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A Scuba Diver from Prince Edward Island Believes His Team Discovered a Shipwreck Near Tignish

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Divemaster Allan Parrish believes he saw a shipwreck deep in the waters off Skinner’s Pond on Prince Edward Island’s northwest tip.

Last week, Parrish led a team of five divers to survey the debris and film the exhibition.

Allan Parrish’s Dive Report

The site is approximately 3.5 miles northwest of Skinner’s pond, resting at a max depth of 73 feet at high tide. We were informed of the wreckage via Facebook, on PEI Scuba Divers by a team of divers that had come here in search of U-boats.

They had sailed out and inspected the site before turning the dive due to the fact that it was not a U-boat. Later that day, they made a post claiming that it was another dead end.

Kelly Campbell then asked them what it was that they had found, in which they had replied that it was an old barge and essentially not within their interests.

Devon Lynn, set up a dive to this site on the vessel “Squeeze the breeze”, captained by Isaac Knox. She messaged me and asked me if I was interested and this turned into a team of five divers, Two dives were conducted, first one was to survey the perimeter for less localized wreckage and the second dive was for the camera work on the central wreck itself.

Alan Parrish
Prince Edward Island
Photo Credit: Allan Parrish

Skinners Pond

Skinners Pond is a rural unincorporated community in the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island.

It is located northwest of Tignish in the township of near the province’s northwestern tip. Agriculture and fishing are the primary industries in the area. Skinners Pond is named after a small lake of the same name. Skinner Pond was the original name of the settlement, but it was changed to Skinners Pond in 1966.

Skinners Pond’s exact population is unknown because it is incorporated into Lot 1 township (population 1,900 in 2001).

Skinners Pond is best known as the boyhood home of Canadian musician Stompin’ Tom Connors, who was adopted and raised by a local farm family.

According to the P.E.I. Museum and Heritage Foundation, a wooden sailing ship called the Brittanis is known to have sunk in the area in 1852, but the wreckage could not be positively identified as the Brittanis.

Alan plans to conduct additional dives to further investigate the wreckage.

Thanks for the report, video and photo, Alan Parrish.

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About Author

Kathy is the owner of Kirk Scuba Gear, a passionate Scuba Diver, Ocean Advocate and Managing Editor of The Scuba News Canada

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