomon Islands & PNG – savings of up to £713 per person (up to 20% off)

    Spaces are limited and blue o two’s Winter Sale deals are on a first come, first served basis so make sure you act fast and don’t miss out!

    Terms and Conditions

    All Winter Sale offers are subject to availability and can be removed from the promotion at any time. Winter Sale deals cannot be combined with any further Loyalty Club or BSAC discounts. BSAC Kickback Scheme cannot be redeemed on Winter Sale deals. Valid for new bookings only received from 10am on 05.01.2018 until further notice.

    For further details on these amazing Winter Sale discounts or to book your holiday today, please contact a member of their travel team on 01752 480808, or visit their website at

    ]]> 0 15672
    blue Friday Deals with blue o two Wed, 22 Nov 2017 17:06:17 +0000 blue Friday is here! Save up to 25% on a wide range of liveaboard diving holidays with award-winning tour operator, blue o two. Their blue Friday sale period starts from 10am on Thursday 23rd November through to 6.30pm on Monday 27th November.]]>

    blue Friday is here! Save up to 25% on a wide range of liveaboard diving holidays with award-winning tour operator, blue o two. Their blue Friday sale period starts from 10am on Thursday 23rd November through to 6.30pm on Monday 27th November.

    ]]> 0 13391
    blue Friday Deals with blue o two Wed, 22 Nov 2017 17:04:50 +0000 blue Friday is here! Save up to 25% on a wide range of liveaboard diving holidays with award-winning tour operator, blue o two. Their blue Friday sale period starts from [...]]]>

    blue Friday is here! Save up to 25% on a wide range of liveaboard diving holidays with award-winning tour operator, blue o two. Their blue Friday sale period starts from 10am on Thursday 23rd November through to 6.30pm on Monday 27th November.

    There are some fantastic savings to be made on board their Maldives fleet, along with a selection of worldwide liveaboard holidays. With up to 20% off various diving safaris in the Maldives, now is the time to take advantage of these amazing offers. The Maldives features tropical temperatures all year round, giving divers the opportunity to see a huge range of marine life including the famous manta rays, whale sharks, turtles, barracudas and more. So be quick and don’t miss out!

    The blue Friday deals are as following:

    • Maldives – up to 20% off
    • French Polynesia – up to 25% off
    • Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea – up to 20% off
    • Truk Lagoon – up to 20% off
    • Palau – up to 15% off
    • Philippines – up to 15% off

    Spaces are limited and blue o two’s blue Friday Deals are only valid on new bookings made before 6.30pm on Monday 27th November 2017.

    For more information on these amazing blue Friday offers, visit their website at or please contact a member of the blue o two travel team on 01752 480808

    T&Cs apply. Subject to availability. blue Friday deals not to be used in conjunction with any other offer (including BSAC or Loyalty Club discount).

    ]]> 0 15663
    Amazing Autumn Savings on Dive Trips with Regaldive at DIVE 2017 Tue, 17 Oct 2017 20:49:37 +0000 With just a few days to go until DIVE 2017 at the NEC, diving holiday specialists, Regaldive, have unveiled a range of exciting new dive show offers. These special deals are available from 13 October 2017 and will be offered for a limited period after the dive show.]]>

    With just a few days to go until DIVE 2017 at the NEC, diving holiday specialists, Regaldive, have unveiled a range of exciting new dive show offers. These special deals are available from 13 October 2017 and will be offered for a limited period after the dive show.

    ]]> 0 13343
    Amazing Autumn Savings on Dive Trips with Regaldive at DIVE 2017 Tue, 17 Oct 2017 20:48:05 +0000 With just a few days to go until DIVE 2017 at the NEC, diving holiday specialists, Regaldive, have unveiled a range of exciting new dive show offers. These special deals are available from 13 October 2017 and will be offered for a limited period after the dive show.

    Regaldive are offering 10% Savings* in their Autumn Sale. The 10% saving applies to almost every holiday package in the Regaldive programme. Divers can make huge savings of up to £1,119 per person on liveaboard trips by booking their diving holiday during the Regaldive Autumn Sale.

    With a great value 10% off land-based and liveaboard packages around the world, in addition to some superb dive pack deals and extra savings, Regaldive’s Autumn Sale is the ideal time for divers to book their next trip.

    Regaldive’s Autumn Sale runs from 13 October until 3 November 2017.

    Regaldive Sale

    © John Butland – Regaldive

    Autumn Sale Example Savings:

    Liveaboard Trips – Save up to £1,119pp

     Land-based Trips – Save up to £500pp

     Great Savings with Red Sea Dive Pack Offers – Including ‘Buy One Get One Half Price’

    • Marsa Alam and El Gouna: Day diving with Emperor Divers for just £40 per day
      for departures from November 2017 to August 2018. Book by 31 October 2017.
    • El Gouna, Soma Bay, Safaga, Marsa Alam & Hamata: Save 20% on all Dive Packs
      and Courses from Orca Dive Club. Valid for departures until 30 April 2018.
      Book by 3 November 2017.
    • Hurghada: Buy any dive pack or course with Aquarius Diving Club and get your buddy’s
      for HALF PRICE. Valid for departure dates from:
      1 December 2017 – 15 March 2018 & 16 April 2018 – 15 July 2018

    Andreas Elia, Director of Regaldive commented, “The Regaldive Team is really looking forward to seeing guests old and new at DIVE 2017. This year we will be on stand 412 at the NEC, so please do stop by for a chat and let us help you with your holiday plans. We are delighted to pass on these great savings to our customers in order to bring you the best value diving holidays possible.”

     Regaldive has an in-house team of diving and travel enthusiasts, so is well placed to help divers to plan their next scuba diving holiday adventures to over 25 exciting worldwide destinations.

    For further information, or to book, visit or call 01353 659999.

    * Regaldive’s Autumn Sale is subject to Terms and Conditions – please see here


    ]]> 0 15657
    Latest Worldwide Scuba Diving Offers from Diverse Travel Mon, 04 Sep 2017 11:26:52 +0000 Take a look at these fantastic offers from Diverse Travel.]]>

    Take a look at these fantastic offers from Diverse Travel.

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    Latest Worldwide Scuba Diving Offers from Diverse Travel Mon, 04 Sep 2017 11:25:34 +0000 Diverse Travel

    Take a look at these fantastic offers from Diverse Travel.

    Indonesia: Emperor Raja Laut Special Introductory Offer 2017/2018

    Komodo, Raja Ampat, Banda Sea | Beautiful traditional Dutch schooner-style yacht

    Literally just launched, a special introductory offer on the new Emperor Indonesia’s MY Emperor Raja Laut debuting this September.

    Emperor Raja Laut is a beautiful traditional Dutch schooner-style sailing yacht now under the renowned Emperor Divers’ brand.

    She has 12 berths and a high level of service with seven crew and two dive guides.

    Sailing the iconic diving areas of Raja Ampat, the Banda Sea and Komodo National Park. Prepare to dive or snorkel with mantas, hammerheads, whale sharks and macro life. Or combine with land tours to meet the infamous Komodo dragon.

    Price from £2999 including:

    7-night package (also 12-nights available) to Raja Ampat based on twin share

    Return international flights – London Heathrow to Manado

    Return domestic flights – Manado to Sorong

    Airline departure taxes

    7 nights shared cabin, 3 meals a day, afternoon snacks, 1 cocktail party on a local island, unlimited drinking water, tea, coffee, guide, 12 litre air tanks, weights

    2 nights Half Board – Manado Novotel Airport Hotel

    All transfers according to itinerary

    Full ATOL Protection

    Departures between 14 December 2017 and 02 May 2018.

    Dive Mythical Sudan

    04 – 11 March 2018 | Save up to £125

    Plus the first 10 bookers will receive free Nitrox fills (First come, first served basis. Nitrox-certified divers only).

    Walk in Cousteau’s footsteps! Dive his Conshelf II underwater habitat and famous Shaab Rumi reef with its sharks and colourful drop-offs and Sanganeb’s northern and southern plateaus. The Umbria, considered to be one of the finest wreck-dives on the planet and then south of Port Sudan where different species of sharks are found.

