Dive Curacao

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We Need YOU to Dive Into The Great Shark Snapshot

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The Shark Trust is holding a global shark census between the 24th and 31st July inclusive. Divers around the world are being asked to record all the sharks, skates and rays that they see in that week and add them to the Shark Trust’s sightings database – Shark Log.  

Shark Trust Great Shark Snapshot

Caroline Robertson-Brown from the Shark Trust said “The Great Shark Snapshot is a wonderful way to bring together divers from all over the world to take an active part in shark conservation”  

The information that divers collect during the week-long event will, over time, allow shark scientists to build a picture of species distribution and any changes that occur. Sharks all over the world are threatened by destructive fishing. The data collected during the Great Shark Snapshot will help scientists put effective conservation plans in place. 

Shark Trust Great Shark Snapshot

It is easy to join in. Just go diving between 24th and 31st July and record every shark, ray and skate that you, your buddy or your dive group sees. If possible, take photos and some video footage too. The Shark Trust really wants to see what species you encounter on your dives. Make sure that you record your sightings on the Shark Trust Shark Log recordings website. If you need help identifying a species of shark head over to the Shark Trust website where you will find ID guides to help you.  

Divers looking to join an existing event can go to the Great Shark Snapshot map to find dives taking place near them. So far, dive centres, clubs and liveaboards in over 25 countries have registered to take part.  

Join the shark and dive communities online and let other divers know what you saw during your dives. Remember to use the hashtag #GreatSharkSnapshot and the Shark Trust will share sightings over the week. It will be incredible to see what divers around the world see on their Great Shark Snapshot dives.  

The Great Shark Snapshot is an amazing way for divers to get together, go diving, and get involved in shark conservation. Dive in! 

Learn more at: https://www.sharktrust.org/the-great-shark-snapshot 


Blue Horizon

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