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Fishing Sustainably to Preserve Wildlife

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Preservation of the oceans and water systems has become one of the most important challenges of the modern era. Water and the life of the oceans are crucial for life on our planet and this is why it’s worth knowing how to protect it. We got some expert fishing tips from FindYourFish regarding the preservation of wildlife through sustainable fishing. 

The Problem of Overfishing 

Before we jump into the information about sustainable fishing, let’s talk about one of the biggest problems with this activity. Overfishing is very common nowadays. It can result in an immediate payoff for those who catch fish. However, it also causes a drastic reduction in the already very small fish population. 

When too many fish are taken from the ocean, there is no time and opportunity for species to reproduce, and in effect, we can even face species extinctions. If the balance is not kept, fishing can destroy waters which has dreadful consequences not only on marine ecosystems but also the lives of many people. 

The Importance of Sustainable Fishing 

Sustainable fishing is usually practiced on a small-scale and can be called artisanal. This type of fishing considers economic, social, and environmental problems. The goal of it is to protect fragile ecosystems, as well as support local communities, and to help people benefit from artisanal fishing. 

In sustainable fishing, respect for the marine ecosystem is very important. This type of fishing is adapted to the reproductive rate of fish. In effect, the balance of fish is kept, and that provides a higher probability for the survival of all species. 

The idea of sustainable fishing is to catch only the species that are not endangered and which can be used for commercial purposes. The bycatch rate is decreased to the minimum. 

Thanks to the locality of sustainable fishing, over 66% of all catches go directly to local populations. This increases food security and reduces pollution connected to fish transport. 

It might be hard to believe but 90% of employment in the global fishing industry is provided by artisanal fishing. Because of that, small fishing communities can develop and people can have better chances for employment.  

How Anglers Can Fish More Sustainably 

If you are an angler, perhaps you wonder how you can make your fishing more sustainable and eco friendly. There are a few ways to do it. 

Using a rod with only a few hooks is already quite a sustainable choice. You can monitor which fish bite and quickly remove those that shouldn’t leave the waters. When you learn how to unhook fish correctly, they can easily go back to the water unharmed. Choose more modern gear, especially hooks that were designed to not damage fish, even when caught. 

As an angler, you should always check the rules about species you can catch and take home with you. Be sure to always refresh those rules, as they can change depending on the region, as well as on the time of year. Many fish cannot be caught during their breeding season. 


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