    * Number of dives may vary according to itinerary weather conditions. Minimum diving level: PADI Advanced Diver (or equivalent) with minimum 50 logged dives. Diving is permitted upon presentation of a valid certification card AND proof of adequate insurance covering risks related to diving activities.

    Price from £1495 based on sharing a twin cabin including

    Return flights from London Heathrow to Port Sudan on Saudia (via Jeddah) or Emirates/Fly Dubai (via Dubai)

    7 nights’ full board accommodation in shared cabin

    Transfers between Port Sudan airport and liveaboard

    Dives: first day 2 dives; then 3 dives a day; last day 2 dives and return to Port Sudan

    Sodas, espresso, cappuccino, water, tea & coffee

    Robes and towels provided during the safari

    Not included: Sudan Visa US$175/person; Government taxes and local agent fee 197 EUR pp; Booking of a specific cabin: 50 EUR pp/week; 15L tank: 40 EUR/week; Equipment rental; Guided dive: 8 EUR/dive; Alcoholic drinks; Crew tip (70 EUR recommended/week).

    Booking deadline: 31 October 2017

    Truk Lagoon Special Offer

    Save up to £425pp* | SS Thorfinn

     Book a week onboard Thorfinn diving the wrecks of Truk Lagoon and save up to £425pp*.

    Book and pay your deposit before end of July 2017 for all travel dates until the end of 2018 (subject to availability).

    *Discount based on a Tek Divers’ package.

    Nestled in the South West Pacific, imagine sunshine days and a wondrous delight above and below the water. The journey’s end is well worth the time taken to get here. Once a WWII Japanese stronghold, the Americans’ destroyed more aircraft and ships in a two day attack than any other during the war.


    Best of Red Sea

    Emperor Asmaa. 9 – 16 Nov 2017 – Save £75

    Dive the best top 3 sites in this area: Big and Little Brothers, Daedalus Reef and Elphinstone. These islands offer stunning wall diving and attract a diverse array of marine species and large pelagics. Large tuna, jacks and snappers cruise in the blue, accompanied by occasional hammerheads, silvertips, silky and oceanic white tip sharks and mantas. Even the rare thresher shark can be found here.

    7 nights from £1049 per person including flights from London – save £75!

    Prices is per person based on sharing a twin cabin and includes:

    • Return international flights – London Gatwick – Hurghada
    • 20kg hold baggage allowance
    • 7 nights in shared cabin (last night either on board or in a hotel)
    • 6 day’s diving, guide, 12 litre tanks, weights
    • Full board & soft drinks, red wine with dinner
    • Environmental tax
    • Marine Park fees and port departure fees
    • Free Nitrox (subject to availability)
    • Airport transfers
    • Full ATOL protection


    Manado + Lembeh Combo | Last Minute Offer

    Eco Divers. From just £1850 with diving, flights, accommodation

    Dive two of the world’s greatest dive places with an award-winning dive centre and here’s your recipe for holiday happiness.

    Home to a huge concentration of unusual marine species as well as reef sharks, turtles, eagle rays, Napoleon wrasse, even dugong and orca!

    Most sites are within easy reach from your hotel and yet they’re never crowded. The reefs of Bunaken National Marine Park are rich and unspoilt with abundant soft coral and fish life whilst the Lembeh Strait is arguably the best place in the world for macro photography.

    10 nights from £1850 per person including:

    • International return flights – London Heathrow on Singapore Air/SilkAir via Singapore
    • 30kg baggage allowance
    • 5 nights’ sharing air-conditioned Superior Room, Mercure Manado Resort
    • 5 days’ boat diving Bunaken (up to 2 guided day-dives per day*) with cylinders & weights
    • 5 nights’ sharing air-conditioned room, Eco Divers Resort Lembeh
    • 4 days’ boat diving Lembeh Strait (up to 3 guided day-dives per day) with cylinders & weights
    • Full Board Meal Plan including mineral water
    • All local transfers according to the itinerary
    • Government taxes
    • Full ATOL protection

    * Upgrade to 3-dive package: £23/day

    Valid for stays between 01 – 30 September and 24 October – 30 November 2017

    Call Diverse Travel on 01473 852002 or visit

    ]]> 0 15645
    Latest Worldwide Scuba Travel Offers from Diverse Travel Sun, 20 Aug 2017 07:30:06 +0000 Take a look at the latest international travel offers from Diverse Travel.]]>

    Take a look at the latest international travel offers from Diverse Travel.

    ]]> 0 13121
    Latest Worldwide Scuba Travel Offers from Diverse Travel Sun, 20 Aug 2017 07:28:49 +0000 Diverse Travel

    Take a look at the latest international travel offers from Diverse Travel.

    Dive Mythical Sudan

    04 – 11 March 2018 | Save up to £125

    Plus the first 10 bookers will receive free Nitrox fills (First come, first served basis. Nitrox-certified divers only).

    Walk in Cousteau’s footsteps! Dive his Conshelf II underwater habitat and famous Shaab Rumi reef with its sharks and colourful drop-offs and Sanganeb’s northern and southern plateaus. The Umbria, considered to be one of the finest wreck-dives on the planet and then south of Port Sudan where different species of sharks are found.

    * Number of dives may vary according to itinerary weather conditions. Minimum diving level: PADI Advanced Diver (or equivalent) with minimum 50 logged dives. Diving is permitted upon presentation of a valid certification card AND proof of adequate insurance covering risks related to diving activities.

    Price from £1495 based on sharing a twin cabin including

    Return flights from London Heathrow to Port Sudan on Saudia (via Jeddah) or Emirates/Fly Dubai (via Dubai)

    7 nights’ full board accommodation in shared cabin

    Transfers between Port Sudan airport and liveaboard

    Dives: first day 2 dives; then 3 dives a day; last day 2 dives and return to Port Sudan

    Sodas, espresso, cappuccino, water, tea & coffee

    Robes and towels provided during the safari

    Not included: Sudan Visa US$175/person; Government taxes and local agent fee 197 EUR pp; Booking of a specific cabin: 50 EUR pp/week; 15L tank: 40 EUR/week; Equipment rental; Guided dive: 8 EUR/dive; Alcoholic drinks; Crew tip (70 EUR recommended/week).

    Booking deadline: 31 October 2017

    Best of the Maldives

    Emperor Serenity | 26 August-03 September 2017

    This is the Best of the Maldives – and it delivers exactly that. This is where you dive the best and most famous dive sites of the Maldives in a week of wonderful liveaboard diving across Male and Ari atolls. Awaiting you are channels, drifts and pinnacles where you have every chance of meeting mantas, whale sharks and mesmerising marine life of so many varieties. Dive site flexibility is the key, so no matter what time of the year you visit, this itinerary gives you a mix of big fish such as shark and manta dives as well as reef dives, reef fish, morays and the abundant macro life.

    Price from £2065 including:

    Return economy class flights departing from London

    7 nights onboard Emperor Serenity in a shared cabin with 3 meals a day, afternoon snacks, unlimited drinking water, tea & coffee, 6 days diving with a total of 17 dives (inc 1 night dive), guide, tanks & weights, free Nitrox, 1 BBQ dinner on uninhabited island (weather allowing), Male city tour (on request), all local taxes and return airport transfers

    ATOL and full financial protection

    Not included: Diving equipment, alcohol, soft drinks & juices.

    Truk Lagoon Special Offer

    Save up to £425pp* | SS Thorfinn

    Book a week onboard Thorfinn diving the wrecks of Truk Lagoon and save up to £425pp*.

    Book and pay your deposit before end of July 2017 for all travel dates until the end of 2018 (subject to availability).

    *Discount based on a Tek Divers’ package.

    Nestled in the South West Pacific, imagine sunshine days and a wondrous delight above and below the water. The journey’s end is well worth the time taken to get here. Once a WWII Japanese stronghold, the Americans’ destroyed more aircraft and ships in a two day attack than any other during the war.

    Best of Red Sea

    Emperor Asmaa. 9 – 16 Nov 2017 – Save £75

    Dive the best top 3 sites in this area: Big and Little Brothers, Daedalus Reef and Elphinstone. These islands offer stunning wall diving and attract a diverse array of marine species and large pelagics. Large tuna, jacks and snappers cruise in the blue, accompanied by occasional hammerheads, silvertips, silky and oceanic white tip sharks and mantas. Even the rare thresher shark can be found here.

