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Blue Ocean Diving Welcomes Lifting of COVID Travel Restrictions in Time to Celebrate its 20th Anniversary Year

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Blue Ocean Diving, whose Scubaholics Dive Club is the largest diving club in the South-East with more than 7,500 members, has been running UK and worldwide dive holidays for almost 20 years.

Like many other businesses worldwide, they are welcoming the lifting of the COVID travel restrictions that have impacted the dive industry significantly.

Blue Ocean

Travel and tourism has been one of the worst affected sectors struck by the COVID-19 pandemic. So devastating has the impact been, that the annual Economic Impact Report from the World Travel & Tourism Council’s states that the UK’s travel and tourism GDP has fallen by 62%, from £238 billion in 2019 to £90 billion within the space of 12 months.

 The scuba diving industry has been hit particularly hard with businesses being affected by various country lockdowns, continuously changing travel restrictions and COVID testing requirements.

Blue Ocean

Blue Ocean Diving, based in Maidstone, Kent, has recently celebrated its 19th anniversary. As it moves towards its 20th birthday, Blue Ocean Diving is looking forward to re-establishing its popular and much-loved dive trips for both new and experienced divers to enjoy.

For almost two decades the dive centre and its associated Scubaholics Dive Club has provided premier training for students at every level of diving, from beginner to Technical Master Instructor. Blue Ocean Diving’s consistently high standards of teaching has earned it the prestigious achievement as a PADI 5-star Instructor Development Centre, with an exceptional and greatly respected reputation all over the world.

Whilst looking forward to putting the pandemic behind them, Blue Ocean Diving has been fortunate to have weathered the COVID storm. Despite the obvious restrictions and limitations placed upon the travel industry over the last two years, Blue Ocean Diving was determined to continue running successful international dive trips worldwide.

As of 4am on February 11holiday makers that are fully vaccinated will no longer be required to take any COVID-19 tests for return to the UK, and Day 2 tests will not be necessary.

 Blue Ocean Diving is now revealing the details of its dive trips for 2022. Both new and qualified scuba divers can explore a range of diving opportunities and experiences including diving with seals in the Farnes, exploring the wreck of the Zenobia off the coast of Cyprus, to taking their very first scuba diving qualification while exploring the warm waters of the Red Sea and its glorious wildlife.  

Blue Ocean Diving founder and one of the first PADI Course Directors to be awarded the prestigious platinum rating in 2006, Ryby Stonehouse, has welcomed the lifting of the UK’s travel restrictions.

 “We wanted to prove to our members and customers that although travel was, without a doubt, more difficult, it was by no means impossible. By showing that we could not only to continue to run and enjoy our scuba diving holidays, we could also deal with any adaptations or changes to requirements at any short notice.

 “Throughout the pandemic and with all its disruption, not a single customer has lost a single penny due to enforced cancellation or rescheduling.”

 With this assurance and confidence in their past handling of the pandemic, Blue Ocean Diving is excited about the future, especially now that restrictions worldwide are gradually lifting.

 “To be able to once again introduce and encourage people’s love of scuba diving in warmer climates is life-changing in so many ways.

 “Not only do you have the opportunity to discover a whole new underwater world, but the social togetherness and support of the diving community creates another family network for people.

 “After the levels of isolation many of us have experienced, we look forward to bringing our dive family back together again and travelling together once more.”

Learn more at: https://www.blueoceandiving.co.uk


Blue Horizon

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