Dive Curacao

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Blue O Two pledge to raise $15,000 for the Hurricane Dorian relief aid

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Two weeks ago, the Category 5 Hurricane Dorian made landfall in The Bahamas; the strongest to ever hit the region. The impact has been devastating. There are now over 50 confirmed fatalities, with 1,300 people still listed as missing. 

When Hurricane Dorian hit the north of The Bahamas on 1st September 2019, wind speed reached up to 185mph (298km/h). The main towns were flooded by storm surges, metres above normal sea levels. The powerful winds and water ripped houses apart, tore boats from moorings and dragged vehicles and debris across the islands.

blue o two Bahamas

Dorian’s slow progress (only 1mph at times) concentrated the storm over the islands, increasing the extent of the damage. It’s the fifth Atlantic hurricane to reach the highest category in the last four years. 

On 12th September 2019, Blue O Two are pledged to raise $15,000 to aid the relief efforts in The Bahamas. We plan to purchase a Watermaker, with all remaining monies donated to Bahamian charitable organisations and local businesses.

To achieve this fundraising target:

  • £5,000 has already been donated by Blue O Two’s Directors & Investors
  • We can now accept donations from our customers. Any donations made will be matched by Blue O Two, up to a value of $200 per transaction.
  • Some upcoming trips are affected by this disaster aboard M/V Bahamas Master. For all customers choosing to rebook for a later date in The Bahamas (rather than cancelling), we will be donating $200 towards our target.
  • Our staff are being actively encouraged to suggest fundraising ideas – more on this to follow.

What else can you be doing? 

  • MAKE A DONATION. Even if you’re travelling with us elsewhere, we’re matching every single donation pledged, up to $200 per transaction. 
  • KEEP BOOKING HOLIDAYS. The Bahamas has already been decimated. The worst thing to happen now for the local economy is for tourism to falter too. Whether you come diving with us, or book with another tour operator, we really don’t mind. They WILL rebuild, and they need visitors to keep coming next year.
  • DON’T CANCEL YOUR TRIP. If you’re given the option, please consider moving to a later departure date in The Bahamas. As mentioned above, for everyone who does, we’ll donate $200.

Together, with our staff and customers, we hope to make a big difference for the people of The Bahamas.

Jason, Mark & Nathan

Company Directors

To donate or for further details, please contact a member of the travel team at www.blueotwo.com


Blue Horizon

About Author

Specialising in luxury liveaboards, we manage our own award winning fleet in the Egyptian Red Sea, as well as offering a wide variety of liveaboards and resort diving holidays across the globe.

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