    7 nights from £1049 per person including flights from London – save £75!

    Prices is per person based on sharing a twin cabin and includes:

    • Return international flights – London Gatwick – Hurghada
    • 20kg hold baggage allowance
    • 7 nights in shared cabin (last night either on board or in a hotel)
    • 6 day’s diving, guide, 12 litre tanks, weights
    • Full board & soft drinks, red wine with dinner
    • Environmental tax
    • Marine Park fees and port departure fees
    • Free Nitrox (subject to availability)
    • Airport transfers
    • Full ATOL protection



    Manado + Lembeh Combo | Last Minute Offer

    Eco Divers. From just £1850 with diving, flights, accommodation

    Dive two of the world’s greatest dive places with an award-winning dive centre and here’s your recipe for holiday happiness.

    Home to a huge concentration of unusual marine species as well as reef sharks, turtles, eagle rays, Napoleon wrasse, even dugong and orca!

    Most sites are within easy reach from your hotel and yet they’re never crowded. The reefs of Bunaken National Marine Park are rich and unspoilt with abundant soft coral and fish life whilst the Lembeh Strait is arguably the best place in the world for macro photography.

    10 nights from £1850 per person including:

    • International return flights – London Heathrow on Singapore Air/SilkAir via Singapore
    • 30kg baggage allowance
    • 5 nights’ sharing air-conditioned Superior Room, Mercure Manado Resort
    • 5 days’ boat diving Bunaken (up to 2 guided day-dives per day*) with cylinders & weights
    • 5 nights’ sharing air-conditioned room, Eco Divers Resort Lembeh
    • 4 days’ boat diving Lembeh Strait (up to 3 guided day-dives per day) with cylinders & weights
    • Full Board Meal Plan including mineral water
    • All local transfers according to the itinerary
    • Government taxes
    • Full ATOL protection

    * Upgrade to 3-dive package: £23/day

    Valid for stays between 01 – 30 September and 24 October – 30 November 2017

    Learn more at:

    ]]> 0 15643
    Explore The Magical Maldives from just £1699 with blue o two Tue, 15 Aug 2017 16:25:08 +0000 Dive the Red Sea from just £999 and explore the magical Maldives from just £1699!]]>

    Dive the Red Sea from just £999 and explore the magical Maldives from just £1699!

    ]]> 0 13115
    Explore The Magical Maldives from just £1699 with blue o two Tue, 15 Aug 2017 16:24:06 +0000 Dive the Red Sea from just £999 and explore the magical Maldives from just £1699!

    We’re still giving you the chance dive some incredible destinations around the world and save more than £1000 per person in our Summer Sale.

    Don’t forget for this month only, the magical Maldives is featured as our Destination of the Month! All bookings taken on board either M/Y blue Voyager or M/V Sea Spirit for all remaining 2017 departures, guests will receive FREE nitrox for the duration of their liveaboard holiday, plus a FREE bottle of wine per person on arrival.

    M/Y blue Horizon – Red Sea

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1169 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    M/Y blue Melody – Red Sea

    18 Aug – 25 Aug 2017: Any Southern Itinerary – £9995 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Rocky, Zabargad & St. Johns – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Strait of Tiran & North – £1169 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    29 Dec – 5 Jan 2018: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1079 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    M/Y blue Fin – Red Sea

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Strait of Tiran & North – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    22 Sep – 29th Sep 2017: Brothers & Elphinstone – £999 (MAN ONLY)

    15 Dec – 22 Dec 2017: Best of Wrecks – £1099

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Any Northern Itinerary – £11495 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    M/Y Red Sea Adventurer – Red Sea

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    22 Sep – 29 Sep 2017: Best of Wrecks – £999 (MAN ONLY)

    M/V Sea Spirit – Maldives

    18 Aug – 26 Aug 2017: Central Atolls (7 Nights) – £1699

    01 Oct – 08 Oct 2017: Central Atolls (7 Nights) – £11995 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    M/Y blue Voyager – Maldives

    01 Sep – 09 Sep 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £2095

    15 Oct – 22 Oct 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £1995

    28 Oct – 05 Nov 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £1995

    05 Nov – 13 Nov 2017: Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995

    12 Nov – 20 Nov 2017 Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995

    20 Nov – 28 Nov 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £1995

    19 Dec – 27th Dec 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £2695 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    27 Dec – 07 Jan 2018: Best of the Maldives (10 Nights) – £2875 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    14 Jan – 21 Jan 2018: Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995

    M/V French Polynesia Master – French Polynesia

    10 Sep – 20 Sep 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    27 Sep – 07 Oct 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    06 Dec – 16 Dec 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    27 Oct – 03 Nov 2018: Fakarava and the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (7 Nights) – £3750 (BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS) 

    S/Y Fiji Siren – Fiji

    25 Aug – 04 Sep 2017: Beyond the Bligh (10 Nights) – £2820 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    09 Dec – 16 Dec 2017: Beyond the Bligh (7 Nights) – £2035 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    M/V Galapagos Master – Galapagos

    04 Sep – 11 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    11 Sep – 18 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    18 Sep – 25 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    25 Sep – 02 Oct 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    S/Y Indo Siren – Indonesia 

    12 Sep – 22 Sep 2017: Komodo National Park (10 Nights) – £2915 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    M/V Truk Master – Micronesia

    06 Sep – 16 Sep 2017: Truk Lagoon (10 Nights) – £2028 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    S/Y Palau Siren – Palau

    21 Aug – 28 Aug 2017: Palau Islands (7 Nights) – £2344 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    01 Sep – 11 Sep 2017: Palau Islands (10 Nights) – £3255 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    12 Sep – 19 Sep 2017: Palau Islands (7 Nights) – £2344 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    S/Y Philippine Siren – Philippines

    19 Sep – 29 Sep 2017: Malapascua & The Visayas (10 Nights) £2371 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    To book or for more info contact our EXPERT TRAVEL TEAM now on 01752 480808 or visit our website

    ]]> 0 15641
    Fantastic Worldwide Offers from Diverse Travel Tue, 15 Aug 2017 10:45:05 +0000 This is the Best of the Maldives – and it delivers exactly that. This is where you dive the best and most famous dive sites of the Maldives in a week of wonderful liveaboard diving across Male and Ari atolls. ]]>

    This is the Best of the Maldives – and it delivers exactly that. This is where you dive the best and most famous dive sites of the Maldives in a week of wonderful liveaboard diving across Male and Ari atolls.

    ]]> 0 13111
    Fantastic Worldwide Offers from Diverse Travel Tue, 15 Aug 2017 10:43:31 +0000 Best of the Maldives Emperor Serenity | 26 August-03 September 2017 This is the Best of the Maldives – and it delivers exactly that. This is where you dive the [...]]]>

    Diverse Travel

    Best of the Maldives

    Emperor Serenity | 26 August-03 September 2017

    This is the Best of the Maldives – and it delivers exactly that. This is where you dive the best and most famous dive sites of the Maldives in a week of wonderful liveaboard diving across Male and Ari atolls. Awaiting you are channels, drifts and pinnacles where you have every chance of meeting mantas, whale sharks and mesmerising marine life of so many varieties. Dive site flexibility is the key, so no matter what time of the year you visit, this itinerary gives you a mix of big fish such as shark and manta dives as well as reef dives, reef fish, morays and the abundant macro life.

    Price from £2065 including:

    Return economy class flights departing from London

    7 nights onboard Emperor Serenity in a shared cabin with 3 meals a day, afternoon snacks, unlimited drinking water, tea & coffee, 6 days diving with a total of 17 dives (inc 1 night dive), guide, tanks & weights, free Nitrox, 1 BBQ dinner on uninhabited island (weather allowing), Male city tour (on request), all local taxes and return airport transfers

    ATOL and full financial protection

    Not included: Diving equipment, alcohol, soft drinks & juices.


    Truk Lagoon Special Offer

    Save up to £425pp* | SS Thorfinn

    Book a week onboard Thorfinn diving the wrecks of Truk Lagoon and save up to £425pp*.

    Book and pay your deposit before end of July 2017 for all travel dates until the end of 2018 (subject to availability).

    *Discount based on a Tek Divers’ package.

