Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps

BWRAF – It’s a Scuba Diving Thing

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The PADI buddy check

From the first day your learned to scuba dive you were told about the buddy check. But how do you remember what to check for. Well, that is where the acronym of BWRAF comes into play.

The official PADI acronym is:

Begin With Review And Friend, (BWRAF)

This stands for checking the BCD, Weights, Releases, Air and Final Check.

Different versions of the acronym are:

  • Burgers With Relish And Fries
  • Burgers With Really Awesome Fries
  • Buddy Will Rip Away Facemask
  • Breathing Water Really Ain’t Fun
  • Bruce Willis Ruins All Films… or you can replace ruins with rocks
  • Big White Rabbits Are Fluffy
  • Beer, Whiskey, Rum And Friends
  • Babies With Rashes Are Fussy
  • Barf Will Really Attract Fish
  • Barry White Records Are Funky
  • Beans With Rice and Fish
  • Because We Really Aren’t Fish
  • Big Whales Really Are Fun
  • Because We Really Are Friends
  • Bunnies Will Run Away Fast
  • Being Wary Reduces All Failures
  • Blue Whales Really Are Fat

There are many more versions of this acronym which are not so politically correct. In order to keep with the professional in the PROFESSIONAL Association of Dive Instructors. To tease you somewhat they involve baby wipes, women, Bangkok and rattlesnakes

Most dive accidents can be avoided and with the use of a quick buddy check you will prevent issues to happen. Here is what it stands for:

B – Check your buddy’s B.C.D (Buoyancy Control Device) Check that the low-pressure inflator hose is connected and that it inflates and deflates.

W – Check your buddy has their weight belt on, right hand release and that the weights are evenly distributed or make yourself familiar with their integrated weights in the BCD

R – Check your buddy’s releases on their BCD. Are they all done up and placed correctly? Check the release on the back of the scuba tank to ensure the tank is securely fastened.

A – Check your buddy’s air… Is the tank full, does the needle move when your buddy is breathing from the regulator? If so, the scuba tank may not be opened all the way. Familiarize yourself with and recognize the location of your buddy’s alternate air source

F – The final check, have all your equipment ready, such as mask, snorkel and fins, perhaps you are taking an underwater camera? Are you and your buddy ready for the dive, mentally and physically?

Learn more at: https://www.diveinstructor.net/


Blue Horizon

About Author

My diving career started when I was 16 years old in the Dominican Republic. Ever since I took my first breaths underwater I was mesmerized by the beauty of the marine environment. I've made the dive industry my career in 1994 when I became a PADI Openwater Scuba Instructor in Australia.

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