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Beach Clean-Up in North Wales – Contra Vision supports the Marine Conservation Society

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At the start of July, several employees took a trip to the seaside to assist with a beach-clean up. The event was based in Llandudno, North Wales and was organised by the Marine Conservation Society, a UK based charity fighting for a cleaner, better-protected, healthier ocean.

Along with 18 other volunteers, our employees were tasked with picking up litter from a small stretch of the beach and making notes of the types of litter found as part of a national survey. By learning what types of litter is dropped, they can better come up with solutions to prevent littering on beaches.

During the clean-up they found a wide variety of different types of litter, such as a packet of fish, fishing net and many, many cigarette butts. Cigarette butts are incredibly harmful to the environment and have been found to be extremely hazardous to marine animals, which can eat them.

They found the trip to be successful and informative of the types of litter found on UK beaches as well as the effect this has on the environment. The company plan to do more volunteering in the future, potentially even setting up our own clean up.

About Contra Vision

Contra Vision® products transform glass into opportunities for advertising, branding, one-way privacy, solar shading and decorative architectural features, while retaining excellent see-through from the other side.

Our invention started a new type of advertising that spread worldwide, making the Contra Vision® brand a byword for one-way vision window graphics. We continue to innovate and have established an unrivalled range of technologies and printable window films, offering unique product benefits to help achieve your vision.

Learn more about Contra Vision at: http://www.contravision.com


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