    Nestled in the South West Pacific, imagine sunshine days and a wondrous delight above and below the water. The journey’s end is well worth the time taken to get here. Once a WWII Japanese stronghold, the Americans’ destroyed more aircraft and ships in a two day attack than any other during the war.


    Best of Red Sea

    Emperor Asmaa. 9 – 16 Nov 2017 – Save £75

    Dive the best top 3 sites in this area: Big and Little Brothers, Daedalus Reef and Elphinstone. These islands offer stunning wall diving and attract a diverse array of marine species and large pelagics. Large tuna, jacks and snappers cruise in the blue, accompanied by occasional hammerheads, silvertips, silky and oceanic white tip sharks and mantas. Even the rare thresher shark can be found here.

    7 nights from £1049 per person including flights from London – save £75!

    Prices is per person based on sharing a twin cabin and includes:

    • Return international flights – London Gatwick – Hurghada
    • 20kg hold baggage allowance
    • 7 nights in shared cabin (last night either on board or in a hotel)
    • 6 day’s diving, guide, 12 litre tanks, weights
    • Full board & soft drinks, red wine with dinner
    • Environmental tax
    • Marine Park fees and port departure fees
    • Free Nitrox (subject to availability)
    • Airport transfers
    • Full ATOL protection



    Manado + Lembeh Combo | Last Minute Offer

    Eco Divers. From just £1850 with diving, flights, accommodation

    Dive two of the world’s greatest dive places with an award-winning dive centre and here’s your recipe for holiday happiness.

    Home to a huge concentration of unusual marine species as well as reef sharks, turtles, eagle rays, Napoleon wrasse, even dugong and orca!

    Most sites are within easy reach from your hotel and yet they’re never crowded. The reefs of Bunaken National Marine Park are rich and unspoilt with abundant soft coral and fish life whilst the Lembeh Strait is arguably the best place in the world for macro photography.

    10 nights from £1850 per person including:

    • International return flights – London Heathrow on Singapore Air/SilkAir via Singapore
    • 30kg baggage allowance
    • 5 nights’ sharing air-conditioned Superior Room, Mercure Manado Resort
    • 5 days’ boat diving Bunaken (up to 2 guided day-dives per day*) with cylinders & weights
    • 5 nights’ sharing air-conditioned room, Eco Divers Resort Lembeh
    • 4 days’ boat diving Lembeh Strait (up to 3 guided day-dives per day) with cylinders & weights
    • Full Board Meal Plan including mineral water
    • All local transfers according to the itinerary
    • Government taxes
    • Full ATOL protection

    * Upgrade to 3-dive package: £23/day

    Valid for stays between 01 – 30 September and 24 October – 30 November 2017

    For more information, visit

    ]]> 0 15640
    Scuba Travel Deals from blue o two Tue, 08 Aug 2017 14:17:56 +0000 Dive the Red Sea from just £999 and dive into the magical Maldives from just £1699!]]>

    Dive the Red Sea from just £999 and dive into the magical Maldives from just £1699!

    ]]> 0 13094
    Scuba Travel Deals from blue o two Tue, 08 Aug 2017 14:16:34 +0000 Dive the Red Sea from just £999 and dive into the magical Maldives from just £1699! Also, for all bookings taken during August 2017 on board either M/Y blue Voyager or M/V Sea Spirit for all remaining 2017 departures, guests will [...]]]>

    Dive the Red Sea from just £999 and dive into the magical Maldives from just £1699!

    Also, for all bookings taken during August 2017 on board either M/Y blue Voyager or M/V Sea Spirit for all remaining 2017 departures, guests will receive FREE nitrox for the duration of their liveaboard holiday, plus a free bottle of wine per person on arrival – there has been no better time to head to the Maldives!


    M/Y blue Horizon – Red Sea

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1169 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    M/Y blue Melody – Red Sea

    18 Aug – 25 Aug 2017: Any Southern Itinerary – £9995 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Rocky, Zabargad & St. Johns – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Strait of Tiran & North – £1169 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    29 Dec – 5 Jan 2018: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1079 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    M/Y blue Fin – Red Sea

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Strait of Tiran & North – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    22 Sep – 29th Sep 2017: Brothers & Elphinstone – £999 (MAN ONLY)

    13 Oct – 20 Oct 2017: Simply the Best – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    15 Dec – 22 Dec 2017: Best of Wrecks – £1099

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Any Northern Itinerary – £11495 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    M/Y Red Sea Adventurer – Red Sea

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    22 Sep – 29 Sep 2017: Best of Wrecks – £999 (MAN ONLY)


    M/V Sea Spirit – Maldives

    18 Aug – 26 Aug 2017: Central Atolls (7 Nights) – £1699

    01 Oct – 08 Oct 2017: Central Atolls (7 Nights) – £11995 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    M/Y blue Voyager – Maldives

    01 Sep – 09 Sep 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £2095

    28 Oct – 05 Nov 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £1995

    05 Nov – 13 Nov 2017: Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995

    12 Nov – 20 Nov 2017 Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995

    20 Nov – 28 Nov 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £1995

    19 Dec – 27th Dec 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £2695 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    27 Dec – 07 Jan 2018: Best of the Maldives (10 Nights) – £2875 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    14 Jan – 21 Jan 2018: Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995


    M/V French Polynesia Master – French Polynesia

    10 Sep – 20 Sep 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    27 Sep – 07 Oct 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    06 Dec – 16 Dec 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    27 Oct – 03 Nov 2018: Fakarava and the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (7 Nights) – £3750 (BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS) 


    S/Y Fiji Siren – Fiji

    25 Aug – 04 Sep 2017: Beyond the Bligh (10 Nights) – £2820 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    09 Dec – 16 Dec 2017: Beyond the Bligh (7 Nights) – £2035 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    M/V Galapagos Master – Galapagos

    04 Sep – 11 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    11 Sep – 18 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    18 Sep – 25 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    25 Sep – 02 Oct 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    S/Y Indo Siren – Indonesia

    12 Sep – 22 Sep 2017: Komodo National Park (10 Nights) – £2915 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    M/V Truk Master – Micronesia

    06 Sep – 16 Sep 2017: Truk Lagoon (10 Nights) – £2028 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    S/Y Palau Siren – Palau

    13 Aug – 20 Aug 2017: Palau Islands (7 Nights) – £2344 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    21 Aug – 28 Aug 2017: Palau Islands (7 Nights) – £2344 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    01 Sep – 11 Sep 2017: Palau Islands (10 Nights) – £3255 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    12 Sep – 19 Sep 2017: Palau Islands (7 Nights) – £2344 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    S/Y Philippine Siren – Philippines

    19 Sep – 29 Sep 2017: Malapascua & The Visayas (10 Nights) £2371 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    To book or for more info contact our EXPERT TRAVEL TEAM now on 01752 480808 or visit our website

    ]]> 0 1254
    Dive the Red Sea from just £999 with blue o two Fri, 04 Aug 2017 10:48:49 +0000 Dive the Red Sea from just £999 and dive into the magical Maldives from just £1699!]]>

    Dive the Red Sea from just £999 and dive into the magical Maldives from just £1699!

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    Dive the Red Sea from just £999 with blue o two Fri, 04 Aug 2017 10:47:36 +0000 Dive the Red Sea from just £999 and dive into the magical Maldives from just £1699!

    We’re also giving you the chance to dive into the phenomenal Truk Lagoon this August from just £2028. We only have one male share space remaining on this trip and blue o two will contribute £500 towards your international flights!

