Dive Curacao

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Emperor Divers offer the chance to turn your passion into your profession 

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Emperor Divers is restarting its Instructor Development Courses in Egypt – and for some they could prove life changing.

Emperor Divers
An aerial view of Emperor Divers’ Sharm el Sheik dive centre

The opening of Emperor’s new Sharm el Sheikh dive centre earlier this year has provided the opportunity to once again become a PADI 5 Star Career Development Centre – the highest possible award rating – and means we can offer high-quality training under the guidance of course director Chris Azab, with the goal to kick-start new careers in the dive industry.

Emperor Divers
Course director Chris Azab

All IDC candidates are guaranteed a four-week internship directly after the exam to develop their instructor skills further under the guidance of our team, and a limited few will be able to take up a further four-week internship on our liveaboard fleets in the Red Sea, Maldives or Indonesia. Incredible opportunities to dive some of the best destinations on Earth while building your skills for a future in diving.

It could really be the opportunity for someone to turn their passion into their profession.

Emperor’s Red Sea general manager Luke Atkinson said: “As we celebrate 30 years in business, it’s time for Emperor to re-focus on one of our biggest successes of that time, creating professional divers. 

“Many of our current, and historical, diving team did their IDC with Emperor and, for the next few years at least as travel recovers from the pandemic, we expect there will be opportunities for the best new instructors to join our team or start their diving career elsewhere. We’ll ensure every candidate is given the best training possible.”

Emperor Divers
Course director Chris Azab with her husband Waheed

PADI course director Chris Azab added: “I’m very excited to be part of Team Emperor. 

“I’ve taught many IDCs at various different locations but the facilities at Emperor’s Sharm base are second to none; a perfect housereef to train on is a few steps away and, for the days we use the boat, the jetty is next door. With everything so convenient, we can focus our time on developing your skills, having fun and enjoying some of the best weeks of your life.”

Emperor Divers
Chris Azab in Emperor Divers’ IDC debrief bar

Emperor will be running two IDCs in 2022 with first taking place between July 10-17 and the second between November 27 and December 4 with the tuition available in English, German, Dutch or Arabic.

To find out more about our Sharm el Sheik base visit https://www.emperordivers.com


Blue Horizon

About Author

Emperor Divers offers award-winning Scuba Diving services across the Red Sea Riviera. Day diving, liveaboards, dive courses and Resort packages are all available with Emperor’s friendly team of dive experts. We can organise your diving for as many days as you want, airport transfers, your hotel or a wide range of liveaboard holidays.

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