Dive Curacao

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LAMAVE re-joins Philippine Siren

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Based on previous success, Siren Fleet proudly announces a second ‘Special Siren Trip’ on 9-19 January 2019 in cooperation with LAMAVE. Dive some of the best sites in the Philippines and assist LAMAVE with their invaluable research to whale sharks, manta rays and turtles! wwdas-17-04-18

On this Philippine Siren special itinerary: Southern Leyte and Bohol, you are invited to join in for exploratory dives to deploy or retrieve acoustic receivers at multiple sites along the route of the trip, including Cabilao, Balicasag, and Pamilacan. Your help is also greatly appreciated with Photo ID research to mantas, turtles and whale sharks.


This trip, Gonzalo Araujo from LAMAVE will be on board and will give several presentations explaining LAMAVE’s research and how it can lead to conservation. He is an expert on whale shark research and conservation across different locations in the Philippines. wwdas-17-04-18


LAMAVE – Large Marine Vertebrates Research Institute Philippines – is the largest independent non-governmental organisation dedicated to conservation of marine megafauna and protection of their habitats in the Philippines. Besides their research activities, an equally important part of their work is providing information, education and raising awareness.


Siren Fleet embraces LAMAVE’s work and objectives and we will donate a portion of all income of this cruise to them. Sign up for this Special Siren Trip, so you can participate and contribute on multiple levels to help this NGO continue their valuable work!

Contact us today at http://www.wwdas.com for more information and bookings.


Blue Horizon

About Author

Founded by Frank Van der Linde in 2004, Worldwide Dive and Sail owns and operates the Siren Fleet and Master Liveaboards brands bringing divers to some of the World’s top rate dive destinations. We dive year round in the Philippines, Palau, Fiji, Indonesia, the Maldives, the Galapagos and Truk Lagoon.

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