    M/Y blue Horizon – Red Sea

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1169 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    M/Y blue Melody – Red Sea

    18 Aug – 25 Aug 2017: Any Southern Itinerary – £9995 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Rocky, Zabargad & St. Johns – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    08 Sep – 15 Sep 2017: Deep South – £999

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Strait of Tiran & North – £1169 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    29 Dec – 5 Jan 2018: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1079 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    M/Y blue Fin – Red Sea

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Strait of Tiran & North – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    08 Sep – 15 Sep 2017: Deep South – £999

    22 Sep – 29th Sep 2017: Brothers & Elphinstone – £999 (MAN ONLY)

    13 Oct – 20 Oct 2017: Simply the Best – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    15 Dec – 22 Dec 2017: Best of Wrecks – £1099

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Any Northern Itinerary – £11495 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    M/Y Red Sea Adventurer – Red Sea

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    22 Sep – 29 Sep 2017: Best of Wrecks – £999 (MAN ONLY)


    M/V Sea Spirit – Maldives

    18 Aug – 26 Aug 2017: Central Atolls (7 Nights) – £1699

    01 Oct – 08 Oct 2017: Central Atolls (7 Nights) – £11995 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    M/Y blue Voyager – Maldives

    01 Sep – 09 Sep 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £2095

    28 Oct – 05 Nov 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £1995

    05 Nov – 13 Nov 2017: Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995

    12 Nov – 20 Nov 2017 Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995

    20 Nov – 28 Nov 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £1995

    19 Dec – 27th Dec 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £2695 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    27 Dec – 07 Jan 2018: Best of the Maldives (10 Nights) – £2875 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    14 Jan – 21 Jan 2018: Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995


    M/V French Polynesia Master – French Polynesia

    09 Aug – 19 Aug 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    10 Sep – 20 Sep 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    27 Sep – 07 Oct 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    06 Dec – 16 Dec 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    27 Oct – 03 Nov 2018: Fakarava and the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (7 Nights) – £3750 (BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS) 

    S/Y Fiji Siren – Fiji 

    25 Aug – 04 Sep 2017: Beyond the Bligh (10 Nights) – £2820 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    09 Dec – 16 Dec 2017: Beyond the Bligh (7 Nights) – £2035 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    M/V Galapagos Master – Galapagos

    04 Sep – 11 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    11 Sep – 18 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    18 Sep – 25 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    25 Sep – 02 Oct 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    S/Y Indo Siren – Indonesia 

    10 Aug – 20 Aug 2017: Komodo National Park (10 Nights) – £2915 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    12 Sep – 22 Sep 2017: Komodo National Park (10 Nights) – £2915 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    M/V Truk Master – Micronesia

    16 Aug – 26 Aug 2017: Truk Lagoon (10 Nights) – £2028 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS) Flight Contribution – £500 towards your international flights! One Male Share Space Remaining! Flight Contribution Offer for Truk Lagoon is offered on a per person basis. blue o two will contribute up to £500 per person towards the costs of their international flights, when booking the above offer as a full package inclusive of flights directly through blue o two. The contribution is not transferrable, exchangeable, and must be redeemed at the time of booking.

    06 Sep – 16 Sep 2017: Truk Lagoon (10 Nights) – £2028 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    S/Y Palau Siren – Palau

    13 Aug – 20 Aug 2017: Palau Islands (7 Nights) – £2344 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    21 Aug – 28 Aug 2017: Palau Islands (7 Nights) – £2344 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    01 Sep – 11 Sep 2017: Palau Islands (10 Nights) – £3255 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    12 Sep – 19 Sep 2017: Palau Islands (7 Nights) – £2344 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    S/Y Philippine Siren – Philippines

    06 Aug – 16 Aug 2017: Malapascua & The Visayas (10 Nights) £2371 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    19 Sep – 29 Sep 2017: Malapascua & The Visayas (10 Nights) £2371 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    To book or for more info contact our EXPERT TRAVEL TEAM now on 01752 480808 or visit our website

    ]]> 0 1250
    Great White Shark Cage Diving and Other Worldwide Offers Fri, 04 Aug 2017 09:19:02 +0000 The best of both worlds; diving the iconic Aliwal Shoal and then onto the great magnet of South Africa, cage diving with great whites!]]>

    The best of both worlds; diving the iconic Aliwal Shoal and then onto the great magnet of South Africa, cage diving with great whites!

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    Great White Shark Cage Diving and Other Worldwide Offers Fri, 04 Aug 2017 09:15:43 +0000 Best of Red Sea Emperor Asmaa. 9 – 16 Nov 2017 – Save £75 Dive the best top 3 sites in this area: Big and Little Brothers, Daedalus Reef and [...]]]>

    Diverse Travel

    Best of Red Sea

    Emperor Asmaa. 9 – 16 Nov 2017 – Save £75

    Dive the best top 3 sites in this area: Big and Little Brothers, Daedalus Reef and Elphinstone. These islands offer stunning wall diving and attract a diverse array of marine species and large pelagics. Large tuna, jacks and snappers cruise in the blue, accompanied by occasional hammerheads, silvertips, silky and oceanic white tip sharks and mantas. Even the rare thresher shark can be found here.

    7 nights from £1049 per person including flights from London – save £75!

    Prices is per person based on sharing a twin cabin and includes:

    • Return international flights – London Gatwick – Hurghada
    • 20kg hold baggage allowance
    • 7 nights in shared cabin (last night either on board or in a hotel)
    • 6 day’s diving, guide, 12 litre tanks, weights
    • Full board & soft drinks, red wine with dinner
    • Environmental tax
    • Marine Park fees and port departure fees
    • Free Nitrox (subject to availability)
    • Airport transfers
    • Full ATOL protection

    Indonesia. Manado + Lembeh Combo

    Last Minute Offer

    Eco Divers. From just £1850 with diving, flights, accommodation

    Dive two of the world’s greatest dive places with an award-winning dive centre and here’s your recipe for holiday happiness.

    Home to a huge concentration of unusual marine species as well as reef sharks, turtles, eagle rays, Napoleon wrasse, even dugong and orca!

    Most sites are within easy reach from your hotel and yet they’re never crowded. The reefs of Bunaken National Marine Park are rich and unspoilt with abundant soft coral and fish life whilst the Lembeh Strait is arguably the best place in the world for macro photography.

    10 nights from £1850 per person including:

    • International return flights – London Heathrow on Singapore Air/SilkAir via Singapore
    • 30kg baggage allowance
    • 5 nights’ sharing air-conditioned Superior Room, Mercure Manado Resort
    • 5 days’ boat diving Bunaken (up to 2 guided day-dives per day*) with cylinders & weights
    • 5 nights’ sharing air-conditioned room, Eco Divers Resort Lembeh
    • 4 days’ boat diving Lembeh Strait (up to 3 guided day-dives per day) with cylinders & weights
    • Full Board Meal Plan including mineral water
    • All local transfers according to the itinerary
    • Government taxes
    • Full ATOL protection

    * Upgrade to 3-dive package: £23/day

    Valid for stays between 01 – 30 September and 24 October – 30 November 2017

    South Africa

    9 nights. Aliwal Shoal Diving + Great White Cage Diving, Cape Town

    The best of both worlds; diving the iconic Aliwal Shoal and then onto the great magnet of South Africa, cage diving with great whites!

    Price: £1999 per person based on sharing a twin/double room, including:

    • Return international flights to Durban return from Cape Town on Emirates (via Dubai)
    • 6 nights’ Full Board in twin/double room, Blue Ocean Resort, Umkomaas
    • 8 dives: 6 Aliwal Shoal reef dives (2-tank morning trips) + 2 Baited Shark Dives
    • Round trip airport transfers from Durban King Shaka International Airport
    • One-way domestic flight Durban to Cape Town
    • 3 days’ Cape Town car hire (Avis VW Polo TSI B Plus + GPS)
    • 3 nights’ B&B, Mountain Facing Room, Quayside Hotel, Simon’s Town (Cape Town)
    • 2 Seal Island Cage Dive Trips
    • Government taxes
    • Full ATOL Protection

    Price does not include daily conservation levy of R114 (approx. £7).

    These offers must be booked before 30 September 2017.
    Travel must take place before 31 December 2017.

    Oman Red Dhow

    7 – 14 October | from £1565

    Just 80 miles from Dubai is Oman’s little-known Musandam Peninsula – an area of outstanding natural beauty. Dramatic vertical cliffs in meandering bays plunge into the azure seas below, giving Musandam the affectionate nickname, ‘the fjords of the Gulf’. Deep and cool upwelling water provide a rich plankton soup attracting a huge variety of marine life; whale shark, sun fish, pilot whales, lobsters, hawksbill, green turtles, huge schools of snapper, barracuda and jacks. Critters galore are also in abundance making Musandam a macro-photographer’s delight.

    Red Dhow is a 76ft boat with 6 standard double cabins (2 cabins sharing 1 bathroom) and two ensuite cabins. She takes no more than 14 guests.

