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Scuba Feature from Saltwater Sean – Felix J. Quinn Ginger Beer Bottle Find

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Saltwater Sean (Sean McMullen) of Nova Scotia discovered this J. Quinn Ginger Beer bottle during one of his freediving cleanups in and around Nova Scotia. Sean is a freediver and explorer on a mission to discover and protect what lies beneath the sea! His main motivation for this project is to raise awareness about ocean, lake, and river conservation. Sean brings everything he discovers with him to show others that what lies beneath the surface isn’t always beautiful.

Sean recently discovered a J. Quinn Ginger Beer bottle in Terence Bay, Nova Scotia.

Earthenware (coarse)
Dates range from 1835 to 1900.
Origin: Developed in Bristol, England, but manufactured elsewhere as well.

The Powell family in Bristol, England, created the Bristol-style glazed earthenware bottles, which were used from 1835 to 1900. The ware’s texture ranged from coarse to moderately coarse. Beverage bottles and preserve/condiment jars were the most common vessel types.

Between 1888 and 1914, Felix J. Quinn made bottles in Halifax. The bottles were frequently made of glass toward the end of this range. The bottles were mostly imported from Britain, but the contents were made in Nova Scotia.

Video by Saltwater Sean in Nova Scotia


Blue Horizon

About Author

Kathy is the owner of Kirk Scuba Gear, a passionate Scuba Diver, Ocean Advocate and Managing Editor of The Scuba News Canada

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