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Two Separate Shark Incidents in Egypt Result in Fatalities

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Two separate shark incidents occurred in the Sahl Hasheesh area of the Red Sea on Friday, both of which resulted in fatalities.

A 68 year old woman believed to be Austrian but a resident of Egypt was involved in the first incident in the Red Sea resort of Sahl Hasheesh which is located just south of Hurghada. The victim, who was snorkelling in the area at the time lost a leg and an arm in the attack and died on the way to the hospital.

The Chamber of Diving and Watersports initially said it was a Mako shark but others believe it could have been an oceanic whitetip.

The second incident a few hours later in the same vicinity and involved a woman who is being reported as Romanian.

The Governor of the Red Sea Governorate suspended all water activities in the area for 3 days while each incident could be fully investigated.


Blue Horizon

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1 Comment

  1. Shaun Andrew Spadafora on

    Does anyone ever notice how all these shark attacks never involve divers? It’s always swimmers, snorkelers, or surfers. You almost never hear of an unprovoked shark attack on a diver.

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