    Price from £1565 based on sharing standard twin cabin, including:

    Return economy class flights departing from London to Dubai (flights from other UK airports can be arranged)

    7 nights’ onboard the Red Dhow in an en-suite cabin with Full Board (breakfast, lunch & dinner), water, tea & coffee, PADI Instructor and/or Divemaster on board (acting as a dive guide) with up to 3 guided day-dives per day and return airport transfers

    ATOL and full financial protection

    Best of the Maldives

    Emperor Serenity | 26 August-03 September 2017

    This is the Best of the Maldives – and it delivers exactly that. This is where you dive the best and most famous dive sites of the Maldives in a week of wonderful liveaboard diving across Male and Ari atolls. Awaiting you are channels, drifts and pinnacles where you have every chance of meeting mantas, whale sharks and mesmerising marine life of so many varieties. Dive site flexibility is the key, so no matter what time of the year you visit, this itinerary gives you a mix of big fish such as shark and manta dives as well as reef dives, reef fish, morays and the abundant macro life.

    Price from £2065 including:

    Return economy class flights departing from London

    7 nights onboard Emperor Serenity in a shared cabin with 3 meals a day, afternoon snacks, unlimited drinking water, tea & coffee, 6 days diving with a total of 17 dives (inc 1 night dive), guide, tanks & weights, free Nitrox, 1 BBQ dinner on uninhabited island (weather allowing), Male city tour (on request), all local taxes and return airport transfers

    ATOL and full financial protection

    Not included: Diving equipment, alcohol, soft drinks & juices.


    Fiji Volivoli Offer | Book 7 nights, pay for only 5

    Volivoli Beach Resort | Fiji | 2 nights FREE

    PLUS 2 FREE dives

    PLUS FREE Nitrox*

    Fiji has so very much to offer from the diving to nature, beautiful beaches and welcoming local people. Here lies a perfect blend of white sandy beaches, coral reef, a sunny year-round climate and that friendly Fijian hospitality and culture.

    A pearl of Fiji, Volivoli Beach Resort is tucked away on the northernmost tip of Viti Levu and promises guests a welcoming relaxed indulgence. Being just a short boat ride from the enticing dive sites of Bligh Waters the Resort is family-run by the Darling family who have over 20 years’ experience of diving in these waters. Probably one of the best locations in Fiji for a diving holiday, Volivoli Beach is home to Ra Divers, a fully certified PADI and SSI Dive Resort with over 18 years’ experience.

    Conditions of offer: Travel dates: Until 31st March 2018

    Truk Lagoon Special Offer

    Save up to £425pp* | SS Thorfinn

     Book a week onboard Thorfinn diving the wrecks of Truk Lagoon and save up to £425pp*.

    Book and pay your deposit before end of July 2017 for all travel dates until the end of 2018 (subject to availability).

    *Discount based on a Tek Divers’ package.

    Nestled in the South West Pacific, imagine sunshine days and a wondrous delight above and below the water. The journey’s end is well worth the time taken to get here. Once a WWII Japanese stronghold, the Americans’ destroyed more aircraft and ships in a two day attack than any other during the war.

    Learn more at:

    ]]> 0 15636
    Latest Worldwide Scuba Travel Offers from Diverse Travel Fri, 04 Aug 2017 09:07:08 +0000 Take a look at these latest special scuba diving travel offers from Diverse Travel. ]]>

    Take a look at these latest special scuba diving travel offers from Diverse Travel.

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    Latest Worldwide Scuba Travel Offers from Diverse Travel Fri, 04 Aug 2017 09:05:56 +0000 Take a look at these latest special scuba diving travel offers from Diverse Travel. Truk Lagoon Special Offer Save up to £425pp* | SS Thorfinn Book a week onboard Thorfinn [...]]]>

    Diverse Travel

    Take a look at these latest special scuba diving travel offers from Diverse Travel.

    Truk Lagoon Special Offer

    Save up to £425pp* | SS Thorfinn

    Book a week onboard Thorfinn diving the wrecks of Truk Lagoon and save up to £425pp*.

    Book and pay your deposit before end of July 2017 for all travel dates until the end of 2018 (subject to availability).

    *Discount based on a Tek Divers’ package.

    Nestled in the South West Pacific, imagine sunshine days and a wondrous delight above and below the water. The journey’s end is well worth the time taken to get here. Once a WWII Japanese stronghold, the Americans’ destroyed more aircraft and ships in a two day attack than any other during the war.

    Best of Red Sea

    Emperor Asmaa. 9 – 16 Nov 2017 – Save £75

    Dive the best top 3 sites in this area: Big and Little Brothers, Daedalus Reef and Elphinstone. These islands offer stunning wall diving and attract a diverse array of marine species and large pelagics. Large tuna, jacks and snappers cruise in the blue, accompanied by occasional hammerheads, silvertips, silky and oceanic white tip sharks and mantas. Even the rare thresher shark can be found here.

    7 nights from £1049 per person including flights from London – save £75!

    Prices is per person based on sharing a twin cabin and includes:

    • Return international flights – London Gatwick – Hurghada
    • 20kg hold baggage allowance
    • 7 nights in shared cabin (last night either on board or in a hotel)
    • 6 day’s diving, guide, 12 litre tanks, weights
    • Full board & soft drinks, red wine with dinner
    • Environmental tax
    • Marine Park fees and port departure fees
    • Free Nitrox (subject to availability)
    • Airport transfers
    • Full ATOL protection

    Indonesia. Manado + Lembeh Combo

    Last Minute Offer

    Eco Divers. From just £1850 with diving, flights, accommodation

    Dive two of the world’s greatest dive places with an award-winning dive centre and here’s your recipe for holiday happiness.

    Home to a huge concentration of unusual marine species as well as reef sharks, turtles, eagle rays, Napoleon wrasse, even dugong and orca!

    Most sites are within easy reach from your hotel and yet they’re never crowded. The reefs of Bunaken National Marine Park are rich and unspoilt with abundant soft coral and fish life whilst the Lembeh Strait is arguably the best place in the world for macro photography.

    10 nights from £1850 per person including:

    • International return flights – London Heathrow on Singapore Air/SilkAir via Singapore
    • 30kg baggage allowance
    • 5 nights’ sharing air-conditioned Superior Room, Mercure Manado Resort
    • 5 days’ boat diving Bunaken (up to 2 guided day-dives per day*) with cylinders & weights
    • 5 nights’ sharing air-conditioned room, Eco Divers Resort Lembeh
    • 4 days’ boat diving Lembeh Strait (up to 3 guided day-dives per day) with cylinders & weights
    • Full Board Meal Plan including mineral water
    • All local transfers according to the itinerary
    • Government taxes
    • Full ATOL protection

    * Upgrade to 3-dive package: £23/day

    Valid for stays between 01 – 30 September and 24 October – 30 November 2017

    Best of the Maldives

    Emperor Serenity | 26 August-03 September 2017

    This is the Best of the Maldives – and it delivers exactly that. This is where you dive the best and most famous dive sites of the Maldives in a week of wonderful liveaboard diving across Male and Ari atolls. Awaiting you are channels, drifts and pinnacles where you have every chance of meeting mantas, whale sharks and mesmerising marine life of so many varieties. Dive site flexibility is the key, so no matter what time of the year you visit, this itinerary gives you a mix of big fish such as shark and manta dives as well as reef dives, reef fish, morays and the abundant macro life.

    Price from £2065 including:

    Return economy class flights departing from London

    7 nights onboard Emperor Serenity in a shared cabin with 3 meals a day, afternoon snacks, unlimited drinking water, tea & coffee, 6 days diving with a total of 17 dives (inc 1 night dive), guide, tanks & weights, free Nitrox, 1 BBQ dinner on uninhabited island (weather allowing), Male city tour (on request), all local taxes and return airport transfers

    ATOL and full financial protection

    Not included: Diving equipment, alcohol, soft drinks & juices.

    Learn more at:

    ]]> 0 1248
    Latest blue o two Scuba Diving Travel Offers Sun, 30 Jul 2017 07:10:15 +0000 Dive the Red Sea from just £999 and dive into the magical Maldives from just £1699! You also have the opportunity to save more than £1000 per person in our [...]]]>

    Dive the Red Sea from just £999 and dive into the magical Maldives from just £1699! You also have the opportunity to save more than £1000 per person in our superb Summer Sale!

