Author Oceana Canada

Oceana Canada seeks to make our oceans as rich, healthy and abundant as they once were. Canada has the world's longest coastline and is responsible for 2.76 million square kilometers of ocean. This real estate makes Canada one of the world’s major fishing nations, catching 1.1 million metric tons of fish each year, or 1.6 per cent of the world’s wild fish catch by weight, and consistently ranking within the top 25 fish-producing countries in the world. But even with these high yields, Canadian fisheries are performing below their full potential. Fortunately, we know how to fix things. Science-based fishery management – which establishes science-based catch limits, reduces bycatch and protects habitat — is helping the oceans rebound and recover where it is established. Oceana Canada campaigns for national policies that rebuild fisheries and return Canada’s formerly vibrant oceans to health; reduce the harvesting of depleted fisheries; and avoid impacts to other species. We also work to protect key habitat for fish to breed and grow to maturity. Our campaigns address increasing fisheries management transparency and paving the way to recovery for Canada’s depleted fish populations.

Environmental News Oceana Canada Seafood Fraud
New Oceana Canada report finds alarming amounts of seafood fraud in Ottawa

A report released 29 Novemember 2019 from Oceana Canada, Mystery Fish: Seafood Fraud in Canada and How to Stop It, revealed alarming results of seafood fraud in the nation’s capital. Almost half of the samples tested—45 out of 98—were mislabelled. One third (33) were considered species substitution, since the name on the menu or label did not match the type of fish being sold

Scuba Features oceana-canada-20-12-16
Canadian Marine Animals You’ve Likely Never Heard Of

Many people don’t really know what’s in our oceans. When asked to name a species, we’re likely to mention an adorable marine mammal, such as a whale. Whales are indeed amazing animals, but there are plenty of other species in the ocean that make up a diverse and fascinating ecosystem. Here are just some of the unique species found in Canada’s oceans that you likely haven’t heard of.

Scuba Features canadian-great-white-sharks
Five Facts about Great White Sharks in Canada

Earlier this summer a great white shark sighting was reported off the Atlantic coast of Canada. Although these sightings are rare, white sharks do visit Canadian waters, in fact their range extends from sub-arctic to tropical waters. To help boost your shark smarts, we’re counting down five facts about white sharks.

Environmental News oceana-07-11-16
The Honourable Minister LeBlanc announces a big step forward for more transparent fisheries management

On the 26th October 2016 at Oceana Canada’s symposium, Rebuilding Abundance: Restoring Canada’s Fisheries for Long-Term Prosperity, the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, announced that his department has released key information on the status of Canadian fish stocks, sharing the results of an annual Sustainability Survey for Fisheries, and investing additional funds to increase science capacity.