Dive Curacao

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Fancy a Brew? Podcast (Series 2 Episode 6) – Talking to “Scuba Tuber”, Brian Davies

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Talking to Brian Davies, he’s been diving for over 40 years, and most recently he coined the phrase “Scuba Tuber” with his live chats and videos on YouTube. 

Brian is a Dubai/UK/Philippines based Scuba Tuber and is referred to by many as the Father of Scuba Diving in the UAE having set up the first full-service dive centre in Dubai in 1988 and had dive operations in Abu Dhabi, Ajman and Sharjah.

Before this, he was one of the founders of Scuba Tech in Lancaster UK which he helped establish in 1985. He was also responsible for finding several of the UAE wrecks including the Energy Determination, the Nasteran and the Jassim. At 62 he is still an active diver trying to dive at least 4 times a week. 

He learnt to dive with the BSAC in 1982 and qualified as a BSAC Advanced Instructor (No 969) in 1986. He qualified as a PADI Open Water Instructor in 1989 becoming an IDC Staff Instructor. He was heavily involved with TDI Middle East when it began becoming a Nitrox Instructor Trainer, an SCR Rebreather and an Advanced Nitrox/Gas Blender Instructor. He was one of the first TDI Instructors to qualify to dive with the original Inspiration Rebreathers. 

He retired from the diving industry in the mid-90s to concentrate on his day job. A move he has regretted and the driver for him to establish his own YouTube Channel documenting the UAE and Musandam dive sites in addition to gear reviews and live stream interviews. Once the pandemic is under control he will be travelling and diving overseas again, A keen traveller to date he has dived in the UK. UAE, USA. Saudi Arabia, Comoros, Kenya, Galapagos, Cyprus, Truk Lagoon, Maldives. The Philippines. Borneo, India, Egypt, Mauritius and Oman 

Are You a Scuba Diver – Fancy a Brew? is available at: https://andythenortherndiver.podbean.com or your favourite Podcast platform, including Apple Podcasts


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About Author

Andy is the host of "Are you a diver, fancy a brew?" podcast which speaks to more and lesser known divers that interest him. Those with personality and a tale or message to tell. I’m less interested in those that have been on every show because we have all heard them 100’s of times but there are some real good people out there trying to do good things and I want to have a brew and get to know them, hopefully learning something at the same time. I pride myself on the research and post production that I see other podcasters miss out on. 10,000 downloads for season 1.

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