    M/Y blue Horizon – Red Sea

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1169 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    M/Y blue Melody – Red Sea

    18 Aug – 25 Aug 2017: Any Southern Itinerary – £9995 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Rocky, Zabargad & St. Johns – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    08 Sep – 15 Sep 2017: Deep South – £999

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Strait of Tiran & North – £1169 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    29 Dec – 5 Jan 2018: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1079 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    M/Y blue Fin – Red Sea

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Strait of Tiran & North – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    08 Sep – 15 Sep 2017: Deep South – £999

    15- Dec – 22 Dec 2017: Best of Wrecks – £1099

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Any Northern Itinerary – £11495 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    M/Y Red Sea Adventurer – Red Sea

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    M/V Sea Spirit – Maldives

    18 Aug – 26 Aug 2017: Central Atolls (7 Nights) – £1699

    01 Oct – 08 Oct 2017: Central Atolls (7 Nights) – £11995 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    M/Y blue Voyager – Maldives

    01 Sep – 09 Sep 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £2095

    28 Oct – 05 Nov 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £1995

    05 Nov – 13 Nov 2017: Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995

    12 Nov – 20 Nov 2017 Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995

    20 Nov – 28 Nov 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £1995

    19 Dec – 27th Dec 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £2695 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    27 Dec – 07 Jan 2018: Best of the Maldives (10 Nights) – £2875 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    14 Jan – 21 Jan 2018: Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995

    M/V French Polynesia Master – French Polynesia

    09 Aug – 19 Aug 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    10 Sep – 20 Sep 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    27 Sep – 07 Oct 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    06 Dec – 16 Dec 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    27 Oct – 03 Nov 2018: Fakarava and the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (7 Nights) – £3750 (BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS) 

    S/Y Fiji Siren – Fiji

    25 Aug – 04 Sep 2017: Beyond the Bligh (10 Nights) – £2820 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    09 Dec – 16 Dec 2017: Beyond the Bligh (7 Nights) – £2035 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    M/V Galapagos Master – Galapagos

    04 Sep – 11 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    11 Sep – 18 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    18 Sep – 25 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    25 Sep – 02 Oct 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    S/Y Indo Siren – Indonesia

    10 Aug – 20 Aug 2017: Komodo National Park (10 Nights) – £2915 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    12 Sep – 22 Sep 2017: Komodo National Park (10 Nights) – £2915 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    M/V Truk Master – Micronesia





    16 Aug – 26 Aug 2017: Truk Lagoon (10 Nights) – £2070 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    06 Sep – 16 Sep 2017: Truk Lagoon (10 Nights) – £2070 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    S/Y Palau Siren – Palau

    02 Aug – 12 Aug 2017: Palau Islands (10 Nights) – £3255 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    13 Aug – 20 Aug 2017: Palau Islands (7 Nights) – £2344 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    21 Aug – 28 Aug 2017: Palau Islands (7 Nights) – £2344 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    01 Sep – 11 Sep 2017: Palau Islands (10 Nights) – £3255 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    12 Sep – 19 Sep 2017: Palau Islands (7 Nights) – £2344 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    S/Y Philippine Siren – Philippines

    06 Aug – 16 Aug 2017: Malapascua & The Visayas (10 Nights) £2371 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    19 Sep – 29 Sep 2017: Malapascua & The Visayas (10 Nights) £2371 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    To book or for more info contact our EXPERT TRAVEL TEAM now on 01752 480808 or visit our website

    ]]> 0 1245
    Latest International Scuba Diver Travel Offers from blue o two Fri, 21 Jul 2017 14:15:49 +0000 In addition to these incredible offers we have sensational savings in our Summer Sale where you can save more than £1000 per person.]]>

    Dive the Red Sea from just £1079 and discover the magical Maldives from just £1699! In addition to these incredible offers we have sensational savings in our Summer Sale where you can save more than £1000 per person.

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    Latest International Scuba Diver Travel Offers from blue o two Fri, 21 Jul 2017 14:13:39 +0000 Dive the Red Sea from just £1079 and discover the magical Maldives from just £1699! In addition to these incredible offers we have sensational savings in our Summer Sale where [...]]]>

    Dive the Red Sea from just £1079 and discover the magical Maldives from just £1699!

    In addition to these incredible offers we have sensational savings in our Summer Sale where you can save more than £1000 per person.


    M/Y blue Horizon – Red Sea

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1169 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    M/Y blue Melody – Red Sea

    18 Aug – 25 Aug 2017: Any Southern Itinerary – £9995 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Rocky, Zabargad & St. Johns – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Strait of Tiran & North – £1169 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    29 Dec – 5 Jan 2018: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1079 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    M/Y blue Fin – Red Sea

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Strait of Tiran & North – £1199 (MAN ONLY)

    15- Dec – 22 Dec 2017: Best of Wrecks – £1099

    22 Dec – 29 Dec 2017: Any Northern Itinerary – £11495 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    M/Y Red Sea Adventurer – Red Sea

    25 Aug – 01 Sep 2017: Northern Wrecks & Reefs – £1199 (MAN ONLY)


    M/V Sea Spirit – Maldives

    18 Aug – 26 Aug 2017: Central Atolls (7 Nights) – £1699

    01 Oct – 08 Oct 2017: Central Atolls (7 Nights) – £11995 (FULL CHARTER – BOAT ONLY)

    M/Y blue Voyager – Maldives

    01 Sep – 09 Sep 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £2095

    28 Oct – 05 Nov 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £1995

    05 Nov – 13 Nov 2017: Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995

    12 Nov – 20 Nov 2017 Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995

    20 Nov – 28 Nov 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £1995

    19 Dec – 27th Dec 2017: Magical Maldives (7 Nights) – £2695 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    27 Dec – 07 Jan 2018: Best of the Maldives (10 Nights) – £2875 (CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR)

    14 Jan – 21 Jan 2018: Pelagic Encounters (7 Nights) – £1995


    M/V French Polynesia Master – French Polynesia

    09 Aug – 19 Aug 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    10 Sep – 20 Sep 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    27 Sep – 07 Oct 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    06 Dec – 16 Dec 2017: Tuamotu Archipelago (10 Nights) – £3558 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    27 Oct – 03 Nov 2018: Fakarava and the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (7 Nights) – £3750 (BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS) 


    S/Y Fiji Siren – Fiji

    25 Aug – 04 Sep 2017: Beyond the Bligh (10 Nights) – £2820 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    09 Dec – 16 Dec 2017: Beyond the Bligh (7 Nights) – £2035 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    M/V Galapagos Master – Galapagos

    04 Sep – 11 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    11 Sep – 18 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    18 Sep – 25 Sep 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    25 Sep – 02 Oct 2017: Master the Galapagos (7 Nights) – £3410 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    S/Y Indo Siren – Indonesia

    10 Aug – 20 Aug 2017: Komodo National Park (10 Nights) – £2915 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    12 Sep – 22 Sep 2017: Komodo National Park (10 Nights) – £2915 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    M/V Truk Master – Micronesia 

    23 Jul – 30 Jul 2017: Truk Lagoon (7 Nights) – £1474 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)





    16 Aug – 26 Aug 2017: Truk Lagoon (10 Nights) – £2070 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    06 Sep – 16 Sep 2017: Truk Lagoon (10 Nights) – £2070 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    S/Y Palau Siren – Palau

    26 Jul – 01 Aug 2017: Palau Islands (6 Nights) – £2140 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    02 Aug – 12 Aug 2017: Palau Islands (10 Nights) – £3255 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    13 Aug – 20 Aug 2017: Palau Islands (7 Nights) – £2344 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    21 Aug – 28 Aug 2017: Palau Islands (7 Nights) – £2344 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    01 Sep – 11 Sep 2017: Palau Islands (10 Nights) – £3255 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    12 Sep – 19 Sep 2017: Palau Islands (7 Nights) – £2344 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)


    S/Y Philippine Siren – Philippines

    06 Aug – 16 Aug 2017: Malapascua & The Visayas (10 Nights) £2371 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    19 Sep – 29 Sep 2017: Malapascua & The Visayas (10 Nights) £2371 (SUMMER SALE – BOAT ONLY, PACKAGE EXCLUDES FLIGHTS)

    Learn more at:

    ]]> 0 15633
    Superb Savings in Regaldive’s Sizzling Summer Sale Fri, 21 Jul 2017 07:41:28 +0000 To celebrate the start of the Summer holidays, diving holiday specialists Regaldive are currently offering 10% Savings* in their Sizzling Summer Sale which runs from 20 July to 4 August 2017. With a great value 10% off diving holidays and liveaboards around the world, in addition to some superb dive pack deals and extra savings, Regaldive’s offers are available for a limited period only. The 10% saving applies to almost every holiday in the Regaldive programme.]]>

    To celebrate the start of the Summer holidays, diving holiday specialists Regaldive are currently offering 10% Savings* in their Sizzling Summer Sale which runs from 20 July to 4 August 2017. With a great value 10% off diving holidays and liveaboards around the world, in addition to some superb dive pack deals and extra savings, Regaldive’s offers are available for a limited period only. The 10% saving applies to almost every holiday in the Regaldive programme.

    ]]> 0 13016
    Superb Savings in Regaldive’s Sizzling Summer Sale Fri, 21 Jul 2017 07:38:52 +0000 To celebrate the start of the Summer holidays, diving holiday specialists Regaldive are currently offering 10% Savings* in their Sizzling Summer Sale which runs from 20 July to 4 August [...]]]>

    To celebrate the start of the Summer holidays, diving holiday specialists Regaldive are currently offering 10% Savings* in their Sizzling Summer Sale which runs from 20 July to 4 August 2017. With a great value 10% off diving holidays and liveaboards around the world, in addition to some superb dive pack deals and extra savings, Regaldive’s offers are available for a limited period only. The 10% saving applies to almost every holiday in the Regaldive programme.

    Divers can benefit from huge savings of up to £1,290 per person on liveaboard trips by booking their Regaldive holiday package during the Sizzling Summer Sale.

    Sizzling Summer Sale Example Savings:

    Liveaboard Trips – Save up to £1,290pp

      Land-based Trips – Save up to £500pp

    With great savings available in the Sizzling Summer Sale, it is an ideal time for divers to book their next diving holiday with Regaldive.

    Regaldive has an in-house team of diving and travel enthusiasts, so is well placed to help divers to plan their next scuba diving holiday adventures to over 25 exciting worldwide destinations.

    For further information, or to book, visit or call 01353 659999.

    * Regaldive’s Sizzling Summer Sale is subject to Terms and Conditions – please see here

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    Latest International Travel Offers from Diverse Travel Fri, 21 Jul 2017 06:29:05 +0000 Take a look at the latest worldwide travel deals from Diverse Travel]]>

    Take a look at the latest worldwide travel deals from Diverse Travel

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    Latest International Travel Offers from Diverse Travel Fri, 21 Jul 2017 06:25:12 +0000 Diverse Travel

    Take a look at the latest worldwide travel deals from Diverse Travel

    South Africa. 9 nights.

    Diverse Travel South Africa

    Aliwal Shoal Diving + Great White Cage Diving, Cape Town

    The best of both worlds; diving the iconic Aliwal Shoal and then onto the great magnet of South Africa, cage diving with great whites!

    Price: £1999 per person based on sharing a twin/double room, including:

    • Return international flights to Durban return from Cape Town on Emirates (via Dubai)
    • 6 nights’ Full Board in twin/double room, Blue Ocean Resort, Umkomaas
    • 8 dives: 6 Aliwal Shoal reef dives (2-tank morning trips) + 2 Baited Shark Dives
    • Round trip airport transfers from Durban King Shaka International Airport
    • One-way domestic flight Durban to Cape Town
    • 3 days’ Cape Town car hire (Avis VW Polo TSI B Plus + GPS)
    • 3 nights’ B&B, Mountain Facing Room, Quayside Hotel, Simon’s Town (Cape Town)
    • 2 Seal Island Cage Dive Trips
    • Government taxes
    • Full ATOL Protection

    Price does not include daily conservation levy of R114 (approx. £7).

    These offers must be booked before 30 September 2017.

    Travel must take place before 31 December 2017.

    Oman Red Dhow

    Diverse Travel

    7 – 14 October | from £1565

    Just 80 miles from Dubai is Oman’s little-known Musandam Peninsula – an area of outstanding natural beauty. Dramatic vertical cliffs in meandering bays plunge into the azure seas below, giving Musandam the affectionate nickname, ‘the fjords of the Gulf’. Deep and cool upwelling water provide a rich plankton soup attracting a huge variety of marine life; whale shark, sun fish, pilot whales, lobsters, hawksbill, green turtles, huge schools of snapper, barracuda and jacks. Critters galore are also in abundance making Musandam a macro-photographer’s delight.

    Red Dhow is a 76ft boat with 6 standard double cabins (2 cabins sharing 1 bathroom) and two ensuite cabins. She takes no more than 14 guests.

    Price from £1565 based on sharing standard twin cabin, including:

    Return economy class flights departing from London to Dubai (flights from other UK airports can be arranged)

    7 nights’ onboard the Red Dhow in an en-suite cabin with Full Board (breakfast, lunch & dinner), water, tea & coffee, PADI Instructor and/or Divemaster on board (acting as a dive guide) with up to 3 guided day-dives per day and return airport transfers

    ATOL and full financial protection

    Best of the Maldives

    Diverse Travel

    Emperor Serenity | 26 August-03 September 2017

    This is the Best of the Maldives – and it delivers exactly that. This is where you dive the best and most famous dive sites of the Maldives in a week of wonderful liveaboard diving across Male and Ari atolls. Awaiting you are channels, drifts and pinnacles where you have every chance of meeting mantas, whale sharks and mesmerising marine life of so many varieties. Dive site flexibility is the key, so no matter what time of the year you visit, this itinerary gives you a mix of big fish such as shark and manta dives as well as reef dives, reef fish, morays and the abundant macro life.

    Price from £2065 including:

    Return economy class flights departing from London

    7 nights onboard Emperor Serenity in a shared cabin with 3 meals a day, afternoon snacks, unlimited drinking water, tea & coffee, 6 days diving with a total of 17 dives (inc 1 night dive), guide, tanks & weights, free Nitrox, 1 BBQ dinner on uninhabited island (weather allowing), Male city tour (on request), all local taxes and return airport transfers

    ATOL and full financial protection

    Not included: Diving equipment, alcohol, soft drinks & juices.


    Fiji Volivoli Offer

    Diverse Travel

    Book 7 nights, pay for only 5

    Volivoli Beach Resort | Fiji | 2 nights FREE

    PLUS 2 FREE dives

    PLUS FREE Nitrox*

    Fiji has so very much to offer from the diving to nature, beautiful beaches and welcoming local people. Here lies a perfect blend of white sandy beaches, coral reef, a sunny year-round climate and that friendly Fijian hospitality and culture.

    A pearl of Fiji, Volivoli Beach Resort is tucked away on the northernmost tip of Viti Levu and promises guests a welcoming relaxed indulgence. Being just a short boat ride from the enticing dive sites of Bligh Waters the Resort is family-run by the Darling family who have over 20 years’ experience of diving in these waters. Probably one of the best locations in Fiji for a diving holiday, Volivoli Beach is home to Ra Divers, a fully certified PADI and SSI Dive Resort with over 18 years’ experience.

    Conditions of offer: Travel dates: Until 31st March 2018


    Truk Lagoon Special Offer

    Diverse Travel

    Save up to £425pp* | SS Thorfinn

    Book a week onboard Thorfinn diving the wrecks of Truk Lagoon and save up to £425pp*.

    Book and pay your deposit before end of July 2017 for all travel dates until the end of 2018 (subject to availability).

    *Discount based on a Tek Divers’ package.

    Nestled in the South West Pacific, imagine sunshine days and a wondrous delight above and below the water. The journey’s end is well worth the time taken to get here. Once a WWII Japanese stronghold, the Americans’ destroyed more aircraft and ships in a two day attack than any other during the war.


    Learn more at:

    ]]> 0 1228
    Worldwide Scuba Diver Travel Offers from blue o two Wed, 28 Jun 2017 07:30:04 +0000 You can also enjoy some phenomenal reductions on our Maldives and Worldwide liveaboard diving holidays, from just £1995!]]> ]]> 0 12947